posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 10:04 PM
There are many senarios that would make the government want it's citizens disarmed, and the repealing of the second amendment. Let's examine some of
The eventual collapse of the US monetary system; and a super depression that lasts for 20 years. Virtually nothing is afforable, and no one has
any money. You cannot buy a loaf of bread for $100. Gasoline is in short supply, and is $100. a quart. As people get more and more desperate, their
options are to hunt for whatever they find, and too plunder.
There are rumors that Fort Knox is empty, it was cleared out long ago, and the US economy is dead in the water. The super ressesion will hit after the
08 election, and our only way out of it, is warfare. Both internal and external. Why? Because all foreign investors will dump their bonds, completely
bankrupting the American system, putting the nation into a kind of recievership. The American way of life will be over, and only low paying work for
foreign owners will be available. The middle class will be officially extinct. People will fight back, and revolt. Our government will switch over to
a modified type of socialist/facism. Martial law dealt with an iron fist will be the way it is... with book burnings, censorship, and massive arrests
The upcoming oil/fuel shortages; As fossil fuels become more expensive, and rationing begins, and travel restricted, again some will not want
to go along with the idea that their freedom has been impeded. Remember the MAD MAX movies? It was all out warfare for a tank of gasoline. People
freezing in their homes, will not be silent either. That time is coming one way or the other...
A pandemic that has no cure; as the government calls for quarantines, and seals and restricts all movement in and out of affected areas, the
sick and dying will cause enough panic, that the desperate will fight to get out.
Once the pandemic has affected the whole nation, there will not be enough police, national guards, or military to maintain the quarantine. Shots will
be fired by Americans, against Americans. You had better understand right now, that our government has no plans to save everyone they can.
They will save themselves, the military, and the one's who have the most to offer afterwards. Namely the wealthy.
A super drought; that in effect ends all crop growth because of extreme heat, or cold, or even a super solar flares radiation, causes massive
shortages of nearly everything. Hungry people get mean real quick. Starving people will kill! Kiss Kitty and Fido goodbye, as they become
Watch out for Barrack Obama's hidden agenda; to end all civilian ownership of any gun that uses a clip, and is semi-automatic. He is totally
anti-gun, and has made it clear to his constituents, that he intends to push for a massive reform of the 2nd amendment. Never mind that fact, it is
criminals who use illegally acquired weapons for their crimes. Obama wants to end any chance of an armed revolt against his loftier goals. Which is an
civilian population that can only have single shot firearms.
This will cause a massive uproar, and protests. Troops will have to shoot
Americans as they resist the seizure of their weapons. ( Internal Warfare )
I think Obama, will reinstate the draft system, and then want to send troops into Africa, stop the ethnic cleansing, and help fight aids there.
He has hinted as much in private conversations. He is a real snake in the grass. Do not be fooled by his Boyish Act, and the cotton candy world he is
Last; when UFO's are revealed; as real, here now, and the government was in on it! The truth about them will not be good, and will scare the
crap out of many.
[1] TEOTWAWKI and an [2] ELE sends chills down the spine of the government. Bullets will surely fly.
[1]The End Of The World As We Know It- [2]Extinction Level Event
My advise is this; LOCK and LOAD, fight back!
[edit on 4-2-2008 by UFOBountyHunter]