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Originally posted by northwolf
reply to post by Bluess
You're correct, but is the Danish army professional nowadays?
Because the only need for the "Well armed militia" Americans talk about is a professional army loyal to an opressive government.
This problem can never arise with a fully conscript army as the amount of "paycheck" loyal officers is always too small to subdue the population.
Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
The irony is that that permanent state of fear is why most people in the United states own guns.
The exact, and precise reason. You've been trained to see your fellow citizen as an enemy.
It's why you're still allowed guns, becuase hte people in charge know that you would much rather turn them on each other than on the government.
This is easily proven by the current situation in the United States, where the president and his cronies are stripping the bill of rights down to the second and tenth amendment, and what are Americans doing? A general rule of thumb is that the more guns a given American has, the happier he is to see the rest of his rights stripped away - it pisses off those damned librulz, so it MUST be a good thing.
Rights are derived from property one owns his life and the products of his work, one has a right to defend that property rather you agree with that or not is your own personal opinion.
Meanwhile these same people talk about how easily they could blow away some knucklehead who tries to take their television, and how happy and proud they would be to do so.
Very well-trained. Why ban guns when you can just convince gun owners to salivate at the thought of killing another person?
Once you get the pavlovian response, how hard can it be to, say, point them at someone the government thinks needs to be dealt with?
But not to worry. If this situation ever changed, it wouldn't matter much. The US military can easily obliterate any civilian uprising no matter how well-armed those citizens think they are. You think that the people i nthe military won't sit for that?
Unfortunately since the rise of the all-volunteer force and the inception of unquestioned mercenary outsources, the United States military has mutated from a force to defend freedom into a force to defend the GOP and their corporate buddies. They'll squish us, and they'll do it happily if the need arises. After all, if the military men haven't put their foot down with hte raping of our constitution yet, they're NOT going to.
Originally posted by Bluess
You see.. In my country the citezens are the country... And the government mostly works for the people, forfilling the peoples need and wishes
It is the peoples wish that we don't have guns all over....
We don't fear eachother, we respect eachother and our lives...
We have no need for guns, to defend against other people, because other people don't have guns either.
There is no fear, because there is nothing to fear...sure their will always be criminal elements, that get their guns on the black market, but thoose elements will exist nomatter what you do.
We are not afraid to trust our citizens with the right to defend themselves, but we are afraid to raise the amount of killing weapons like guns, knives etc..
If people get rubbed, in my country, they mostly just remain as calm as possible, knowing their items are ofcourse ensured, and they will be compensated.
Its really all in the mentality of the people and their mutual respect for eachother.
Believe it or not, but most people here, young and old, doesnt even want to have anything to do with guns, and many people have lived their whole life without ever having held a gun in their hands.
We are raised to see how dangerous guns and weapons are, and all we have to do is turn on the TV to see how weapons kill people all over the world, thats right...remove the weapons and many lives are saved.
This is true freedom, to be able to live in relativly peacefull surroundings, without having to worry about guns at all.
The fear you have, comes from the knowledge that everyone around you have a gun, and can use it whenever they see fit. That would scare the sh... out of me too.
Originally posted by C0le
The United States is a Republic not a Democracy, No man, Majority, Or Government has the right to tread on even one mans rights.
We don't fear each other either, I don't know why people assume that because we like to shoot guns, go hunting, and own weapons that we somehow live in some constant state of fear that occupies our minds 24/7, I can assure you fear is something we think little if nothing about.
I cannot even imagine living in such a place and living in constant fear to simply trust another citizens morals and better judgement, I mean what type of upbringing are they raised in that would suddenly make some one go on a killing spree if a gun magically appeared in their hand? I mean damn...
Ok so their are criminal elements that will always exist and always be able to get guns, What about all those Fellow citizens you trust?
What difference does it make rather the neighbor you trust owns a gun?
If hes a criminal hes going to be able to get one anyway, And if hes not then you trust him and should have nothing to worry about...right?
What country do you live in? oz?
Believe it or not that applies to most Americans and thats fine its their right to choose how they live there lives and what they own, its not their right to dictate to me how i live my life and what I own.
Remove guns people will just kill in more violent ways, not only that but more likely then not the death rate in your country is just as bad as it is in the States, when you take total population into account.
Again you assume we live in fear? the only fear I live in is rather or not I'll make it home in my car without being crushed by some maniac with a cell phone...
I assure you I live in the city and in a state which allows concealed carry I could take a guess that about a fourth of the people I see in a day probably have a gun on them, do you know how I feel about that? I think nothing of it at all...
Originally posted by Bluess
And yet you say that you would live in fear if you didnt have the right to own a weapon? and i quote you:
They have a hard time getting guns if they don't know any hardcore criminals... Guns are not allowed here, there are not that many around, so its not just something you can buy from the local youth criminal.
It would take a hell of alot of cash and some knowing of the right people to get a handgun here. So no worries...
As i stated above it is harder than hard to get hold of a gun here in Denmark, and the difference lies in that the general rule, is that nobody has guns, instead of the general rule being everybody have guns.
Maybe it does, as i have said before its all about mentality and trust. Nobody is dictating me not to own a gun, i choose this because i believe that more guns equal more killing,
No, I said it was the fear of not owning a gun, that you have, because everyone around you have one. If you where raised here you wouldnt even think about not own a gun.
And there is the difference... you would be scared to not be able to own a gun, I would be scared to know everyone could own a gun.
We both go about our lives... you might get shoot...I might get hit by a problem
Originally posted by Essan
Maybe the real question is: why are some Americans so obsessed with the idea that everyone should have a gun when, outside of some 3rd world countries, the rest of the civilised world wonders why on earth anyone would want a gun.
I'm more likely to be struck by lightning than shot by someone.
Actually, I'm more worried about being hit on the head by a US spy satellite than I am about being shot at.
And if someone did try and shoot me, chances are it'd be by surprise and I wouldn't have time to draw, shoot, and kill first - unless I spend my whole life with a gun in my hand.
Originally posted by C0le
Incorrect you're misconstruing my words, I never said I would live in fear if I didn't have a weapon, my words are clear.
Why do you live in such fear of your neighbor suddenly owning a firearm, if you trust him then you should have nothing to fear.
I don't fear my neighbors with or without guns. you apparently do.
trust in not only those close to you, but also your own society seems to be something you lack. why is that? perhaps that trust only lasts so long as the tiger doesn't have its teeth... but thats not really trust now is it?
A single gun in the hand of a criminal is none the less a gun in the hand of a criminal, A gun the the hand of a trusting neighbor should be of no concern to you, you trust them right?
So that neighbor you trust is going to suddenly come next door and murder you if a gun magically appears in his hands?
perhaps you should be looking at the society you live in and start asking yourself what have you done to someone that would make them snap like that if a gun were to appear in there hands...
your safe country is no different then any other country including the States, the only difference is you live in a constant state of fear so you all close yourselves up in a nice safe bubble because the boogie man might get you if you give freedom a chance...
Really? I never touched a gun till I was 18, was never raised around guns either, I never even a saw a gun first person till then, there were no guns in my family nor any real opinion on them....
Are you telling me i lived in fear for those 18 years of something I never once came into contact with or even saw it was never even a topic in my life...
oh my how did I make it so long... I mean those darn criminals are everywhere i mean everyone of them is packing heat out in the open with there finger on the trigger just waiting for us to talk in front of them...
As stated I went 18 years without one I did just fine wasn't scared then, not scared now, and surprise surprise those darn criminals haven't got me yet...
Originally posted by Bluess
I trust my society and the ones close to me, thats why we don't need guns. In our country we are raised to see the good in people and respect eachother. We are raised to understand that guns are a lethal weapon designed to kill. Guns are not regarded as cool, in this country.