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Israeli Daniel Lewin - Murdered While Battling Hijackers on Flight 11 on September 11th?

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posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by OrionStars

Its because there has not been a serious investigation. They basically did the old "If the wife is dead then the husband did it" and then they dont investigate any other circumstances. They build the whole case around the husband, this is exactly what happened on 9-11 there was no serious investigation into the attacks. CaptainO is quick to call us racist anti semites but that is par for the course here, because none of us know exactly what did happen on flight 11 this is obviously speculation. Well warranted in this case also I believe, if Mr Lewis was in a special unit dealing with hijackings or anything of a terrorist nature I would say the possibility of him being involved, is high.

CaptainO and the instant nay sayers should have browse through the Innocence Project and see the countless times that law enforcement, the DA, the courts all get it totally wrong.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by CaptainObvious

The lady doth protest too much, methinks

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:00 PM
So let me get this straight, Daniel Lewin, a member of an elite Israeli task force that dealt in hijackings and terror operations, was either shot or stabbed as he attempted to fend off these 'Arabs'?

What are the odds of a Capt in Sayeret Matkal being on AA11 and surrounded by Arab hijackers? Million to one

The odds of Sayeret Matkal leading a team doing the hijacking is 100 to 1

I'd say those odds of 100 to 1 are conservative if not a huge underestimation.......

From WND article, quoting a personal friend who grew up with Lewin;

He'd be more than a match for those skinny little (expletive)," said Brad Rephen, a New York lawyer who grew up with Lewin in Jerusalem. "With his training, he would have killed them with his bare hands."
"I can tell you, their knives would not have stopped him," he added. "He would have taken their knives or their box cutters away and used them against them"
Rephen recalls Lewin's injured hands after he returned from an Israeli anti-terrorist training course. - "They were pretty beaten up from the fighting he did," he said. "He knew how to fight with knives and take knives away from people."
He described Lewin, at about 5-11, 200 pounds, as "thick-boned." He says he witnessed him bench-press more than 300 pounds and squat close to 500 pounds. - "He was very, very strong and had a lot of meat on him," Rephen said. "They couldn't have subdued him by slashing him. The only way they could have stopped him was by shooting him."
Lewin went on dozens of such missions, friends say. In the '80s, for example, he helped rescue thousands of Jews stranded in Ethiopia. His outfit – Unit 269 – secured the airport there during the airlift operation, friends say.
Rephen called Lewin "the best of the best." - "About 2,500 guys try out for the unit he was in," he said. "Twenty-five make it, and one gets chosen as an officer. It was him."
He was also extremely tough and determined, Rephen says.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 05:48 PM
Lewin was a fall guy like all the rest. He was there as part of the war games, and there was NO gun...ever seen reported or found. No bullets were removed from Lewin and no proof ever shown.

The perps could not make it perfect and there are many little details that show the false flag job for what it is.

Lewin and all the rest were set up to die for the operation....and Cheney and his gang get away with murder. Mossad guilty....American intel: guilty.

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