posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 01:52 AM
To all those with warm fuzzy ideas about GW bush,
I'm sorry, but he's not about bringing world peace he's also a poor excuse of a Christian in short GW Bush, unlike 'daddy' is a limp d**k! yDaddy
OTHOH was sneaky, has his fingers into EVERYTHING and currently is the only president to utilize executive privellage and receive security briefings
on a regular basis.
Richard (Dick) Cheney is the one in control of what's going on in the administration, he's the one who's profiting over our current unending wars
ad let's face it, Bush's IQ couldn't win him a Bronze medal in the special olympics, let alone leave him to be the mastermind behind our
government's destruction.
It sickens me that corporate media and the current administration has been successful at brainwashing us (well most of us) into believing there's
this evil boogey man Bin laden behind 9/11, it just doesn't wash!
The administration has failed to release footage of security cameras which could easily...easily disprove any tinfoil hat conspiracy that a missle hit
the pentagon, simply by showing us what was on those security cameras that were confiscated soo quickly, it's as if the FBI was parked there
'gassing up' when the whole thing went down!
Those of you following all the avenues this thing has taken would agree it's to goad us into giving up our rights and with Bush revoking Posse
Comitatus, he assures that OUR own millitary will be there to lock up those who don't go along with the system.
Now I don't quite know why they'd need the armed forces, when America's Police force by and large is already acting like Militia, when near lethal
force is applied to 6 year old, 9 year olds...damnit it's time to stop and think were this is heading.
We've been told (By Russia) keep messing with Iran and we'll find ourselves at war with Russia (and china, and pakistan) Russia alone has enough
nuclear weapons to nuke every city in the US 3 times over, how much of a lose-lose situation must it be shown as before 'sane' people put a stop to
the madness??!
Now some comfort from that, approximately 1/3 of us will be around after it's all over, but do YOU think you're going to be one of the lucky
ones?...Naa it's going to be the ones with wealth, power and position, but hey for those lucky ones...I have a question... WHO are you going to get
to do your dirty work (you know the stuff the middle/lower class folks you're crapping on do for you right now!)?
Don't even get me started on my theories of how our crashing financial system will resort to 'electronic money' then booga booga us into accepting
a CHIP in our freakin hand, it's coming sooner than you would like...just watch for it!
Who would I personally vote for this time around (none of the above!!) because I believe, nobody can fix this mess or ever restore my faith in
government. Nope, I believe things are going to spiral down the drain and when it's all said and done, the one's who REALLY are in control of
things will step in and remind us ALL, that we are not the owners of planet earth, we are tenants and we have just been formally EVICTED for violating
the terms of our lease here!!
All we can do in the face of this madness is keep peace within ourselves and spread the message of peace to others, becoming what 'they' are is not
going to help us in the end, we'd want to represent ourselves as responsible compassionate people who are not at all like 'them' after all, the
next level of evolution calls for this important change to a more peacful existance and I REALLY want to be around to see it happen!