posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 04:48 AM
Now, I don't necessarily take the bible as the "gospel" (lol) but I do believe that many of its teachings and stories have a lot of applicable
significance in our lives, even today. Of course, there are lots of things that are obviously not intended to be taken as an example of how to live
your life, things that are grossly mistranslated, and things that are edited in and out.
I believe that the issue of the beast is important, because it's obvious to many of us that there were things that people, and possible the divine,
forsaw happening to our societies that would definitely spell disaster for us and our relationship to the divine.
If I had to pick something in our near future that the mark of the beast most closely resembled, it would undoubtedly be the RFID chip.
So, how would the RFID chip be a slap in the face to God? Well, it basically takes what would be normally God's job, and puts it into the hands of us
lowly humans. With the people having implanted chips, all of a sudden now the government is all-seeing and all-judging and basically controls most
aspects of your life. Our freedoms would be taken away. With man in the driver's seat, we don't know what kind of a job he would do! In my opinion,
I think man will screw it all up for everybody. I am much happier with the freedom in my life that is God-given, and I'm not looking forward to
answering to a controlling organization when it comes to every aspect of my life.
Looking for organized evil? ANTI - CHRIST ? There ya go. It's the people of this country. Antichrist is just that. Anti. Christ. Against
Christ. Christ showed us what wonderful things a human of perfection, with the kingdom of God in his heart, can do. Now we've got half our country
claiming to follow Christ, but warrant our country to bomb the s#!t out of other countries and dictate the way the world runs and will willingly give
up their rights out of fear. I'm sure we all know the hipocrisy of many of the religious people in our current world. They think they're following
Christ, but it's pretty much the opposite. Wasn't that another sign?
I also like to keep in mind, that this isn't the first time people have used religion to carry out evil. It's just that this time, the technology
available to carry this evil out is a lot better. Man now has the technology to become the God of this earth. Now put someone in charge capable of
carrying out evil, and you got yerself a problem.
We didn't HAVE TO let this happen, and we don't have to believe in God, heaven, hell, Christ, Satan, or whatever------but well, something really
really bad is happening anyway, and somebody a really long time ago put in his words what he thought that thing might look like.
In a more optimistic view, (in order to stay sane) I like to look at it like this:
We're living in an extremely significant time in human history. We get to see it all go down. We have a chance to stand up for what's good and
what's right, and see how it all plays out. It's an exciting time indeed. I try to go at it without fear, and keep God with me.