Well, it may be crazy in the opinion of manbearpig. But again I suggest people look for old News reels and such stories about the Civil War back in
the '60's. Yes, "4 dead in Ohio" was part of a song. Yes, it evolved over until troops shot civilians, and according to one Ordered to do that,
around 5000 people died in the end. It depends though on the factors. Uncontrolled riots like what happened back then also in LA may not be put up
with as easily as they were before. But probably that also can be reviewed also on the old News reels or whatever is available nowadays. It depends I
guess, and it may not be taken lightly overall. The factors have to play out first along with the scenario of what may happen.
That may depend first on the upcoming decision about the Second Amendment from the Supreme Court. Frankly it seems a question that was asked being in
my opinion half-witted with the question posed in that article from Alex Jones on that website.
Although I am not one, there are some people who are hot-headed enough still perhaps in this Country, and I have to guess what Alex Jones is writing
about, because he himself seem to lack communications. I take he is an old ex-veteran who still has some deep feelings of his own perhaps to deal
The person Ordered to do so in the Civil War of the '60's along with the others had to see where the Order was more important than the Freedom of
the Individuals Opposing led up the Order finally given by the Commander in Charge. Otherwise, there will be investigations always held afterwards,
and even if it is seemingly sluffed off then there are other ex-veterans who would eventually make their comment and their voices heard in that kind
of reality back to the committee or people making the investigation into what happened by testimony in the first place, probably being Congressional
So in the end I still wonder what kind of military some in this type of situation of the world they still may be attempting to build -- professionals
or just ones who do their bidding no matter what. The Veterans always has the option there also. In a sense I sure it also leads back to WWII and what
some soldiers did there, ending up being Heros in WWII and doing what they thought they had to do without any Commander being there to give the Order
in the first place. Maybe an unusual circumstance but again a circumstance that is a reality in any war. I'm sure like in Greece when that protest
just happened a few years back now, that that Country also had to decide how far to let it happen. Right now in Africa also with what is going on, but
in the end perhaps a real different situation.
In the end, I think it was stated by someone else to remain calm, and voice the opinion in an appropriate manner, but sometimes emotions are hard to
suppress, it will take will power and presence of character also.
Sometimes humans will make mistakes, but even if I do, it is not in his/her presence and some people do it just to do it with iritating others in this
Country just to do that because they are more selfish and end up not thinking as much about the person and do not want to think, I think in this
Country. These type of people assume they are always right even if they are wrong like perhaps some protesters and end up getting too emotional. I
think soldiers are not really there to be that, like also what has happened over in Iraq a person can view recently Past in the News. These type of
people feed on the emotions even doing business in the end it seems, and then you end up with the Elections coming up in the future.
Ah, but Capitalism or Socialism without ethics should perhaps be the main question, and the tug and pull of whether troops would have to defend
theirselves or shoot others may never arise first of all in a situation that did not fester into that state of reality ever in the first place.
The rest is left to the Order of Command even though it may take place either in Iraq or in the USA. If the question is that "Can the military can
shoot people in this Country?", then the answer is still unfortunately "Yes".
Let's hope the reality is that it still works in the USA as they want it to work in other parts of the world also. But then, that is another question
and I am sure someone along the way will mention God in the end.
However, there are those also in this Country who will end up making decisions basing on what they have as facts and then there may be disaggreement.
Then the question may be something similiar to "Are you married to the military or to the U.S. Constitution?" That answer may be different also
depending on what day it is, let's hope that day never comes to have to come to a decision. Civilians then also have to make a decision also because
it seems to be in the Second Amendment, but then that comes up later this year along with anything else, like Iran or Israel or whatever may be in the
By the way, "how do you feel?"
I really have no opinions at this time about what is more correct or right or what is more wrong or incorrect. I simply want to know how this Country
ended up like it is, right now in this Present Day and Age, without getting into a debate on who caused it. The answer is what to do about it, and
again as an informed civilian again who has to make a decision about the politics then........................
Capitalism or Socialism without Ethics puts the politics down in the sewer along with the garbage of the smelling time-distorted field of either
prolonging this world out of having a n-day or else leading up to this world having a n-day. Whatever it decides, I decided that in my present
situation, that really I had nothing to do with it and the debate may be ended by any foreign Country or group of Radicals anywhere in this World and
the decision was made by an Order of Command.
That also depends also on the current Command and the upcoming Elected Command.
[edit on 2/4/2008 by AmoebaSized]