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posted on Feb, 16 2004 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by TrueLies
Just wanted to tell you that those trails look like a bunch of serus clouds now...
Although naturally it was clear skies this morning, until these trails turned it into a dismal day...

There are thousands of legitimate scientists around the globe in many different countries studying the upper atmosphere and aircraft exhausts. None of these scientists believe in chemtrails. Just a sample of the various types of research ongoing:

In fact chemtrails are well documented as a hoax. Check out the following:

posted on Feb, 16 2004 @ 02:25 PM
Also truelies it was definitely a panic couldnt dial the phone but you could run downstairs...

I'm pretty sure the ability to run would go before the ability to press a few buttons...

posted on Feb, 16 2004 @ 07:23 PM
Super Plague Coming, Intuitive Warns
Says a massively deadly disease that weakens cell linings and flusters T-cells is about to be unleashed by conspiratorial international elite. Carrots said to be effective preemptive deterrent.

by Sterling D. Allan

Ephraim, UT (PRWEB) January 2 2004--An intuitive with demonstrated credibility has issued a warning that conspiratorial elements in the shadow government of the U.S. and other nations are about to unleash a massive plague in their efforts to drastically reduce the population of the earth down to what they consider to be a more "manageable" level.

According to the intuitive, who wishes to remain unnamed, the attack will take the form of a genetically engineered super bug that attacks the membranes of cells, causing them to lose their ability to maintain a proper pH balancing, thus leading to death. It also subverts the T-cell immunity of the body, causing it to go into an auto-destruct mode. The body's hyper reaction is what is deadly.

Seventeen prominent scientists have died in the past year under suspicious circumstances. The intuitive said they were investigating various facets in relation to the technology involved in this coming plague.

The bug is neither a virus nor a bacteria, but a prion, like in Mad Cow disease. The intuitive said it is called a "demiscel," and that the recent Mad Cow outbreak was from earlier tests being done.

The demiscel is passed by direct contact, ingestion, as well as airborne, making its spread versatile and rapid.

When the demiscel is unleashed, it will result in a deadly plague of proportions not seen in recent memory, analogous to the influenza epidemic of the early 1900s that killed some 70 million people worldwide.

The intuitive said at first people might confuse it with other syndromes such as SARS. The first symptoms are flue-like.

According to the intuitive, the elitists who are behind this scheme to unleash this apocalyptic plague have an immunization that they have disbursed to those who they deem fit to survive this plague.

The intuitive said that chemtrails have been used to weaken people's immune systems so that when they are exposed to this demiscel they will succumb. Chemtrails are created from nozzles installed on jet liners that emit chemicals while in flight. In 2001, in house resolution HR 2977 IH, Congressman Dennis Kucinich of Ohio listed "chemtrails" as an "exotic weapons system" that should be eliminated.

The intuitive also said that the emaciation of nutrients in the food chain has also been done with the design of weakening people' immune systems and ability to survive this pending attack.

The intuitive said that carrots contain a combination of substances that naturally block the propagation of this demiscel, but that they need to be in a person's system before exposure, not after, when it will tend to be too late. A carrot a day is adequate to bolster a person's immune function to enable them to survive the demiscel. "They will get sick, but it will not be lethal."

Carrots are rich in antioxidants Beta Carotene and Glutathione, and vitamins A, B1, B2, C, and E, which are also considered antioxidants, which help fight free radicals. Glutathione helps the body recycle vitamin E, as well as replenish white blood cells. It also helps to strengthen cell membranes as well as T-cells.

The effect of the carrots is cumulative, so the longer a person has been eating them regularly, the better off they will be when exposed to this demiscel.

The intuitive said the conspirators would disburse the demiscel by breaking vials of the substance on floors in the airports of large cities, and other human thoroughfares such as subways and bus stations, to speed the spread of the disease. Chicago, Salt Lake City, Spokane, Dallas and New York were among the cities seen where this would be disbursed.

posted on Feb, 16 2004 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by HowardRoark

Originally posted by TrueLies
Just wanted to tell you that those trails look like a bunch of serus clouds now...
Although naturally it was clear skies this morning, until these trails turned it into a dismal day...

There are thousands of legitimate scientists around the globe in many different countries studying the upper atmosphere and aircraft exhausts. None of these scientists believe in chemtrails. Just a sample of the various types of research ongoing:

In fact chemtrails are well documented as a hoax. Check out the following:

You are doing it again man? Many of the sites on chemtrails and my own and other's personal observances show that chemtrails are not part of the jet/turbines exhausts but exit from nozzles on the rear trailing elevator area.

Here is a link to parts of an airplane for you to look at Howard, right from Nasa itself:

posted on Feb, 16 2004 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by cyberpilot
Also truelies it was definitely a panic couldnt dial the phone but you could run downstairs...

I'm pretty sure the ability to run would go before the ability to press a few buttons...

what are you a psychiatrist? Actually in psychiatric terms you are INCORRECT. Fear causes two initial responses:

fight or flight.

posted on Feb, 17 2004 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by THENEO

Originally posted by cyberpilot
Also truelies it was definitely a panic couldnt dial the phone but you could run downstairs...

I'm pretty sure the ability to run would go before the ability to press a few buttons...

what are you a psychiatrist? Actually in psychiatric terms you are INCORRECT. Fear causes two initial responses:

fight or flight.

Signs and symptoms of a panic attack.

more here

posted on Feb, 17 2004 @ 06:48 AM
I enjoy it, when they write in chinese

[Edited on 21-2-2004 by NetStorm]

posted on Feb, 17 2004 @ 07:29 AM
do you really think that things are not sprayed? plenty of examples of chemicals being sprayed on populations, chemical tests, etc.

posted on Feb, 17 2004 @ 08:25 AM
ok everyone, turnsout I did experience a panic/anxiety attack... Very scary indeed, all u can think of is omg i'm either having a heart attack or some kind of hemmorage.. but it's neither...

Anyway, i've been reading the chemtrail vs contrail info sites, and i'm still stuck in the middle... The only way i'll ever believe it's a chemical is if I'm able to get some samples.. I'm still researching both sides... so back to the drawing board I go...

posted on Feb, 17 2004 @ 09:04 AM
I was wondering, have any scientists or has anyone found any scientific proof that these chemtrails from planes actually affect human health in a negative way??

posted on Feb, 17 2004 @ 09:09 AM
TrueLies, from the description, a panic attack sounds like a scary thing. I am glad that you are over it. In retrospect, however, thinking you are having a heart attack is probably better than actually having one. At least you understand what the situation is, and that is half the battle. Good luck.

As for the sample issue. As yet, since the start of the chemtrail hoax circa 1999, no one has managed to collect and analyze a meaningful sample confirming the presence of chemtrails.

Some have tried. (Carnicom�s attempts have been laughably bad) There have been a few attempts to analyze rain, snow, or furnace filters. Unfortunately these attempts have been plagued by either poor sample collection techniques, poor analytical methods, lack of proper controls etc. Furthermore there is the whole issue of trying to collect a sample from ground level of something that is supposedly happening at 35,000 feet.

There have been a number of studies and tests by scientists at the flight levels commonly used by air carriers. However these generally involve parameters like NOx, Sox, fuel volatiles, and other exhaust by-products. one such program is getting underway now.

One more thing to keep in mind. Chemtrails are supposedly made at the same altitudes that are used by commercial airlines. Chemtrail locations conform to known flight corridors for many major air routes between cities. Therefore it would be reasonable to assume that if chemtrails exist then commercial air lines would be flying right through the heart of them. Pilots and air crew would be constantly exposed to these chemicals on a daily basis, not to mention the passengers. Yet there have been no reports of illness among pilots and air crew.

As you can probably guess, I don�t believe in chemtrails. In fact I find the whole theory to be antipathetic to common sense.

Hope this helps.

posted on Feb, 17 2004 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by HowardRoark
TrueLies, from the description, a panic attack sounds like a scary thing. I am glad that you are over it. In retrospect, however, thinking you are having a heart attack is probably better than actually having one. At least you understand what the situation is, and that is half the battle. Good luck.

As for the sample issue. As yet, since the start of the chemtrail hoax circa 1999, no one has managed to collect and analyze a meaningful sample confirming the presence of chemtrails.

Some have tried. (Carnicom�s attempts have been laughably bad) There have been a few attempts to analyze rain, snow, or furnace filters. Unfortunately these attempts have been plagued by either poor sample collection techniques, poor analytical methods, lack of proper controls etc. Furthermore there is the whole issue of trying to collect a sample from ground level of something that is supposedly happening at 35,000 feet.

There have been a number of studies and tests by scientists at the flight levels commonly used by air carriers. However these generally involve parameters like NOx, Sox, fuel volatiles, and other exhaust by-products. one such program is getting underway now.

One more thing to keep in mind. Chemtrails are supposedly made at the same altitudes that are used by commercial airlines. Chemtrail locations conform to known flight corridors for many major air routes between cities. Therefore it would be reasonable to assume that if chemtrails exist then commercial air lines would be flying right through the heart of them. Pilots and air crew would be constantly exposed to these chemicals on a daily basis, not to mention the passengers. Yet there have been no reports of illness among pilots and air crew.

As you can probably guess, I don�t believe in chemtrails. In fact I find the whole theory to be antipathetic to common sense.

Hope this helps.

You know, that makes alot of sense... It does help...
When I was saying taking samples I meant flying up while these planes were gridding the sky, kind of like in the movie twister where they had those balls for the hurricane... Although i'd have to get really into it to take it that far, but I like your style of thinking, very logical.

If commercial planes were flying through them, then why wouldn't the people on the planes be getting sick?
good call. I don't know.. Logical yes, but i'm still going to keep my eyes peeled and document nonetheless.

I know if people want to believe something really bad they will find a way to back their belief up...
I'm in a neutral position here. This is a very controversial subject indeed.

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 12:02 AM
I was at my girlfriends house today and saw a few... like 3 or 4 contrails at low altitude... they looked like they've been there for a little while, still in a straight line form, clouding out widely. Then I noticed a high altitude airliner, leaving a normal contrail, then it quickly disolved and dissapeard... like normal contrails should

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 12:05 AM
chemtrails!? are you people really that dumb?

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 02:06 AM
The "Trails" are what they are...

And what they are NOT is contrails....granted...some are...but the majority are not.

such substances as aluminum and barium have also been found to be part of the fallout from these so called "natural" phenominom...

something no one has mentioned tho...the spraying usually takes place right before a low front is due to move into an area...

the time frame is within 24 to 36 the time the low pressure system arrives...the particles are still in the upper atmosphere...and then comes the rain/snow...this is how an area is targeted...

the chemicals will fall to the ground with this percipitation...and as the snow melts or the rain soaks into the ground...the chemicals are left behind...they can be carried from place to place on the boots, shoes, tires of cars, our pets...into stores, subways, homes, hospitals...on the feet of people, in the dust, by the wind...what better way to contaminate...WE become the means of contamination.

Are the trails still a test?...could be...are we being used as guine pigs without our consent?...the government has done it why should they stop now...will they eventually tell us what's going on?...the answer to that remains to be seen..but from past deeds...i would tend to say...nope...and if they will be some bogus contrail story.

There will be those that will not believe what is going on..and there are those that really see...those that do not believe will eventually see...hopefully before it is too late....but i do have to agree that dis-information and it's agents will definitely continue to try and convince those of us that do notice that something isn't "right"....

side note: i'm not a kid, nor am i prone to anxiety attacks, which btw is what anything unexplainable that happens to someone is labeled by an uncaring medical community...i'm one of the people that notice what happens the day after a not only me, but to my animals...there IS something going those that don't believe it...believe what you want...but don't try to convince us that we're wacked...
...altho it is well known that discrediting someone is how the government hides the truth...right fellas?...


[Edited on 21-2-2004 by Oracle]

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by THENEO

what are you a psychiatrist? Actually in psychiatric terms you are INCORRECT. Fear causes two initial responses:

fight or flight.

I never said anything about fear Neo.

I am also familiar with the flight or fight response
but as you will notice I am CORRECT according to
truelies, the subject in question.

Have a nice day.

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 07:43 AM
i still don't buy the weather theory as an explanation for the trails... because I have been paying attention to the weather, humidity, temperatures etc, and even though we had a days of low humidity and days of almost 100% humidity, no trails were over my skies in the past week.

If it is weather related, then it should be more consistent. I would expect to see trails when the conditions are right, like the high humidity, or cold temperatures...especially in a city where the weather is relatively consistent. There is no pattern to the trails to link them to the weather.

Why is it that only trails in the past week have been the normal short contrails that follow the aircraft even though we had conditions exactly the same as the day when I saw them. I just don't get it.

and by people calling other who put alittle thought into chem/con trails dumb and idiots, etc, etc, it only makes this issue into a bigger conspiracy.

I will state again I personally don't believe that chemtrail spraying has anything to do with people getting sick. I tend to believe it is either weather manipulation or someother covert govt project to mess with our atmosphere of geomagnetic fields.

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
no trails were over my skies in the past week.

And here I thought it was just me not seeing any ....
Not even today (Saturday) usually today is criscross the sky day, but not today

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 08:22 AM
isn't that a little strange eh netstorm?

especially if it weather related...I would definitely expect to have seen some during the past week..well there is always today...haven't looked outside yet...still having my java and biscotti...we have keep comparing notes and see what happens

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
isn't that a little strange eh netstorm?

especially if it weather related...

Especially since someone here (I can't remember their alias) says that they are more common on cold has been COLD here the last 3 days....think I need to move to the Keys....

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