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Koran a FAKE

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posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by heliosprime

Your God, if you believe that Jesus is God, is the Beast. The image of Jesus that was deified to rival God is the beast. So go ahead and worship your crucifix, if you have set your heart on disbelieving the truth.

Islam is the Religion of the Prophet Abraham and all the Prophets including Jesus. The Holy Quran is the only book not tampered by man, since it was memorized by the original followers of the Prophet and handed down to the next generation as pure as it was first revealed by God through the Angel Gabriel.

Why do you think the Kingdom of God is taken from the Children of Israel? And given to the Arab Nation? It's because Satan has completely turned them away from the true worship of God. Tell me any other religion who are more zealously monotheistic than Islam?

God is ONLY ONE. There is your salvation, not the fictitious death of Jesus on the cross for the sins of mankind. Do you think God is unfair? To punish Jesus who did not sin for the sins of the people who have sinned? There are so many passages in the Old Testament that says God will punish man for their individual sins, not for the sins of their neighbors or family. The original sin committed by Adam and Eve was forgiven by God. If there is any atonement to be made, the rightful one to atone for it would have been Eve, who caused our father Adam to sin. But that's another story.

Jesus is NOT God.

Jesus is the son of Mary, a saintly woman, sent to the Children of Israel with the same message as all the other prophets before him, Worship Only One God, and the good tidings of the prophet to come after him whose name is Muhammad, as attested by the Holy Quran and his original Gospel.

061.006 And when Jesus son of Mary said: O Children of Israel! Lo! I am the messenger of Allah unto you, confirming that which was (revealed) before me in the Torah, and bringing good tidings of a messenger who cometh after me, whose name is Muhammad (the praised one). Yet when he hath come unto them with clear proofs, they say: This is mere magic.

I have repented and surrendered my will to God, and dedicate my religion to God alone. Bear witness that Muslims are people who have surrendered their will to God.

002.136 Say (O Muslims): We believe in Allah and that which is revealed unto us and that which was revealed unto Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received, and that which the prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and unto Him we have surrendered.

Jesus and his disciples are Muslims.

005.111 And when I inspired the disciples of Jesus, (saying): Believe in Me and in My messenger, they said: We believe. Bear witness that we have surrendered (unto Thee) "we are Muslims".


015.002 It may be that those who disbelieve wish ardently that they were Muslims.

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 09:46 AM
have U guys ever watched Zeitgeist?

they have some pretty interesting relationships to all our Supposed Religious teachers/ icons.

They all are revolving around 4 or more facts that if true would mean they were are Hyped up, an thus forth may not even be real.

Do yourself a favor, an research what religion you worship, You just may be falling down a rabbit hole into your own created hell

Life is what you make of it, be nice to others, these are things I was told when I was a kid, not just that but I already knew them as a untold knowledge from birth, I looked around an Wanted to do good for others naturaly

I didnt need a book, a religion, a god to tell me " hey, you should be nice an act good onto all others " It just seemed right. Why do you folks swear u need a religion when Your just believing in yourselves anyways.

Pay attention to who you are, an Not what verses you know, those verses were written what 2 ,000 years ago, Yet mankind has been here..... Longer.

I understand the need for some to have religion, thats 100% understandable, You need something to believe in, But why not believe in yourself an your Unbrakeable relationship an connection to everyone else.

If You want to see god, See god in the faces of your fellow man/ animals / plants/ stars/ Really all around you, and all that will evolve.

May Peace be upon you....

[edit on 11-7-2008 by Trance Optic]

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by SR

002.121 Those unto whom We have given the Scripture, who read it with the right reading, those believe in it. And whoso disbelieveth in it, those are they who are the losers.

the right reading I mean is reading without bias, reading with comprehension. reading with your heart, diligently, seeking to understand the written words, most of all with the intention of understanding the truth from God. In reading the Holy scriptures, one must ask for God's guidance and seek protection from the evil whispers of Satan.



posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 09:56 AM
Quran is the only book not tampered by man, since it was memorized by the original followers of the Prophet and handed down to the next generation as pure as it was first revealed by God through the Angel Gabriel.

Which automatically means it was tampered with it's been proven scientifically and pschologically not everyone remembers the same thing about an event they memorize different details and have different corelating opinions about an any of you people think outside what religious dogma and propaganda says....

What about the pages the goat ate....howcome no one remembers what they were.

Why where there seperate documents of the Koran floating about until Uthman's reign.

History proves that the Koran has been tampered with like every other religious book.

If the Koran was perfect then why does the Abrogation of the Verses exist in the first place??? Because low and behold it's not perfect and contradicts it's self.

posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by queenofangels_17
reply to post by heliosprime

Your God, if you believe that Jesus is God, is the Beast. The image of Jesus that was deified to rival God is the beast. So go ahead and worship your crucifix, if you have set your heart on disbelieving the truth.

ERRRR............YHWH is God. The God of Abraham, Issac, Moses, Joseph, Jacob, the 12 tribes and the FATHER of Jesus..............

The images of Jesus that abound are FALSE images, just as the crucifix is also an IDOL...................

Raising that evil slime muhammad to the level above Jesus is the great final days false religion.

muhammad is a FAKE along with his great lie called the koran, of which he was too illiterate to write. He was a murderer, liar, and fraud.

muhammad was/is the great false prophet of revelations...........

Repent..............God did not "take" the land from Israel, Judah has returned to claim thier birth right and soon all the tribes will return to rid the the evil that is islam from the earth, less they repent.........

Israel/US will soon blast Iran, russia will attack Israel and be destroyed, china will march across Iraq and also be destroyed...............

Spiritual Israel is America, Britian, Canada, Austrailia, New Zealand.......and Judah...........

I can only hope to see the dome of the rock explode on CNN/Fox..........

posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 08:13 AM
Its better for all of us not to get involved into the religious abyss, no one has been ever able to uncover the facts or the fictions of it. When we say the holy books are fake, than how can we determine the anti-religious authors writings as true. Even those hidden books at the Vatican and all the other anomalies. People have taken religion for good as well as bad, so one cannot defame other religion for the sake of its own. Its like a person wearing clothes, there are different styles, fashion, trends and no style is bad. Offcourse religion is misused and those who do it face the consequences, history has witnessed, So lets all live our live as theres lots to do, and stop interferring with others.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 04:40 AM

Originally posted by machoflex7
Its better for all of us not to get involved into the religious abyss, no one has been ever able to uncover the facts or the fictions of it. When we say the holy books are fake, than how can we determine the anti-religious authors writings as true. Even those hidden books at the Vatican and all the other anomalies. People have taken religion for good as well as bad, so one cannot defame other religion for the sake of its own. Its like a person wearing clothes, there are different styles, fashion, trends and no style is bad. Offcourse religion is misused and those who do it face the consequences, history has witnessed, So lets all live our live as theres lots to do, and stop interferring with others.

the current PC "moral relativisim" does not work with God. The koran is filth, is fake, and is leading billions into the lake of fire. The koran is also dragging billions of others into nuclear holocost. The only way out of both is God. not allah, or buddah, or hindi whatever, not catholic idol worship either.............

Worship God the Father, take the gift of life from his son Jesus, accept the holy spirit, DO the comandments, keep the sabbaths...........

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