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Are the 19 arab "hijackers" families entitled to compensation?

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posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 01:44 PM
If the 19 alleged hijackers (I won't say accused because that means you have been indicted in a court of law, which they have not) were indeed on the airliners that disappeared on September 11, 2001, they are victims until convicted as being responsible for the murders on that day. This is not wild speculation, it is a fact.

Some of us here in the United States of America still cling to the odd notion that we have a system of laws and rights, certain of which are gauranteed in The Bill of Rights, that clearly states that people are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. These rights even extend to those who have Arabic names.

Every passenger and crewmember that was murdered on those four flights was eligible for both the "Federal 9/11 victims compensation fund" (Now closed, the bag of bloody hush money being empty) and also of course to compensation from the air carriers themselves as in any air disaster. I believe by taking the federal hush money that victims families gave up their right to recourse against the airlines, but I could be wrong. The whole purpose of the hush money being of course to avoid having to produce any evidence or prove anything at all in any court.

If the 19 alleged hijackers actually did take over those planes causing the deaths of everyone on board, how can we be certain that they acted alone? Were other passengers crewmembers or even pilots involved somehow? How do we know? From a factual and legal standpoint every person alleged to be on those planes has the same proven culpability for those deaths : NONE

So with no inictments made in any court, "compensation" was handed out to those having non-Arabic names and guilt was stamped permanently and unquestionably upon those who did . Guilty until proven innocent. Get used to it, you might be next.

Is this still the United States of America ?

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by ItsHumanNature

At the very least, IMHO, the falsely accused, pictured with names to match, should be afforded international public apology by W himself, with Cheney and the rest each doing the same, including media figures.

Perhaps, some level of financial compensation is due, because of what may be ruined reputations, in the eyes of many international others. They were found alive when BBC investigated.

Contrary to what some may post, that has never been debunked or retracted, by the FBI realization, of at least 7 were still alive as of 9/11/2001 and 9/12/2001.

Mueller, FBI spokesperson, admitted they made a "mistake". That was a blatantly avoidable mistake, had a proper criminal investigation been done, which has never happened by the FBI, falsely naming names with matching faces.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 03:40 PM
I honestly could not believe my eyes when I read the title of this thread. How about we try them in absentia, based on the evidence we have, so we can decide they are guilty and end this absurd thread.

P.S. Orion, CNN, BBC and a few other news agencies HAVE apologized to those NINE men that were originally referred to as the "alive" hijackers.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by OrionStars
reply to post by ItsHumanNature

At the very least, IMHO, the falsely accused, pictured with names to match, should be afforded international public apology by W himself, with Cheney and the rest each doing the same, including media figures.

Not gonna happen.

Perhaps, some level of financial compensation is due, because of what may be ruined reputations, in the eyes of many international others.

It would be like the burgular that get shot in the leg by a homeowner--then sues.. very wrong.

They were found alive when BBC investigated.

No hijackers were found alive--EVER. What is so hard for you to figure out? BBC corrected their mistake, they even abridged the original article, BUT since the BBC believes that their archives should remain unchanged, the editor deferred to MORE CONTEPORANEOUS INFORMATION published AFTER the ERRONIOUS INITIAL REPORT. Simple really, unless you just want to be stuck in the dark ages.

Contrary to what some may post, that has never been debunked or retracted, by the FBI realization, of at least 7 were still alive as of 9/11/2001 and 9/12/2001.

Thouroughly debunked.

Mueller, FBI spokesperson, admitted they made a "mistake". That was a blatantly avoidable mistake, had a proper criminal investigation been done, which has never happened by the FBI, falsely naming names with matching faces.

Investigations are NOT intantaneous. I agree a "no comment" would have been more appropriate, however, it is obvious the initial mistaken identities were corrected in a timely manner.

I cannot believe there are actually people saying these murderers should be getting compensation.. INSOLENT!

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 03:48 PM
Better yet, go to an actual NEWS SOURCE to read what Mueller actually said (in its entirety) rather than relying on a partial misquote from a conspiracy site.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by OrionStars

That is an interesting opinion.

My opinion is that of the founding fathers of our nation: That anyone who is accused (Again, in this case there has yet to be an indictment of any of the 19 alleged hijackers) of a crime, no matter how heinous in nature and no matter what the station of the accuser, is INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.

This is the basis for all rights and protections aginst our government and false accusers and is the basic tenant upon which the legal system for our great nation was founded. At the time our Constitution was written, this was a revolutionary concept.

Most nations had including England until then had legal systems wherein the accused were presumed GUILTY upon accusation , and the burden of proof lay upon the said accused to prove himself otherwise, usually trying to do so while being held with no bail and no access to legal counsel.

The real attack upon our nation was the one that is still ongoing and being perpetrated against us by those who are supposed to be protecting our Constitutional rights , but are instead engaged in the illegal destruction of and perversion of these rights, using the false flag attacks of Black Tuesday as an excuse to turn our nation into a mockery of everything that our founding fathers had risked their lives to secure.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by ItsHumanNature

the plan was for 8 individuals who could comandeer the 4 commercial airliners....and fly into pre-ordained Targets

and during the last week-or-so (before the attack date) Then bring in the strong-arm 'hijackers' ...3 per plane were determined adequate ...

so there was not 19 hijackers....that's the dumbed down explaination the
U.S. leadership want's you to accept as fact, and that is ----- Wrong!

there were only 12 hijackers..(& all showed up)
and only 7 pilots/co-pilots (from the original 8)--(with 1 no show)

because It was intended that Two persons per plane were capable to fly into their target, so as to insure that at least 1 person could 'commandeer' the aircraft
(even IF, there was resistance & 1 comandeer-pilot got way-laid in the scuffle)
...which was the zealots 'failsafe' for the operation that intended to use a domestic, commercial & fully fueled commercial aircraft as a missile, into it's intended target(s)....

clear eyes

[edit on 2-2-2008 by St Udio]

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 04:00 PM
And why havent we indicted them....because they are DEAD. We have all the evidence in the world necesary, from their training in the Middle East, their paper trails, videos of them passing through security at the airports, airline personnel who checked them onto the flights (and watched them board the flights) and we also have crew members relaying to their airlines the seat numbers and names of the men who hijacked the airliners. So fine, they arent guilty in a court of law, but guilty enough not to deserve compensation.l

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
I honestly could not believe my eyes when I read the title of this thread. How about we try them in absentia, based on the evidence we have, so we can decide they are guilty and end this absurd thread.

P.S. Orion, CNN, BBC and a few other news agencies HAVE apologized to those NINE men that were originally referred to as the "alive" hijackers.

I agree with this poster on trying them in abstencia. This is not forthcoming of course. One reason for this being the fact that although the FBI magically came up with the 19 names of the alleged hijackers overnight, they have not verified that all of them were indeed on the airliners.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 04:23 PM
Yes Swampfox is quite correct. As a matter of routine, we normally don't indict the dead and put them on trial lol! If a Cop sees a murder take place with lets say a pistol and the perp points his pistol at the Cop, And the Cop kills him with his service weapon we usually don't arrest the remains - provide them Maranda rights - set bail if appropriate - covene a grand jury and attempt to indict the perp on murder charges lmfao! No, we usually release the body to the family for disposal or throw it in a poppers grave or cremate it. But, all in all, when he aims at a Cop and looses his life, his part in the incedent is usually completed at the point of his death. Some how, I think this might be the reasoning with the DEAD 19 hijackers. Lol, infact I bet it was most certainly the reason we didn't Indict - I mean being vaporised and all.
Lol, I can't believe I had to point that out to someone. I can't stop laughing!

[edit on 2-2-2008 by vance]

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by vance

So you are saying that anyone who is shot dead by the police is automatically guilty. This is a really scary idea, and is one of the things our legal system was designed to avoid. With this mentality, police become Judge, Jury, and Executioner. All dead suspects are guilty because they can't defend themselves. All fine and dandy until they come for YOU.
Toss his corpse in the paupers grave of the guilty for this week and throw some lime on it.

A guy with a funny moustache used this very method some years ago in Germany. The results speak for themselves.

[edit on 2-2-2008 by ItsHumanNature]

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 05:34 PM
it is called self defense. If the perp turns on you with the intent or even the capiblity to harm you, you have the right to defend yourself.

Don't make it into some hip-hop version of Nazi Germany.. that's is just nasty for many different reasons.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by Taxi-Driver

I wondered how long it would take you to show up here TAXI! As usual you have either not read the post or do not understand it. Therefore I will attempt to explain it for in the simplest terms .

It isnt about killings by "authorities" or whether the killing was justified or not.
It was about guilt by death.

I would elaborate but I already did that in the above post and of course in the OP and my intention here in this post is to boil down things for those who cannot fathom more advanced concepts.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by ItsHumanNature
reply to post by Taxi-Driver

I wondered how long it would take you to show up here TAXI! As usual you have either not read the post or do not understand it. Therefore I will attempt to explain it for in the simplest terms .'s pretty simple. I can think of a few more "adjectives" to add but this topic doesn't inspire me enough.

It isnt about killings by "authorities" or whether the killing was justified or not.
It was about guilt by death.

So you believe the 9/11 hijackers were guilty? As an overwhelming preponerance of evidence leads most of us to believe?

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by Taxi-Driver

The issue I created this thread to discuss is whether or not 19 men killed on 9/11 are entitled to the same compensation as the rest of the passengers and crew of 4 missing airliners.

The issue of guilt by death has arisen as part of this discussion. I think the concept of a person being proven guilty simply because they are dead is insane.

posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
And why havent we indicted them....because they are DEAD. We have all the evidence in the world necesary, from their training in the Middle East, their paper trails, videos of them passing through security at the airports, airline personnel who checked them onto the flights (and watched them board the flights) and we also have crew members relaying to their airlines the seat numbers and names of the men who hijacked the airliners. So fine, they arent guilty in a court of law, but guilty enough not to deserve compensation.l

This poster states that we have very damning evidence aginst nineteen arab men, who, according to the United States Government were killed on Septembr 11, 2001. This evidence, he concludes, is Nuclear Clad.

He contends that because of this evidence that they are not entitled to the same compensation that every other passenger that the 9/11 Commission Report stated was killed was offered.

He then lists the six items of evidence so powerful that the alleged hijackers should be considered guilty without being trid or even accusedand that we, the Amercan public should simply accept this.

Of these six items, four are common to every person on the flights. So two things here must be pretty darn airtight for us to toss our constitution aside . As for the training in the middle east, at least one Isreali mossad agent is officially listed as being among the dead. I presume he was trained in the Middle East also. Why is he not considered a suspect?

Is the fact that seat numbers were reported as belonging to hijackers a surprise? The U.S. military now admits that there were "war games" involving live fly simulations of hijackings of aircraft going on at the same time these supposed real ones happened . How do we know that these reports were not part of those "games"?

I see Doubt, not conviction. Doubt requires investigation, not presumptiom of guilt, especially because of the magnitude and unprecidented nature of this crime.

posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by vance

It sounds like you are a true believer in the lies we have been told by those benefitting form the crimes of Black Tuesday. And you thereby think this makes you safe and superior. Here is something for you to ponder:

Let's say you go to a 9/11 truth rally to shout down all these tinfoil hatters and make your voice heard. A bomb hidden in a trashcan goes off, blowing you and many others to bits. A note is "found" at the scene explaining that you think these nutty 9/11 skeptics are "destroying America" and you, being a Patriot and being totally fed up with the lack of action against these nuts, decided to sacrifice your life to take a few of them out and of course to intimidate the rest from stepping forward in public.

Within hours transcripts of your vicious anti-truther rants, tracked down on forums like this, are being shown on the evening "news" . GUILTY is the instant verdict of the public.They of course had tracked down all this info about you before hand, and knew you would be at the rally, as you had posted it somewhere. Its a good Con, and dont think this kind of thing can't happen.

This type of "evidence" is exactly the same as was presented as definitive proof that 19 arabs perpetrated the crimes on September 11, 2001. It was only good enough to convict them in the "court of public opinion" and those who framed those patsies realize that is the only thing that matters, not a real trial.
Genius. Pure Evil Genius.

Does this "evidence" make you guilty? How can anybody prove it wrong? The issue of guilt by death is the central reason I created this discussion. And those of you think that this is just something that "happens to the other guy" are wrong. If it can be done to 19 dupes, it can be done to you or those you care about.

Big wakeup call folks. Interesting times lay ahead: Question Everything.

posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by ItsHumanNature

It's been six years... and the goons at Ground Zero have STILL not offerend any evidence to their cause.

And in response to your thread... the highjackers families can not get any money...The federal Sept. 11 Victims Compensation Fund, went out of business in 2003.

posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
reply to post by ItsHumanNature

It's been six years... and the goons at Ground Zero have STILL not offerend any evidence to their cause.

And in response to your thread... the highjackers families can not get any money...The federal Sept. 11 Victims Compensation Fund, went out of business in 2003.

Hi Captain Obvious. Thank you for pointing out some ahh.... umm..."really easy to notice" things in your post.

The six years and no evidence part is only partly true the "GOONS" put out a lot of obviusly fake evidence since day 1: Magic passport, "jet engines" uder scaffolding, paper trails of the allged perps, etc, and of course the #1 pieces of evidence they produced were the FAKE VIDEOS of airplanes striking the WTC. What they havn't put forward is any real evidence that a normal conviction , or even an indictmentfor that matter , could be based upon.

As for the "victims compensation fund" otherwise known as bloody hush money, having run out I pointed that out in my OP- paragraph three. They are of course still entitled to anything offered by, or sued from, the airlines until they are deemed not to be in a real court. Here is an article I posted yesterday about the latest "confirmed victim" and how her family has been treated by our compassionate neocon leaders.
Again I thank you for the post Captain Obvious and have a great day!

posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by ItsHumanNature

Oh another Killtown no planer.... Sorry for posting on this thread. I don't typically post on No planer threads.


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