posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 06:00 PM
This is a bit unorganized but bare with me..
In my opinion there are vampires and Vampyres. In my own translation.. Vampires are what I call people that actually 'think' they ARE
a vampyre and BELIEVE they lead a vampyre lifestyle. I respect that you are what you want to be. However your desires are just.. sad. No offense, BUT
Come on people, Real Vampyres would not make a Public announcement. I'm guessing they like their privacy. Readers, just imagine for a second you were
a real vampyre, 1) why would you tell other people? (alot of people will turn to hate crimes if they knew you existed or some would crowd around you,
they'd be like the paparazi but worse!) 2) The Government wouldnt hesitate to get your a**! Reason number (3) Your family, wouldnt they disapprove
of you for exposing their kind?. If you dare think of vampyres this way, you can simply see the reasons why they would be in hiding.. They have too
much to risk, not to mention people would go ludicrus. And this is for 'real' vampyres not vampires.
Now people, dont get me wrong I think its possible that some human .. somewhere could be born as a vamp. hybrid (half human). But what are the chances
of that? From my research, I personally think vampires are a different race/species of people. I dont know if they are from another dimension(as some
people claim or what though).
Now, to the poster. *We're born human, we stay human, unless some great toxic chemical mutate us or we get infected by an animal or something, then
thats a different story.* But. Often times people mistake what is happening to them as something else and once you have that mindset, its incrediable
the things you'll think are happening. once again, no offense; I think these 'changes' that you were referring to is just YOU. You are probably
developing your spirituality more. I think you should try meditation, psi balls, precognition IF this is really the case (which I think it is)
It will take some time but it'll do you some good.