posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 12:33 AM
I've made a bit of an executive decision, and it's the kind of thing that I usually like to avoid, as I believe consistency is EXTREMELY important,
however I have granted illusionsaregrander and sublime620 each 1 free ranking point on the basis of their enthusiastic and incredibly timely posting.
There have been 7 posts in that debate in less than 3 days. They are going at DOUBLE the speed they have to be going, even while many are, quite
regretably, forfeiting posts for non-posting, in other challenge debates. Hats off to those two gentlemen. (please note that their 1 point bonuses are
not subject to wager because they did not have them when they started. that means the loser will still have 1 point- he wont be reduced to zero).
Extensions are available guys.
I know what a time crunch is. I've been sleeping 5 to 6 hours a night lately, or else I wouldn't have been on ATS this week. I'm at peace with my
addiction to ATS, but I don't expect others to live that way. If you ask for another 24 hours, maybe even 48 (with good cause) you'll get it, as
long as it's not every single time. But if you don't ask for an extension, you'll forfeit your post.
In other news, the debate between Argos and The Borg from the team debate series has concluded. Argos has won and gained 2 points.
The 3 changes mentioned here are of significant effect. Here is the new lineup. Budski You have lost your bye. You will need to win your
current match and one more to get it back. Sublime620 and Illusionsaregrander- whoever wins your debate, will be 1 more win away from a bye as well
(Budski, that would be bad for you, and ditto for TruthWithin). It's a foot race now gentlemen. Shore up your position while you can.
1. semperfortis 14
2. Loki 11
3. MemoryShock 9 (match underway, may gain 2 or lose 2)
4. kenshiro2012 8 (match underway, may gain 2 or lose 2)
5. Argos 6
6. GAOTU789 5
7. Skyfloating 5 (match underway, may gain 2 or lose 2)
8. TruthWithin 4
9. budski 2 (match underway- may gain 2 or lose 2)
10. NYK537 2
11. FreeThinkerIdealist 2
12. Sublime620 1 (challenge match underway, may gain 2)
13. illusionsaregrander 1 (challenge match under way, may gain 2)
14. Northern
15. LDragonFire
16. dominusluciferi
17. GUNSINWAR (match underway- may gain 2)
18. TLomon
19. bodrul (match underway- may gain 2)
20. jitombe
21. TheDuckster
22. thesaint
23. whatukno (challenge match underway, may gain 2)
24. Parabol