posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 04:29 PM
The UKSF did a transfer with the Navy Seals a few years back. The majority of the SAS / SBS managed to get into the Seals, or at least tick all the
boxes / pass selection etc. The same however was not said for the Seals team, as they where unable to cope with the inital 5 weeks of running about on
Wales, Dartmoor etc.
Any member of the Navy Seals selection who does not pass out as a seal can do UKSF selection. They only have to complete 6 plus weeks of UKSF training
and they are then allowed into the Seals.
Personally I beleive the SBS to be amongst the best in the world. Suffering only 1 casualty in the Falklands from SAS friendly fire. In Afghanistan as
well they have proved to be a force to be reckoned with, with more than 100 kills in a single incident involving a taliban ambush. They where also
responsible for the sucsessful storming of embassies in Kuwait during the Gulf War ( 1 ).
American SF just seem to lack something. Delta Force and Rangers proved a huge lack of ability in Mogidishu, and the Seals are just too commercial. I
dont claim to know much about the USASF, but they just dont seem to be so elitest as the SF from other nations.