Originally posted by dbates
Sounds exactly like the "Anti-Christ" described in the Bible don't you think? Set's up a one world government and kills those that don't submit.
Yes it does. I've been screaming this from the rooftops all over ATS and am scared of actually sounding like a broken record now!
Just like we have some Christians who do not believe in a coming Antichrist, we also have some Muslims who do not believe in a coming Al Mahdi. But
let's take the view point of those who do accept these prophecies as futuristic (myself included). The Antichrist and Al Mahdi will both:
1). Come to power when the world is in utter chaos due to political, economic, religious, and war-torn turmoil.
2). Are believed by some to rule for seven years.
3). Will be accompanied by a "side kick." Christians call this person the false prophet who will look like a lamb (a symbol of Jesus) but will speak
like a dragon (a symbol of Satan). In other words, a pseudo-Jesus. Muslims believe the Al Mahdi will be accompanied by Jesus. Christians know this
will not be the real Jesus.
4). Have a sidekick that points all attention to the Antichrist/Mahdi. The false prophet points all focus of worship to the Antichrist. The
pseudo-Jesus accompanied by Al Mahdi is said to "break the cross," declare Christianity false, and point all attention to the Mahdi and Islam.
5) Set up a one world religion and force everyone to convert or die. The Bible says the Antichrist will specifically target Jews and Christians. The
Hadith says the Mahdi will specifically target Jews and Christians.
6) Jesus warned us not to believe in a coming false prophet and told us "Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away." What
does Islam believe? That the Jewish and Christian scriptures are a distortion of the truth and only the Koran is the one true revelation from God. The
Al Mahdi is said to "discover" some "original" Christian and Jewish texts in order to "prove" our religions false. Jesus says: Do not believe
this. My words are true and I am who I say I am.
7) Will rule a one world government. The Mahdi is said to place the entire world under Islamic rule and government.
8) Set up shop in Jerusalem. Babylon and Rome are also mainstays.
The similarities go on and on. The moral of the story is: Be alert so you are not deceived.
[edit on 1/22/2008 by AshleyD]