I've already posted on the other thread that is dealing with the same subject:
but haven't recieved an answer as yet. Sooo, I thought I'd try this thread instead.
Please forgive if this is slightly off-topic, even though, in my defense it is in reference to the photo in question:
Sorry if I don't use the correct terminology, but can anyone enlighten me as to why the two solar panels (?) either side of the photo are relatively
free of dirt, with only the odd speck of gravel etc, whilst the central portion appears to be quite heavily soiled?
You can see a build up of dust and grime, in long dark smears, by the electrical trunking (/), but on the panels, there is no evidence of this.
Do the panels self clean, or is it simply a case of accumulated dirt falling off when they fold up?
And as to what the figure(s) might be, who can tell. I can only reiterate other posters opinons, in that it could well be a simulacra. On the
otherhand, it could be, allowing for all possibilities, something far more dramatic.
Statue or relic of previous inhabitants? Hmmm, what's the likelyhood of something surviving so intact for what may well have been an incredible
length of time on such an inhospitable surface? And what would it be doing on the surface in the first place?
A living creature? Again, who knows?
Sure, it looks reassuringly familiar, in that it appears to have "arms", "torso" and a "head", not to mention a "shoulder" and an "upper
thigh" and "calf"...however, and assuming that we
are looking at something alive, what is the likelyhood of such a creature surviving on the
Martian surface?
Life will prevail in the most hostile of enviroments, but could it have been not only resilient, but have prospered so well that it has managed to
produce bipedal entities, even if they are so small?
And one last question: wouldn't it be obvious to have the rover take another photo of the same area now that the story has been covered by the
world's media?
I realise that it is probably several kilometers from that position by now, but this could be something important. And wouldn't it help NASA no end
in its "no life on Mars" stance if the object is still there, and proven to be nothing but wind erroded rock?
However, if it wasn't there when they sent the rover back...what would the excuses be for the new photos not being released?