posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 12:21 AM
Ya know, damned if you do, damned if you dont in this place.
I honestly believe that there is nothing this administration or probably any administration could do that would make the consensus happy here on
They raise taxes and the boards are filled with screams of corruption and wasteful spending.
Now they give you a tax break and its more complaining and griping.
I honestly believe that if in the next month this administration turned itself around 180 degrees, brought all the troops home, stopped the savagry in
Darfur and Myanmar, cured cancer, eliminated the deficit, restored human rights around the globe, and saved the whales that the people here would
STILL find something to be miserable about.
Will this tax break work....too early to tell. It might, it might not but for right now both parties believe it will work towards an economic
Until then lets wait before looking a gift horse in the mouth.