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A ~REAL~ time travel machine, the HDR device

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posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 12:30 PM
I would try this but I wouldn't pay to buy a machine. As others have already linked "The God Helmet" is the same principle and is used for OOBEs. There is a lot of flippant remarks on this forum it's become no better than an AOLOL forum around here.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 01:10 PM
This sounds a lot like the Johnny Npuemonic (sp?). It is definitely the first step towards literally creating our own realities. If the brain works in a predictable manner, theoreretically you can plug into it and control what we see and feel. Whether or not that is considered "real" becomes the next question. I suggest that people writing about their experiences with these machines are real to them, but that they do not physically leave. I wouldn't want to be involved in these initial tests only because the long terms effects cannot yet be seen. What if you eventually become permantly stuck in an astaral state or OOBE and become a vegtable. Is it worth it?

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 03:38 PM
Hi There,

Time travel, eh? Let's consider plausible hypotheses that remain wholly within the realms of pure speculation...time travel is quite impossible for humans.

First and foremost the only way humans can travel back in time is through imagination, and their rememberances via memory. No way can a person travel 'physically' through time.

In order to consider 'time travel' one has to grasp the significance and reality of time, per se, and seeing as how 'time' has no existential reality of its own, there is in fact nothing to travel through.

Time is apropos to the observance of 'motion', but more specifically, to motion's duration. Thus, when we are measuring that which we call 'time', we are in fact measuring the duration of an 'event' which we observe by its motion. If there were no events, time would not be a factor. An event can be considered to be a motion of occurrence (a terminology I coined to represent the observance of an event), and a motion of occcurrence can be anything from a electron jump to the spin of the Milky Way, and all motions in between.

Time is nothing more than the quale of perceiving events (motions of occurrences), and we assimilate these observances (perceptions) into our memory. Memory plays a vital and important role in our perception of time, for events occur in such a way that their startings and finishings overlap each other in non-linear ways. However, because we are able to recall each prior event to one that is almost at completion, or one that has just begun, we are able to assimilate into memory the perceiving of more than one motion of occurrence, and it is this attribute that out of which arises the quale of time. We are in fact perceiving more than one motion of occurrence each having its own length of duration, and thus we perceive from this a linearity of duration which arises in us as a quale of time.

Through stimuli, we are brought into a condition/state of consciousness, and such stimuli are in fact, motions of, thus, although Einstien regarded space and time as interlinked, time (or rather the quale of time) is more interlinked to consciousness. The usefulness to linking time to space is simply a matter of understanding that events occur in spatial vectors, and thus mathematically, duration extends within spatiality, and is altered only when the event itself is acted upon by some other event...such as a particle colliding with another particle, or if some such particle is perturbed by some radiating force. In all instances, duration is variable, both in length and speed, equally variable, therefore, is our quale of time by which we measure duration.

Now, with regard to time travel. Supposing I wanted to go back a week and revisit myself on some particular day, doing some particular thing, such as reading a book or listening to some music? Currently, the only way I can do this is through recall out of memory. I cannot physically go back to that day and converse with myself, or re-read the book or re-listen to the music as I did. The vectors I created and moved in on that particular day are no longer extant, they no longer remain fixed in the ether, all the molecules and atoms and particles that were in certain positions at that time are no longer in those positions and I cannot in any way re-fix them to those positions. I cannot rewind everything back to as they were on that day, as if I were re-winding some film reel. As much as I might like to, I cannot pop out of the present and into the past, my motion is always arrowed forward towards the future, especially from mine own relative perspective. Time travel will always remain a 'physical' impossibility.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by thillygooth
This sounds a lot like the Johnny Npuemonic (sp?). It is definitely the first step towards literally creating our own realities. If the brain works in a predictable manner, theoreretically you can plug into it and control what we see and feel. Whether or not that is considered "real" becomes the next question.

Not exactly correct. Right now, we can only trigger things that are wired (so to speak) the same way in everyone’s head. These are things such as emotions, chemical releases in the brain, and motor reactions. That is enormously different then creating virtual reality machine. The problem with creating an alternate reality machine would be that the person would have to have had a similar experience in order to have the neurons already wired to be triggered by the machine. To make matters even more complex, everyone experiences things differently and remembers them differently, so no two people are going to have their neurons wired together the same way. Even more complex is the fact that different aspects of each event that is wired in memory is located in a different area; so sound, feel, sight, and so on are most likely not even in the same area of the brains memory. The idea of making such a machine could potentially be infinitely complex, and is well beyond what we have the current ability to do. As of now we can do some very basic stuff, such as cause certain mass areas of the brain to react a certain way, or to read the reactions of certain areas of the brain, but that is about all we have the ability to do.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 07:42 PM
Im willing to bet that Starbucks or Barnes and Noble will have the first claims on vortex spots. I'll be enjoying my Hazelnut skim Latte and swoosh, off to 1987. Maybe I wont get that spiral perm in Jr High.

Seriously, I dont see how it can be a good idea to try to change the past. Plus- if you are travelling back in time but in another dimension, how can that be helpful or even proveable. The guy bought books that were not available in our dimension in 1977? To me that means they are not real. Wouldnt someone notice that the money he used was from the future?

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:34 PM
This world is filled, in fact made mostly on things from the past. If he wanted to prove that he can travel in time then he would infact go into the future. Get some intel, ie. news reports of natural disasters or such and maybe some new little gizmo.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:50 PM
I think this whole thing is just not understood enough and I see many people jumping to conclusions. Until you try this machine you can not say whether it works or not. I read through a lot of the information and some parts make sense, some parts seem possible and then there are some parts i just can't think anything about because i do not understand it. This guy does seem like a bit of a wacko, but sometimes brilliant people do seem like that. Other times they are wackos and so all we can do is wonder. The little kid in me wants to buy this machine and give it a try but then the logical part of me is saying that there is no way this "machine" could do that.

The one thing that is bothering me is that, from what I understand, traveling back in time and making a change will not affect your life, because you are just creating a new timeline, but then I thought I understood it that making changes did affect you, but you had a big loss of memory. These can not both be right, so that is a contradiction. I am willing to admit, though, that I do not have enough understanding about the machine, or the process, to say that there is a contradiction. I would just say that I do not understand it enough and if this machine does work, then I am misunderstood on one of these things. Then again, maybe either one is possible. Maybe some changes break off into another timeline but then other changes stay with you.

These people on the forums even say that they are still in the experimentation process with the machine, and that they do not understand the phenomenon that much. At least they have the guts to try it, and do not simply dismiss the idea and make fun of the guy who came out with this machine. I believe in time travel. I also think that this machine is on to something. We still do not understand many things about this world, let alone this machine. Who knows, but if this thing does work, and does lead to something great, it would be a huge step for mankind.

I think people need to do some research, try the machine out, and then start talking about whether or not the thing works. I am open to the idea and excited to see the results of anyone on here who actually does try this thing.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:58 PM
Want to time travel ?

Want the know how ?

Look for the most famous something from nothing in your 50 mile area.
Congrat's your now up there.





posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by Bspiracy

How bout we set up a paypal account for the OP and we all send her a dollar each so she can buy it and give a truly curious unbiased review?
I'd give her 5 !


Of course I would have to say I LOVE THIS IDEA!
(how could I not? added incentive my birthday is Jan 25th)
I sure as heck would not say no

I stayed up last night reading the blogs and am MORE interested now than I was by listening to the interview on C2C which fascinated me enough to start talking about this thing on ATS......
On the blog this guy is using this machine to HEAL people

Somehow this 'resonator' works with unseen energies and the dial can be set for healing various sickness and disease......whoa.

I have never heard of anything like this machine before.........
I mailed a letter off to Mr Gibbs today just asking general questions, but I do not really expect to here back from him, but you never know.

So here is a photo of the machine from the blog.
I know it looks very simple and maybe even crude, but not ALL amazing things look all that complicated in the end.

Now a whole bunch of posters are making the assumption that you somehow connect this machine to your head. This is NOT the case from my understanding. I understand that you place a photo of yourself in the 'witness' well (a place for putting a photo) and then you mess with the dials until they 'stick' in a certain place thus psychicly leading you to the correct dial for the purpose you seek.....healing an illness or OOBE.....then you do the same thing for the 2nd dial. then you run the machine for 20 minutes or so, and it somehow messes with the psionic energy and makes the desired effect happen.
Now if your TRYING to use it specifically for PHYSICAL time travel then you need to be HOLDING the machine in your hand, otherwise it will send you OOBE through time when your in a theta state.....

It is all VERY complicated
and VERY AMAZING at the same time.....
I wonder just how many people on the planet have such a device and are using it regularly

The BLOG dude would put a pic of him and then of his wife (separately) in the 'witness' well, along with a nice clear crystal and dial up the dials for them to be fully energized and clear headed throughout their respective workdays, and they are claiming they have never felt better or had more enegy to burn in their entire lives. The he will dial both of them for highly lucid dreams and get just what they planned to get.......ask and ye shall receive so to say.
Man I want one of these machines JUST for the ability to heal the un-wellness of many people in my life including myself..........but yes I would for SURE use it to induce OOBE, as this is of HUGE interest to me.
I really do not see myself sitting in a car somewhere holding the machine trying to go back in time to race my car with velosaraptors any time soon, I mean how would I 'splain dat chewed up fender to my insurance company?
................................BUT ya never know

[edit on 15-1-2008 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
Now a whole bunch of posters are making the assumption that you somehow connect this machine to your head. This is NOT the case from my understanding.

If you read the schematic HERE, you will see that the “time coils” are placed around the head:

(1)The Hyper-Dimensional resonator is connected to a 110-volt outlet. (2) The dials are turned to a specific day, month, and year. This is done while the time coils are placed around the head. (3) The resonator is activated, and the electromagnet is placed over the solar plexus for three minutes. (4) The unit is deactivated, coils are removed, and the subject should find himself projected into the future….

…Or their neurons are scrambled for a short time, making it seem like they are in an alternate reality.

You notice how there are no instructions for making the return trip?
To me that says that the effect wears off after the coil is removed, and things return to normal on their own. Again, this is all strictly submitting your head to electromagnetic fields.

Originally posted by evo80
I think this whole thing is just not understood enough and I see many people jumping to conclusions. Until you try this machine you can not say whether it works or not.

There is no jumping to conclusions involved here, we know exactly what can occur when your brain is submitted to electromagnetic inductors. There have been research studies to show this.

Does it work? Sure so to speak, but certainly not in the manner that this gentleman is trying to claim it works. You are not time traveling, what you are doing is experiencing a hallucination due to placing an electric field directly next to your brain.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 06:10 AM
You know what. The guy is taking long to reply. Perhaps he hasn't gone online yet to read my message.

Here is the thread I was talking about.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 07:31 PM
This is some seriously FREAK ME OUT stuff here

I am joining that forum..........right up my alley
More folks for me to talk OOBE with

I really REALLY need to get me one of these machines.....
I have a paypal Email addy but I bet ATS would frown at me attempting to get help to pay for one of these devices.....

Im gunna U2U Springer and ask him about this idea.....because if they will let me I am all over it, if they say no I guess folks would just have to ask me in PM...........I bet they say no, what else could they do really....

Does it work? Sure so to speak, but certainly not in the manner that this gentleman is trying to claim it works. You are not time traveling, what you are doing is experiencing a hallucination due to placing an electric field directly next to your brain.

Ok Def I see what your saying........BUT have you READ these blogs??? The blogs are NOT sounding like any hallucination to know we are ALL ENERGY anyway, so maybe this jolt of energy really IS doing what the maker is claiming it does.............the blogs are AMAZINGLY freeky deeky!

[edit on 15-1-2008 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by theRiverGoddess

Do you have a link so I can hear this for myself?

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by thehumbleone
reply to post by theRiverGoddess

Do you have a link so I can hear this for myself?

Well Im not 'listening' to anything .....I am reading the BLOGS that have been linked on this 2 has an AMAZING blog link, and the one above that Bandit has shared is what I am reading now.....
You can click on the BLOG links and read them yourself yes you can.......I hope you do so I can talk to somebody about what I am reading on these other sites

Hey now that I THINK about this your probebly asking me about a link to the Coast to Coast talk radio show
The problem is that YES they will streamlink you the show BUT you have to pay a monthly fee to be a 'streamlink member'.............but this is the only way I know to catch past shows unless you taped them yourself.
I am a night owl and just listen to them at night unless I hate the can see from the main page of the C2C show who the guest is going to be and what the subject to discuss is planned on being....

[edit on 15-1-2008 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 12:32 PM
no new posts since the 15/01/08? theRiverGoddess did you buy the machine? Would be great to talk about it on msn or via email since im interested by this machine plus the OOBE(especially concerning astral plan). Cant send u2u too...

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 02:56 PM
"Steven says some people have used this HDR to go back in time to prevent car wrecks or other tragic deaths, but when you come back there will be large gaps in your memory baseline because you have now changed your timeline.......... "

if this was true and someone has genuinely done this then forget about it,where does the person you saved go?

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 01:18 PM
I can't wait for Billy Mays to sell it on TV!

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 12:37 AM

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 07:59 PM
I am still here.
I did not get an HDR device for my birthday as everybody laughed at me for telling them I wanted one.....

I guess I will have to ask Santa Clause to bring me one for Christmas....

I am keeping a SHARP EYE out on the blogs and forums where folks are talking about these types of machines with great interest.
Thanks for those links Bandit.

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 05:37 PM
you might want to watch out for this if you buy one

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