posted on Mar, 30 2008 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by ngchunter
I would like to compare your blacked out face
images,purposely created by nasa to negate facial detail,to the 3D image version. Most people see rocks ,while I see body and facial detail.The nasa
deliberate al jolsen blackface MAMMY-JOB photos for press are just slightly corrupted/falsified/markered over/censored /hacked/destroyed evidence of
life on Mars. The right arm is NOT hanging in mid-air in an un-natural sculpture pose.The right arm is resting on the head of another animal in
"her" lap,like a pet with 2 dark large bulging eyes,also facing the cam.The snake-like animal seems perfectly content as a lap-dog and wraps itself
around "her",since she's the focus of our world's attention. Do you really think a statue would be standing perfectly upright with a tiny
arm,smaller than your pinky finger, intact? Or,does it seem reasonable that these 2 animals have a very easy going relationship like owners and pets?
Do you also recognize how symetry indicates highly evolved beings,when you have these 2 obviously different species sharing a seated vantage point to
view a Mars Rover like tourists,fixated? Since 2004 when I saw the people,animals,fossils on Mars,I've asked myself why nasa denies and
covers up life,which is the big lie referenced by the "Hoaglands" of our world.