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traitors should be shot

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posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 03:17 PM
Break all of his fingers with a mallet and yank his teeth out with pliers.

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 03:21 PM
i gotta say this kid "soldier" is no more a criminal than George Bush and Tony Blair and their illegal war

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 03:22 PM
how you figure?


posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by dreamrebel
"Oh, I'm sorry, Didn't know that you weren't satisfied with him being in a military prison. Why don't we saw off his legs, and pack the stumps with lemon rinds, then we can pop his eyballs with a fountain pen. Would that be better"

Funny!! Umm - not to state the obvious. But helping Al Queada defeat our superior military force.. Yeah I agree with your quote above. Lets poke his eyes out with a fountain pen. I have family serving in the military oversees trying to defend your sorry arse from Al Queda drving a plane into your building or spraying ebola on the salad bar a your local Sizzler. And Jackass here thinks its his duty to help them. Hummmmmmm I know im not the sharpest pencil in the box, but harsh punishment is indeed required.

People like you who are so decieved are just so funny to me. It makes me sick, really. If I produced an official document signed by the government that the turtles were planning a revolt, you'd go and burn down the #ing pet store, wouldn't you?

The point is that we don't need your relatives to go and kill thousands and thousands of people so that the sizzler is safe from terror. The government of this 'great country' has instilled such a fear in you that it's really sad. How does it feel to be a sheeple? Al Quaida doesn't want to kill me, you, or your neighbor...they want to topple the government of the US. If you don't believe it, then you're even more decieved than I thought. The government rallies us against the 'foreign devils' by making us believe we're the target, when it's really the government, and their tools of opression (sound familiar) of course, I speak of economic opression.

Yes, people like you and I both die in terror attacks, but that's what happens during a war. If you think that there weren't at least twice as many civilian casualties as the government claims there was, then I've lost all hope for you, because you've been completely brainwashed.

I don't want this to be a flame war, but go read a book, man. Go find a newspaper. Fox News and Bill O'riley have about the same credibility as a Llama.

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 03:29 PM
Are you still listing off torture of him? Please be less primal and adhere to the laws of the civilized world.

I doubt a solider would cry in that situation, considering he is a trained soldier, probably just like all the others in skill, just he obviously had some problems with loyalty.

DreamRebel, I am finding your statements a bit hypocritical. Helping Al Qaeda defeat the superior military force? If the army is so superior, then surely there are no worries it can be defeated by such a pitiful band.

I certainly have no worries of it ever being defeated by such a fragmented organization. I do not live in the USA, but I know they have death penalty there. It would be a shame to slaughter this young boy, just for this one mistake, which was not even very catastrophic.

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 03:30 PM
My comment on this thread:

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 03:31 PM
"People like you who are so decieved are just so funny to me. It makes me sick, really."

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 03:33 PM
















posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 03:34 PM
And this is a Grade A White Boy, What is this world coming to. To hate a counrty that much. Makes me wonder if he wasnt converted.

I wonder what goes throughthe minds of some people.

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 03:36 PM















I was just wondering how it could seem funny and make you sick at the same time. I'm not attacking here, just sounded like verbal irony.

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 03:38 PM
I knew exactly what you were driving at.

But, All of your responses have been short, and on the whole unhelpful, that's all.

I just wanted you to elaborate a bit more. You were seeming like the man in the corner whose only contribution to the conversation is the occasional nod or grunt.

As for the funny/sick part, yes. It's just so cliche, it's funny, and the entire situation makes me sick. that's what I meant by it.

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 03:40 PM
Innocent till proven Guilty!

Sad, to see someone revert to this. Im not sure of the premise not his mental state, so to be haste and articulate a verdict is arrogant.


posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 03:41 PM
Innocent till proven Guilty!

Sad, to see someone revert to this. Im not sure of the premise nor his mental state, so to be haste and articulate a verdict is arrogant.


[Edited on 13-2-2004 by ZeroDeep]

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 03:41 PM
sorry, I'm slow, so I didn't pick up your reference to something being a cliche. Also, I'm sorry my responses have been too short for you. From now on, I'll try not to post in the same post you are.

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 03:42 PM
I just know that you have an opinion that you weren't expressing, and I have quite the thirst for knowledge and conversation.

Didn't mean to offend, but I was trying to draw your opinion out of you in full effect.

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 03:43 PM
Yea in fact I saw three people murdered right in front of me. No farther then 10 feet away.

I have had bullets fly over my head, I have heard the sound of thumping rounds into the side of a car.

So yes I do know what it feels like to see someones life end.

So dont sit there and say, oh this guy did nothing, he didnt put anyone in danger.

BS, when you give the enemy information about a weakness or any other type of strategic information like, delay times or weapon ranges anything that the enemy can be used as an advantage against you are a traitor. You have not defended those around you that are there to protect you. You have bartered off their lives for your own ends. Without any regards to their right to live. THIS IS MORALLY WORNG

I value human life so much that I would do anything to defend it. But a person who does not value someone elses life I have no pitty for.

What if this kid said hey I know this base that if you go there on Thursday you can jump the fence because the guards are always in the shack at such and such a time. And the terrorist use this information to blow up a barrack and they kill hundreds of US soliders and workers. Then what, just let this kid hang out in prison, knowing that he is personally responsible for those peoples deaths ?

Forget it. If he is convicted, I imagine that his name will be "lost" get it.

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 03:48 PM
So, now I'm a pansy for caring enough about human life to preserve the life of someone I don't even know?

Listen. What can you tell a terrorist about a hummer that would make the RPG they're using on it any more effective?

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 03:51 PM
Dont get militant with me pal. You said it best we are at war, they want to topple our government. The preferred method is killing civilians and bringing down indusrty. That would be your family and mine. I am not brainwashed, open your eyes and read Al Quedas website. They speak for themselves as to what they would like to do to you and your country. This guy deserves a courtmarshal and then full military justice if convicted as a traitor. That would include death. Sorry bud, I didnt make the law. As for the torture comments - most people knew not to take them literally. Sorry that you had too.

[Edited on 13-2-2004 by dreamrebel]

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by dreamrebel
Dont get militant with me pal. You said it best we are at war, they want to topple our government. The preferred method is killing civilians and bringing down indusrty. That would be your family and mine. I am not brainwashed, open your eyes and read Al Quedas website. They speak for themselves as to what they would like to do to you and your country. This guy deserves a courtmarshal and then full military justice if convicted as a traitor. That would include death. Sorry bud, I didnt make the law. As for the torture comments - most people knew not to take them literally. Sorry that you had too.

[Edited on 13-2-2004 by dreamrebel]

Well said.

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by asala
Yep this is kind of disturbing...but how much info could this kid have that would be much use to al Qaeda anyhows?

He found al Qaeda in a Internet


Type keyword: al Qaeda on AOL. LOL

[Edited on 13-2-2004 by Oswald]

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