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A letter from a Norwegian politician (2012)

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posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 05:43 PM
Hey everyone,

Have these photo's from the Russian space probe Norlok been hoaxed out?

I have not read that they have, and I'm not trying to start a hoax, I just thought I would put them up. At one time they were said to be actual images of Planet X. I have no idea of their authenticity.

There are a lot of images to be found by googling Norlok Space Prob.

Edit to add. Sorry didn't mean to go off topic, but so many post mentioned there were no images out there of planet x

[edit on 4-1-2008 by seawolf197]

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 06:23 PM
See its hard to beleive that a person like Bhutto whos whole life was devoted to the progression of Pakistan, would be working that hard knowing that in 4 years it wouldnt matter anyways. It just doesnt fit.

R.I.P. Benazir Bhutto

[edit on 4-1-2008 by uberbabe]

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by uberbabe
See its hard to beleive that a person like Bhutto whos whole life was devoted to the progression of Pakistan, would be working that hard knowing that in 4 years it wouldnt matter anyways. It just doesnt fit.

R.I.P. Benazir Bhutto

[edit on 4-1-2008 by uberbabe]

She was pretty OK, I think. About 2012, we won't know until the tsunami hits and starts the ball rolling. No tsunami, no doomsday. If you see the 30 foot wave, then we're toast.

On edit, must apologize for my gloomy post. Practice you faith everyday, pray, look after your family and friends, obey the law, and hope. ------PC

[edit on 4-1-2008 by pc is here]

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by uberbabe
See its hard to beleive that a person like Bhutto whos whole life was devoted to the progression of Pakistan, would be working that hard knowing that in 4 years it wouldnt matter anyways.

What makes you think she would know?

The author of the letter said they met Bhutto personally not that Bhutto was invited to the bunker or was in on the plan. I'd bet if this were true not every person in politics/government would be involved or even saved. I'm sure this would be something extremely exclusive, and extremely elitist.

Whether this letter is authentic or not though...I'm not sure.
I'd like to see the photos this site claims to have. Until there is more I'll just not put much faith in it.

- Lee

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by lee anoma

Your right, but the article does suggest that the worlds goverments and elite are in the "Know".

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 06:52 PM
As a Norwegian i would like to comment on the credebility of this letter.

First of all, the language seems quite off for that of a high-ranking politician, one would expect much better english and fluency if this indeed was a norwegian minister.


In 2009 the government of FRP will come into power and Siv Jensen will be elected Prime Minister. This is already known. It's important to understand that. The elections are all fake and the same persons and power elite get elected each time in turn. Look up the political history of Norway, and the people that run the country now.

Seeing that the "sosialist" coalition-parties in goverment atm are showing decreasing popularity in recent polls, you don´t need to be a high-ranking official, or aware of a concpiracy, to understand that any of the opposing parties (Ex: FrP, one of the more popular parties in Norway) have a fair chance of making a good election in 2009

Also, the same political parties beeing elected over several periods doesn´t mean it is a result fake elections!

[edit on 4-1-2008 by BurningBeard]

[edit on 4-1-2008 by BurningBeard]

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 07:09 PM

"Doomsday Seed Vault" in the Arctic
Bill Gates, Rockefeller and the GMO giants know something we don’t

by F. William Engdahl

Global Research, December 4, 2007

Global Research

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 08:05 PM
my brother is a civil engeenier who knows and works for/with several branches of the goverment(Chile-southamerica).
He has told me that in Santiago(Chile's capitol city) are buried several bunker like constructs built during the military goverment that are being repaired and refited for actual used in case of emergency.
Also there are a bunch of unused or abandoned metropolitan train stations deep underground. All being refited for "another use", according to what he's been told.
Years ago he worked for some Israeli ppl who wanted a desing for a reinforced shelter, it was supposed to be built somewhere in the south... that's interesting.
Thou' he didn't told me anything else, he did mention that besides the above, there must be something about all this building and diggin'...
We are a "third world" country... Why do we need bunkers and all that stuff?
Myself? just diggin some info and preparing me and my family for wahtever comes ahead...

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by BurningBeard

First of all, the language seems quite off for that of a high-ranking politician, one would expect much better english and fluency if this indeed was a norwegian minister.

Sorry, but you're wrong here. Minister status doesn't automatically make their english skills any better. And to become a minister, their english skills are not tested first. In some cases, their english skills are really bad. Sad but true

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 08:29 PM
well, as a simple middleclass american and a fervent believer in
the power of god, i stand little chance of being "selected", however,
because of my belief, i am not in fear of death. if i must die and i
will some day, planet X or not, my only concern is to live my life
according to the wishes of my god. if this is true, it's literally comical
that all these so-called important people are scrambling, planning
and plotting to survive and be the seed of the next civilisation.
what a joke. they've screwed up existance this time and will do the
same next time. whats the point? i agree with the poster who said living in a cave is not an existance. my soul will be happy and free!!
bring it on!!!!

[edit on 4-1-2008 by last time here]

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by apollos84

Does anyone know if the U.S. is doing this?

Google search Mount Weather and check out what you find.

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 08:52 PM
Everyday I see info on both sides of this argument that makes sense (to me at least) but I know that a lot of it is unverified, speculation, pure BS and who knows what else. Looking at all these stories about bunker building and what not though does make one a little nervous.

With that being said, I have come to my personal conclusion that the Planet X theories are bunk. Now I just have to convince a buddy who I dragged into the conspiracy world to take a step back and be a little more subjective and open instead of believing this stuff first and trying to disprove it later. Harder that way.

I do think that having things like a bunker to store seeds and the like is just a good idea, be prepared they always say. That is actually true, and I think it's in the Arctic (or somewhere in the North of the planet) It's no secret and there is no reason for it to be. If any disaster is to befall us in 2012 it will not be Planet X and be a natural phenomena.

Aren't there models with at least some degree of accuracy that could be used to predict if something of this magnitude would be imminent? Maybe one group has stumbled onto something like this and this could explain all these reports of underground bunker building becoming much moire prevalent. Maybe it is so bad that if all the world knew, there would be a mass panic instantly at it being disclosed and to try and prepare as much as possible, it needs to be kept somewhat quiet. If a few "conspiracy nuts" like ourselves come upon the truth, who would listen to us?

This letter is probably more disinfo released as a hoax, or as a means to keep us busy and away from the truth for a little longer. We'll find out one day, they can't stop us forever. At least thats what I think

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 09:14 PM
It seems the only thing to do is trust the old testament, it states quite clearly
that no matter how desperately you try to hide from the onslaught , be it in the ground or in the skies your chances are as good or as bad as anyone else.
All the spiritual guides are telling us to prepare through meditation and prayer
and being good to your brothers and sisters does not sound too complex either.

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 09:35 PM
First off, I'm Norwegian. Norway isn't big, and it's quite difficult to construct something without the general populace seeing it.

I travel alot around in Oslo and around various places in Østfold, and I haven't seen diddly squat. This is the first time I hear something about it.

Not saying it can't happen, just it's quite unlikely to be happening.

My 2 øre.


posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 09:35 PM
Just to clarify some points brought up concerning this post: first of all, I have no idea what is going to happen in 2012. This date has significance because it is the endpoint of the Mayan calender after which a new period of history is supposed to begin. Secondly, Secharia Sitchin did not invent the existence of PLANET X; he is merely interpreting some of their written cuneform records, of which hundreds if not thousands of copies of clay tablets have been unearthed by archeologists over the years. Entire libraries have been discovered. Thirdly, other authors have found references to PLANET X in other works (, and some authors believe that certain Biblical prophecies are referring to PLANET X when they refer to the DESTROYER that will come. According to Sitchin's interpretation, PLANET X has rendezvoued with planet earth for thousand of years without causing any damage until about 10,000 BC when it caused the GREAT FLOOD. The Sumerian NOAH was forwarned and instructed how to save himself, his family and the SEED of all living things. Sitchin does not think the year 2012 will mark the return of PLANET X. His calculations place its return within earth's vicinity in the year 2900.

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by Frontkjemper

Maybe you'll need to go to Svalbard?

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 09:39 PM
A point of correction: I did not mean to imply that Sitchin is interpreting MAYAN script, but rather ANCIENT SUMERIAN CUNEFORM script. Thanks.

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by last time here
well, as a simple middleclass american and a fervent believer in
the power of god, i stand little chance of being "selected", however,
because of my belief, i am not in fear of death. if i must die and i
will some day, planet X or not, my only concern is to live my life
according to the wishes of my god. if this is true, it's literally comical
that all these so-called important people are scrambling, planning
and plotting to survive and be the seed of the next civilisation.
what a joke. they've screwed up existance this time and will do the
same next time. whats the point? i agree with the poster who said living in a cave is not an existance. my soul will be happy and free!!
bring it on!!!!

[edit on 4-1-2008 by last time here]

Well said. -------------------PC

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 10:54 PM
Well all this talk about project camelot and busg buying land
in Paraguay and all the underground bunkers and such is
making me thirsty .... LOL

I think we all got it wrong.
I think all the hoopla for the underground stuff is NOt because
of Planet X but because of the depleting ozone. When the ripping
starts there will be no stopping it. All surface life will cease due to heat.
However, there is some cushion against the rays from being
deep underground. The reason for the reservoirs is to provide
H2O to the bunkers as it needs an abundant water supply that
flows downward due to gravity. No pumping station required.

They know the ozone is depleting and they are preparing for it.

and 2012 sounds just about like the right time for it

course this is just my opinion .....

since everybody was adding their doomsday scenario
I thought I'd add mine

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by SimonSays
Well all this talk about project camelot and busg buying land
in Paraguay and all the underground bunkers and such is
making me thirsty .... LOL

I think we all got it wrong.
I think all the hoopla for the underground stuff is NOt because
of Planet X but because of the depleting ozone. When the ripping
starts there will be no stopping it. All surface life will cease due to heat.
However, there is some cushion against the rays from being
deep underground. The reason for the reservoirs is to provide
H2O to the bunkers as it needs an abundant water supply that
flows downward due to gravity. No pumping station required.

They know the ozone is depleting and they are preparing for it.

and 2012 sounds just about like the right time for it

course this is just my opinion .....

since everybody was adding their doomsday scenario
I thought I'd add mine

Sorry to go a bit off topic, but I read this, and it interested me. I am not very educated on this issue, so please feel free to enlighten me, but from what I read, if the ozone does rip, and heat does kill life on the surface, how well do you think people would do under the surface? I mean, c'mon. I'd rather die and go to heaven (according to what I belive) than live in a cement bunker the rest of my life. How will they produce food without real sunlight because they can't go to the surface? I can see surviving a planet x attack, because once it's over, people can come out from under ground. But if the ozone layer is gone? Nothing can fix that in the amount of time needed, so it would become un repairable, thus the surface wouldn't be live-able at all? I just can't see life continuing to thrive, without ever having the hopes of returning to the surface. I know this sounds stupid, but I watched Resident Evil: Extinction the other day, and it was kind of like this. The entire surface of the earth was covered with the infection and zombies, and the elite few lived under the ground. I couldn't imagine how depressing it would be to live under neath the earth for my entire life. And even if we could pull that off, how would we harvest basic resources that we obtain on the surface?

Sorry to go off topic, It's just I've never heard that before and wanted to know what's up, know what I mean?

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