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Bush: NIE does not reflect my views

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posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 10:36 AM
Hey all,

This is just my opinion now...
But I firmly believe that, given the state that our country is in, the only way to stop the resident in the White House and his mindless followers would be a revolution!!

I know what some of you are saying, that it's too drastic of a move however I just don't believe that is the case. Peaceful demonstrations are just not going to do it any longer. The video that was posted on another ATS thread the other day showed peaceful protestors being forced away from a certain building where Bush was meeting with people who actually support him. The reason they were forced away is because the people in the building could hear the protesting and couldn't take it so they told the police to get them out of the area. No more freedom of assembly and that video was done 5 years ago I beleive, not sure though. Regardless, it has just gotten worse in terms of our "freedoms".

For anyone who hasn't seen this video.....
or this one

Watch those and I think you will understand but again this is just my view of how things are going right now.

They laugh at us when we bring things like 9/11 Inside job, North American Union, Torture, etc to their table in question sessions, public debates, anywhere when we are just looking for answers!! They lie and deceive us in secret and in public and we do nothing so....WHAT SHOULD WE DO NOW!! What should we do when our "President" makes the most absurd and ridiculous comments as posted in this thread, basically saying his opinion is the only one that matters! If his opinion is the only one that matters, then I want my tax dollars back that are spent by the NSA, CIA, FBI, DIA, etc.....

Anyway, I personnally think no revolution will happen because people still believe what the Idiot Box(TV) tells them and for some that will never change. Sorry for the doom and gloom post, but sometimes comments from the "resident" warrants such rants.


[edit on 17-1-2008 by Purduegrad05]

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 11:10 AM
This man is the most dangerous human being on the face of the earth. A delusional psychopath at the highest position of power with his finger on the big red button. Frightening.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by Purduegrad05

Let's hope it never comes to that - the next year will be interesting in many ways.
Is shrub just trying to secure his place in the history books, or is there a more devious reason for his rhetoric.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by budski

I sincerely hope it doesn't come to that either. The best thing for our families and ourselves would be a peaceful change in this country. I guess by the way I stated my rant there when I said "Revolution" it seemed like I inferred it should be violent and I'm sorry for the confusion. Peaceful change would be great and it seems that candidates in the Pres. race like Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich are men of SINCERE change. However, as we have seen, they are being publicly ignored or put down when putting forth their kind of change. With that said, I do hope for a peaceful solution but the powers that be seem to be doing everything in their power to prevent that...for example, look at this...

They have EXCLUDED Ron Paul from this data when it is well known that he did far better than Giulianni and Thompson combined so that in itself is enough to tell me they are purposefully eliminating his freedom message from the choices.

Anyway, maybe if millions of people show up at the Capital, without arms, then they won't have much choice but to listen...let's hope that happens.


[edit on 17-1-2008 by Purduegrad05]

[edit on 17-1-2008 by Purduegrad05]

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by C0le
Wait please tell me I read incorrectly a sitting US President OPENLY admits that he will essentially ignor intelligence reports if they don't agree with his preconceived plans or beliefs?

But aren't people still bashing Bush for not ignoring the intelligence reports that said iraq had WMD? Damned if he does and damned if he doesn't, it appears to me.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by Purduegrad05

I think that one of the real problems is that there are too many people with too much invested in maintaining the status quo.

Hypothetically speaking, if I were "in charge" the first thing I would do would be to ban lobbyists and special interest groups - they should stand on their own feet instead of spending vast amounts of money to get laws passed that are contrary to the pulbic interest.

There are some groups that need support, but this could be solved by allowing groups which fall into certain categories to put proposals forwards - civil rights, equality etc.

Then get rid of all the bloody lawyers getting rich off the government teat.

Another problem is that many people invariably vote the party instead of the person with a percentage of more sophisticated floating voters who do the reverse.

As far as public policy goes, what's wrong with referendum?

Only the american people can enfocre change, and many of them just can't be bothered.

These politicians seem to forget that they are there to serve the people, not the other way round.

I remember an old saying (although I forget who said it); "Anybody who's ambition it is to become a politician should automatically be banned from becoming one"

OK, not all leaders or politicians are as bad as shrub and his ilk, but far too many get captured by the system and are not able to make a difference - so all the good intentions go out the window as they struggle to survive the infighting.

Back to bush,
get him out asap - impeach him, hell do whatever is necessary to get the guy out of office before he destroys the world.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

If I remember correctly, most of the intel Bush used to justify the Iraq attack came from the conveniently and hastily set up Office of Special Plans within the Pentagon. The intel from this group bypassed all the traditional agencies and went straight into the WH without proper oversight. But, that was it's function after all, to supply the necessary booga booga to justify the resulting war.

What Bush is now saying is that everyone else's opinions, research and intel is irrelevant if it contradicts his personal delusions and what the voices in his head tell him, not to mention what uncle Dicky and the Israelis want him to say

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

Well according to the late Dr David Kelly, the intel documents were "sexed up" and the governments (UK and US) knew they were.
So this was another example of bush ignoring intelligence as well as blair.

[edit on 17/1/2008 by budski]

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by budski
reply to post by Purduegrad05

I think that one of the real problems is that there are too many people with too much invested in maintaining the status quo.

Hypothetically speaking, if I were "in charge" the first thing I would do would be to ban lobbyists and special interest groups - they should stand on their own feet instead of spending vast amounts of money to get laws passed that are contrary to the pulbic interest.

I definitely agree with this. The special interest groups are the ones keeping us involved in places and things around the world that the majority of the American people want nothing to do with. For instance, I care not for the problems that Israel is having with the Muslim world and vice versa. I'm NOT saying I'm against either religious practice, on the contrary people have free will and should be able to believe what they wish. However, I am against the support or defamation of either side just so either side can get financial assistance and weapons and whatever else from us. I AM in favor of a peaceful settlement between both sides with our help if needed, but not the kind of help I mentioned above. Tell me, what good does it do us or them that we send Israel MILITARY support in the form of weapons, helicopters, jets, etc......NONE!! Also, this incites hatred towards the United States from the Muslim culture since we support their adversary, NOT needed either. Like Ron Paul said, we should be trading and exchanging our culture with them, learning from each other, not picking one side or the other, its that simple.

Also, who would stand to lose from a Peaceful or Violent Revolution....the rich elite of this country. It's in their best interest to keep the status quo as it is so they can have their big houses, cars, control of big business and all that stuff.....control over the masses. Therefore they, in my opinion, have no need/desire to change the current state of our union and would stand to lose out from an upheaval. You think Donald Trump cares about what we in the middle class lose.....doubtful. Then again, I can not speak for him or against him since he did call GWB an idiot.


[edit on 17-1-2008 by Purduegrad05]

[edit on 17-1-2008 by Purduegrad05]

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 03:01 PM
And now the purpose becomes clear,
check this out.

The man won't be happy until he's killed us all, then he can preside over the bunker staff if they survive.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 03:25 PM
I agree with many of the previous posts.

Why have such an agency if their intelligence bears no purpose?

I think GW knows what he wants to do and just like any other three year old, hes going to do it. This country is on the verge of something big - and with so many troops dispersed around the globe in pointless conflicts, we are wide open and pretty much getting ourselves ready to speak either Chinese or Russian.

The United States of America as we knew it no longer exists.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by budski

Do some of you, especially the OP, even realise the hypocrisy of your comments?

So many people bash Bush for believing pre-war intelligence about Saddam's government possessing WMD's. And this wasn't just American intelligence, either. Many countries, even those opposed to the war, believed that Saddam had them. Countries like France, Germany, Russia, Saudi Arabia, etc.

But when Bush believes the intelligence, as most did, he gets ripped for it. And now, we have a SINGLE intelligence report that claims that Iran suspended its nuclear weapons program in 2003. The President isn't buying it, and now he's being ripped for it.

Some of you Bush-bashers are so blinded by your incredible level of hatred for this man (and in some cases this nation) that you will attack him for anything, even if it defies common sense or arguments you've made in the past. President Bush is damned if he does and he's damned if he doesn't. God forbid the Islamofascist dictatorship in Iran does acquire nuclear weapons. God forbid they use those weapons on another nation, or turn them over to one of the many terrorist organizations that they support, to use on a nation. Because then all of you guys will come on here and defy everything you're saying today by bashing Bush for not having stopped Iran.

Seriously... this site is supposed to be about denying ignorance. That includes abandoning whatever pre-conceived notions you have and looking at the facts subjectively and independently. So many of you here are utterly incapable of doing so. I have never in my life witnessed so many otherwise rational individuals act out with such hatred for someone like I see with President Bush. Some of you would cite an article written in crayon by a 6-year-old as long as it supported you opinions or political ideology. On the other hand, every credible and respected news source in the world could write an article that praises Bush for doing something, and so many of you would call it propaganda or come up with some excuse to dismiss it.

It makes me laugh sometimes when I read things like this. It's funny how so many conspiracy theories are born out of hatred or distrust. You never hear anyone posting a conspiracy about someone or something that they actually like or support. You only hear conspiracies about the "evil' CIA, or the "Anti-Christ" President Bush. People rarely ever post any conspiracy theories or negative news items about people, organizations or nations that they love and support. Because those ones just couldn't possibly be true in your minds!

I'll close by stating that what I said above is obviously not the case for all of you. In fact, a good portion of the individuals who visit this site are good, honest, straight-forward people. Unfortunately, their posts seem to be overshadowed by the type of shady characters I spoke of. Without the risk of hijacking this thread or going "political", I must say that I cannot fathom what will happen to most of you posters when Bush is out of office! What will you do with yourselves? Oh, that's right... Bush isn't leaving office! He's going to stage a major terrorist attack that allows him to cancel the elections and remain in power indefinitely! I almost forgot. The same man that you call an idiot and a moron is also the guy who you attribute the biggest, most elaborate conspiracies to. I guess you can have your cake and eat it too!

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by Rasputin13

Rather than defending bush at all costs, why not look up Dr David Kelly - the LATE Dr David Kelly - whose finding were given to both the US and UK governments where he concluded that reports about Saddams WMDs had been "sexed up".
In other words they were false - Bush and Blair chose NOT to take any notice and go ahead with the invasion, with disastrous consequences for not only their credibility, but also our armed forces and the Iraqi cpopulation.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211

Originally posted by C0le
Wait please tell me I read incorrectly a sitting US President OPENLY admits that he will essentially ignor intelligence reports if they don't agree with his preconceived plans or beliefs?

But aren't people still bashing Bush for not ignoring the intelligence reports that said iraq had WMD? Damned if he does and damned if he doesn't, it appears to me.

that wasn't 100% of the Intelligence community , it was a task force Donald Rumsfeld put together at the pentagon

People who worked withinn the task force have since come forward and stated they were just told to find anything , and if they couldn't make something up.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 05:20 PM
And who gives a $#@k what YOU want Bush, YOU work for the PEOPLE and they don't want what you want arsehole.


posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 07:17 PM
For a site that prides itself on denying ignorance, and a site full of people wanting peace and justice, im absolutley shocked at the low level of replies or debate this one statement has brought up.

.... for christ sakes.. people argue about evidence about intellegence, claiming such and such did this, said that lied about this...

well, George has just declared everything but his PERSONAL desires MUTE.

Meaning, no matter what ANY official, intellegence agency says to him, he will attack Iran if '' he wants too ''

This is an incredibley dangerous statement... he's just made international affairs PERSONAL!

It surely backs up everyone who screams about Iraq being immoral and illegial....

Obviously, it mattered not all the people telling George the IRAQ evidence was faulty, or that saddam didnt have anything... because clearly as he has just said, intellegence and anaylysts mean NOTHING if HE wants to do smething...

Wow, im shocked at how any single american can call them selves patriotic when theres only a handful of replies to this statement.

really, has America lost its soul in only 7 short years?Have those brave Americans that fought on the beaches of Normandy been vanquished from memory?

They fought to fight facism, and tyranny... and now your all just letting it slither in while declaring its goals..

Are you really, all whimps? Because it sure looks like it now.

[edit on 17-1-2008 by Agit8dChop]

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by Rasputin13

Rasputin your not looking at it correctly.
IRAQ, was Bush admin CREATED agencies ( some headed by wolfowitz's GF, and Cheney's daughter ) that pushed the IRAQI WMD evidence.

Valeri Plame for christ sakes.... look at the UN and Hans Blix...

everyone was screaming that Iraq had nothing...
The only people saying he did were ELEMENTS of the Bush admin...

That evidence was created and faked.. the president used this as justification even though just as many intellegence agencies said the intel wasnt accurate...


The intellegence agencies that were SILENCED and were limited for Iraq have stepped up the plate and declared the REALITY...
They dont want to be made a patsy AGAIN.. this time, because it doesnt fit George's goals, he's going to ignore it.

your comments are so ignorant... you cant take BOTH cases as the same.

And you cant declare others hypocrits, because its not an accurate view of the ACTUAL EVENTS Surrounding the concepts here.

Cant you see, cant your mind even fathom, that George Bush manipulated Iraqi WMD intellegence to trick people, thus why he could accept it,
and now, cant control the Iran evidence so he choses to ignore it.

There completely different scenario's that you obviously cannot properly analyze.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by watchZEITGEISTnow
And who gives a $#@k what YOU want Bush, YOU work for the PEOPLE and they don't want what you want arsehole.


I agree, everyone should watch ZEITGEIST!! It's on Google video for free so check it out. Very informative documentary.


posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by budski
So because the NIE does not fall in with what he WANTS bush does not take any notice?
What's going on here?

this is the same thing that happened right before 9/11.
Bush got a brief saying Al Queda was preparing to
strike against the US. He disagreed then !!!!
See where it left us !!!!

He's an arrogant a$$hole

he wraps intelligence around his policy.

He needs to be impeached cuz he's no longer
a viable representative of normal Americans.

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 03:15 AM
It seems Bush is no longer the only one to dismiss the NIE report, according to the story below.

Have AIPAC been calling in the markers on this to get the support?

Another step closer to another war front.

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