Here is a pic of the 2nd los roques ufo, I lifted it a little higher from the horizon, it's showing the trees in vue6, you will either see palm
trees or euclyptus trees most likely.
This picture shows a frame rendered today from that same los roques ufo, showing how easily vue6 renders sunlight and hazy conditions.
Here's a picture showing a frame of the high speed pass of the los roques UFO,
Here's the same frame of time from a different viewpoint, showing that all I have modelled was the mountain and a few trees and a hut.
Here's another UFO I made, showing what can be possible by dirtying up the picture to resemble an old 70's photo, experts in photography would be
able to do a much better job, easy 30 minutes ot create.
Now on to business, here is the display of the software i used to create the latest fake ufo (posted at the top of this thread), you'll see the
mothership .bmp file approaching the clouds, you'll also noticed that I have masked a portion of the cloud where I want the UFO to go under..
Here's a close up showing the UFO and the cloud mask. notice how the UFO was actually very low quality. But even more important to learn is that
once again, it doesn't require an expert artist to craate these ships, since in the video, it looks QUITE real..
Now this picture you'll see that I have turned off the first mask (notice UFO in front of clouds) and turned on the second mask for the other portion
of the cloud, the spiky part at the bottom, was so that I could move the mask, frame by frame with the building..otherwise it is hard to match the
scroll movement precisely.
This is a picture showing the masking of the'll see the 'childlishly drawn ufo approaching)
Here is the last portion of the mountain being masked..
Now, you'll see a much bigger UFO (bright light) identical to the one used for the video, in actuality, all it is, is a bright light optic effect. It
travels from left to right on my panoramic picture.
Here is an overview of the picture used. Note: It does not have to be a panoramic picture, regular pictures found on the internet will do fine as
well. The dashed square is my viewframe, this is the view frame you are looking through during the video. Basically it's my camera.