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A letter from a Norwegian politician (2012)

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posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 03:15 AM

A letter from a Norwegian politician (2012)

I am a Norwegian politician. I would like to say that difficult things will happen from the year 2008 till the year 2012.

The Norwegian government is building more and more underground bases and bunkers. When asked, they simply say that it is for the protection of the people of Norway. When I enquire when they are due to be finished, they reply “before 2011”.

Israel is also doing the same and many other countries too.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 03:15 AM
Just received a email form project Camelot, apparently the Norwegian government is starting to build bunkers and stuff along with other countries...they say that it has to be completed before 2011!

that is the sickest thing, leaving people to die while half the other part of the population gets help, its like a kid eating up all the food while everyone else on the boat starves...its sickens me!

Also check out this site for the latest in what is going on around the world. i looked at it and there has been a great increase in the amount of catastrophes especially epidemics, earthquakes, and floods.

4 years till endgame...or so they say i see a concert and mass landing loool
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 04:32 AM
Please don't buy into this stuff, for your own sake. Even if it was true, which it most certainly isn't, there's nothing you can do...

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 04:43 AM
I heard about the preservation of seeds in the bunkers in northern Norway, but I get the feeling that this is another of those fake mails where the person in question simply uses a lot of different conspiracies and chain em together to form a grant conspiracy.

The fact that he does include photographs of himself and present himself as a minister does not prove that the letter is genuine. And the mere fact that he or she met Bhutto kind of narrows it down to a few people so it wouldn't be hard to put a finger on him. It's not like every single norwegian minister went to Pakistan to meet her or was invited if she ever was in Norway.

Having said that... Norway indeed would be the place I would run to if something went bad, regardless of what. Got family up there and the mountainous terrain could shelter one quite well.

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 05:18 AM
Yeah. I wonder what Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy are going to do in 2013 when they're proven wrong - just as they were when their last web campaign on Project Serpo was proven wrong....

"A Norwegian Politician" - seriously, give me a break....

I'm a Swedish politician. I say nothing's going to happen.



posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 08:02 AM
Since this guy gave his name, I'm sure he wouldn't mind giving us the full headers of the email. This way we could see the sending IP, and verify that it is infact in a norwegian IP.


posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by camain
Since this guy gave his name, I'm sure he wouldn't mind giving us the full headers of the email. This way we could see the sending IP, and verify that it is infact in a norwegian IP.


I've seen a lot of Bill and Kerry's work before. My take on them is that they are well meaning and generally probably to be supported in their work, but their approach is far more naive and unanalytical than is helpful to the cause.

Unfortunately, to accept a testimony like this as true until proven false is to go the wrong way about it. On these boards we seek to build up evidence of a given subject before we promote it as gospel - their approach is to accept that their interviewee is telling the truth and just ask them for their fabricated life stories. There's not much analysis or cross-examination that might help us build up any real evidence.

Dan Burisch has been interviewed by Ryan I think more than once. A lot of people believe that some of what Burisch says is true (though unfortunately I understand a lot of what he says is demonstrably not) - and he's the perfect case in point where the interview would be more useful to students of such matters if it had been more questioning and less awestruck.

However, the John Lear interview is particularly good for a relatively recent (correct me if I'm wrong, Mr Lear) picture of the man behind the claims!

Stuff like this, a random e-mail printed without substantive sourcing or back up (I'm afraid the photos are not enough), significantly damages the authority of their pursuit, in my opinion.


posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 08:36 AM

Planet X is coming, and Norway has begun with storage of food and seeds in the Svalbard area and in the arctic north with the help of the US and EU and all around in Norway. They will only save those that are in the elite of power and those that can build up again: doctors, scientists, and so on.

December 27, 2007—Coloful houses lie near the mountains in Longyearbyen, a village on the island of Spitsbergen, part of Norway's Svalbard archipelago.

A mountainside near the town was chosen as the home for the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, a "doomsday" seed bank that will store backup copies of as many as three million different crop varieties in case of a worldwide catastrophe.

National Geographic]National Geographic

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 09:42 AM
I also found this site showing several countries' cold war underground bunkers:

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 09:51 AM
It's just like the X-Files! The governments all bunker down in the mountains and not tell their citizens. The the aliens come,
Does anyone know if the U.S. is doing this?

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by apollos84

you can google 'Phil Schneider' or search for existing threads here. He was a civilian geologist working with the US government and apparently he said there are 130 underground bases in the US.

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by camain
Since this guy gave his name, I'm sure he wouldn't mind giving us the full headers of the email. This way we could see the sending IP, and verify that it is infact in a norwegian IP.


At another message board there was name on the politician, (Kristin Halvorsen) and names on two of the underground bases (Bardufoss and Tjeldsund) ..

I think that this whole thing is just BS at the same level as the Zeta's

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 12:05 PM
There is another thread about this very subject now...oh well I'll just post the same thing here now.......

oh this is such a load of you know what. First off, if a planet was going to crash into the could build all the underground bunkers you want,because it wont help you survive.In fact that is probably the worst place to be. The shear gravitational forces at work will cause seismic activity the likes the world has ever seen. All those underground bunkers will be collapsing left and right. plus if another planet were to crash into ours the shear impact will knock the earth out of its orbit with the sun if not hurtling us toward the sun.Look at the physics of it all. Plus how are you going to move 2 million people to underground bunker without the rest of the population knowing that is going on.Be logical's a hoax. There is no planet-x. It was a story made up by one person...Zacharias Sitchin who is starting to pull back from his claim these day's.

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by flice
I heard about the preservation of seeds in the bunkers in northern Norway, but I get the feeling that this is another of those fake mails where the person in question simply uses a lot of different conspiracies and chain em together to form a grant conspiracy.

This is actually true. I saw a show about it on the Discovery Channel. Here is a link to the BBC news article about it.

Doomsday Seed Bunker

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 12:48 PM
Starred and Flagged

Thank you for this post... I had not seen it yet. Project Camelot is one of my favorite sites! They are making some big dents in the disinformation campaigns by connecting the dots about all this 2012 stuff.

GWBush has bought 98,000 acres in the mountains of Cusco,Peru near Michu Picchu. He even has his own little military base with Special Forces there to protect him. I guess he figured out that the Denver International Airport Freemason facility was not going to work if Yellowstone blows.

The bible does state that those who hide in the caves of Earth will be buried there... so I don't envy them too much... lol I do not think that I have evolved spiritually enough to catch the Rapture train... so I guess I am destined to be one of the ones who perish. I just wish they would come clean with all this crap and at least give us the truth before we are sacrificed by the Elite Rat Ba*tards that rule this rock!

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 02:27 PM
Okay, listen it's not going to happen, would God our creator allow such things, would he allow us to suffer? But then again we did some mess up things in our time, but God loves us and i don't think he would let his own children die helplessly, if i'm wrong hey, im just trying to look on the positive side. I don't want to go through life, worrying and waiting for that to happen and people on this earth are hard headed you can not get anything through their thick heads. But if it does happen, which i don't believe, god bless all.

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by yankeerose

GWBush has bought 98,000 acres in the mountains of Cusco,Peru near Michu Picchu. He even has his own little military base with Special Forces there to protect him. I guess he figured out that the Denver International Airport Freemason facility was not going to work if Yellowstone blows.

Can you provide a source for this info?

I have no idea if this is true or not, but I think it would be worth while to look into it. Can anyone provide any scientific evidence of said "planet x?"
As it can easily be verifiable if the astronomical location can be given. I mean such a large planet should be easily seen no?

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by abelievingskeptic

Originally posted by yankeerose

GWBush has bought 98,000 acres in the mountains of Cusco,Peru near Michu Picchu. He even has his own little military base with Special Forces there to protect him. I guess he figured out that the Denver International Airport Freemason facility was not going to work if Yellowstone blows.

Can you provide a source for this info?

I have no idea if this is true or not, but I think it would be worth while to look into it. Can anyone provide any scientific evidence of said "planet x?"
As it can easily be verifiable if the astronomical location can be given. I mean such a large planet should be easily seen no?

Thats just it the planet-x believers can never provide any astronomical data from a real source.We can spot and track asteroids and comets far in outer edges of our solar system yet none of the scientist or for that matter non of the amature astronomers have seen just does not exist.

[edit on 4-1-2008 by CaptGizmo]

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by Smokersroom
Please don't buy into this stuff, for your own sake. Even if it was true, which it most certainly isn't, there's nothing you can do...

Your right there, us normal people, will have noplace in those things, if they were needed, which they probably will not.

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 02:56 PM
BulllllSNIP 2012 isnt the end of the world.

Planet x is supposed to be 5 times the size of Saturn any average joe could see this by now this is total bs.

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