reply to post by NeedToNo
Your logic is fallible..
"Flip Flopping" implies the changing of a
perceived opinion in order to obtain personal gain.
The realization that all truths we hold dear may in fact be flawed, is a true beginning of wisdom.
Can you look past your obvious prejudice of the debate forum and see this much?
The ability to say honestly to oneself, "I believe in what I know, but I am willing to listen and learn from those that disagree", is the core of an
intellect ready to grow.
In the debate forum, we frequently may have to debate a side we do not initially agree with, true. I have on a number of occasions.
I have also successfully argued a side and never come to believe in it. Does that make me a flip flopper as you imply? What did I have to gain other
than winning the debate?
Or more accurately, am I simply adept at research and arguing a point, regardless of my personal stance on that point...
Some of Histories greatest minds were great debaters. Reminiscent of the coffee shops in Vienna, the Pubs in England and the "Stomps" in America,
more historically important decisions have been made courtesy of the debate than any other form of conversation.
That is why I stress that this forum on ATS is far and above the most important forum... PERIOD..
We research and are challenged on our research.
We learn from each other and teach each other.
We change our minds and change the minds of others.
What could possibly be more important....
I would also suggest if you do not like our form and function, seek your enlightenment elsewhere, for it is here that I have found my brothers and
sisters that challenge me and give me reason to broaden my intellect and knowledge base.
I would also think that there are many that would successfully debate you on this topic you are so concerned with. Just ask one...