posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 02:48 PM
BTS Rant is just for this actually (to the one crying
Anyhow, I don't want to name the company because yes, there are those within who will still give me a good reference, and two, because I need to get
a job in the same field, and I don't need to give them an excuse to invoke non-compete clauses...
For those who didn't catch it, they gave me NO reason at all...and would not answer questions as to why (it's just a matter of time before I find
out through sources...anyways). I had a little procedural writeup months and months ago, but that was it....and pales to my perfect client reviews,
and numerous commendation letters... I'm guessing it's because I was close with the former boss, and the current one felt threatened....but I still
really don't know....
I've registered with several agencies and will likely have some interviews tomorrow or Monday. I'm not totally freaked out...just a little
worried....but I'm sure I'll bounce back....
BTW: Thanks for all the well-wishes....and brute squading....
[Edited on 12-2-2004 by Gazrok]