posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 11:48 PM
Wait, you start threads that are meant for conversation on a conspiracy/paranormal site, yet get all irritated when people ask you legitimate
questions. This site is meant for conversation, if you do not intend to have a conversation about yourself after starting a thread claiming that you
are vampire, then maybe you shouldn't start threads in the first place. Not sure what a ginny pig is however..... oh wait did you mean guinea pig?
Maybe you should spend your next few years of fearing the sun learning how to write properly in English. Though I was skeptical, and at the same time
willing to listen you have proven nothing, except that if you are a vampire, you are probably pretty useless. So grab your PSP and climb into your
coffin, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core is coming out soon, you're probably pretty excited. Good luck to you in your quest for stronger medication to
alleviate your delusions of grandeur.