posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 04:19 PM
While I do in part blame the MSM, I must object somewhat to those in this thread who have mentioned Fox News in particular.
Now I know it's fashionable to bash Fox for their right-leaning "propaganda" and whatnot, but in this case I think it is unfair. While a news
organization will probably never cover this kind of event to our satisfaction, Fox News has been giving it quite a bit of air. I know that as a
casual viewer, I have seen it mentioned several times on several different programs on Fox News. And it wasn't your typical "let's laugh at UFO
believers" kind of stories, either.
In fact, they had the former Governor of Arizona on this morning, who believes in UFO's. He spoke about this recent sighting as well as the Phoenix
Lights event that I think he personally witnessed 11 years ago. Although I haven't been able to watch the news that much today, I have yet to see
Fox News tow the official line and claim that it was the US Military. And if they did report this, then I doubt they said "case closed" or even
believed it.
For comparison, Fox News was one of the first media outlets that I heard discount the idea that those radio threats came from the Iranian speedboats
during our little international "incident".
I don't want to hijack this thread or anything, I just felt the need to step up and give an honest assessment of a news network that is rarely given
the benefit of the doubt- especially on this site.
Now... moving on... As for the military coming out and claiming that it was 10 F-16's on a training mission... give me a break! I know some of you
believe that coming out with this excuse now only makes us more suspicious. And in some cases I happen to agree with those sentiments. But I am also
afraid to say that there are citizens out there who will hear this latest excuse from the military and say "Oh, so that's what it was! Case closed
for me!". Some people are just so willing to swallow what is fed to them and so unwilling to take UFO reports as credible.
After all, the government claimed the Phoenix Lights were just "flares". That was almost 11 years ago. We never uncovered anything and the story
is rarely, if ever, discussed in the MSM. So they got away with it. And they will get away with this one too. They've been getting away with these
excuses since 1947, and there's no reason to believe that it will ever be anything different. So I think that they believe that no matter how
rediculous the excuse they give is, people will either buy it or just forget about the whole thing eventually anyway. And the sad part is that they
are right. And this will always be the case as long as the MSM doesn't take a stand and as long as the American people don't stand up and hold our
government accountable and our media accountable. I don't see either of those things happening anytime soon.
I think at this point it is up to the ET's to take it upon themselves to fully disclose their existence to us all!