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A question about the "reptilian thread" phenomenon

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posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

When your eyelids cover a small edge of your pupil the normal elliptical shape of an eye against the round aspect of the pupil creates an optical illusion of vertical, elliptical pupils. Try the mirror thing....

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by Djarums

HI, Maybe CGI, look someone posted little grey alien in white house, Fact #3, The windows are Designed to look out into the yard, Fact #2, secret service men stand inside does doors that you never see them? But most important, if you look closely its some part of face thats blurred. plus no one reruns those clips over and over after their seen. OH FAct # 1 Auto Makers have new tint windows on the market you can see out at night, and not in at daytime
plus its a private joke at the white house rear projection on window, HA HA, daddy goes to area 51 and the place grows by fourty square miles, Unless you can get SOMEONE to film someone changing, into a reptillan thing, using good lighting in a parking lot in day lite don't lose sleep
P.S. Alien green not grey maybe my equipment i use inport HD not main stream in us market.

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 06:39 PM
I personally have two shapesifters living with me, although they seem to be stuck in the reptilian mode. One looks like a California Kingsnake, the other a Ball Python. I'll try and shoot some convincing video as soon as they get over this major glitch!

Seriously, I too agree as to why discuss those YouTube videos that reveal absolutely nothing! Boredome?

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by Doug Weller

Originally posted by enigmania

The Summerians claimed that the gods came from the sky, and created humans by crossing apeman dna with ET dna. The gods were said to have a humanoid reptilian form. The Mayans have a similar story.
Even the old cultures that still exist today, speak of the same things. The Hopi indians say they are descendants from a snake or serpent, so do the Aboriginals, the Chinese(dragon), a lot of African tribes: almost every single old culture speaks of these things, except our great civilised and free modern culture.

The videos, although some really creeped me out, never convinced me. After finding out that there definately is a worldwide foundation for the Reptilian stories, I'm ready to believe that such a thing exists.

No the Sumerians and the Mayans bloody do not have such a story. Someone's lied to you A lot of cultures have myths about snakes, so?

Mike Boyd posted this:
"The Nahash predate the existence of the Nephilim and are living creatures that are created prior to humankind, according to the Bible."

What? Whose Bible? Nahash is a *name* in the Bible, of a king and a couple of other people. Yes, it means serpent. But it isn't the name of a race/people or whatever in the Bible.
And where in the Bible are the Nephilim described as reptilian?

Does anyone actually check the stuff they post here?

They definately have such a story, ever heard off the Summerian claytablets?
Nobody has lied to me, you're just uninformed.
And it's not just that a lot of cultures have myths about snakes, they all say they were created by them, or were descendants of them.
To me, that must mean there is more to it, than you think.
You can downplay it if you want, but what do you know about the matter, compared to the 1000's of years old knowledge that the old tribes and cultures have?
The same knowledge that is being kept secret from us. We live in this tiny little timeframe in this huge big history of planet Earth, and we only believe the things that fall within the margins of the norm that was designed for us.

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by Djarums

Your words are wise, and you are correct. If you have proof, it should be consistent data put forth with effort to report and not push one into agreement. Unfortunately, with my experience as a physician with many Black Ops people, I am afraid the secret government is quite real, and shape shifters also, known to all indiginous people, may not be mystical, but just another variant of human species, kept secret. Is it so far to imagine if a small lizard can change as it does, that a more advanced being could perform even more intricate deceptions to appear as the status quo? But I too will be surprised if anyone can film one changing.

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by jpbressi

Unfortunately, with my experience as a physician with many Black Ops people, I am afraid the secret government is quite real, and shape shifters also, known to all indiginous people, may not be mystical, but just another variant of human species, kept secret.

Okay, whoa there Pardner! THAT'S the kind of statement that pricks ears up and makes people look. What exactly are you saying?
-Your a physician. Check.
-The secret gov. is real. Check.
-Shape shifters are real...check? Check? What? WHAT?!?

Dr J...have you worked on shapeshifters in your line of work?

Please reply. It applies to the thread, man!


And I'm NOT talking about some CIA spook with a quick-change kit either!

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 09:50 PM
Please up the Lacerta Files and read every single piece of INFO on there its must....this is about a different species of Reptilians...Please do so...

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by jpbressi

Bravo! This is the most thought-provoking statement i have heard. Was about to exit, laughing at the thought of reptilian shape-shifters. Until you said that. Please expound on that.

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 09:52 PM
Greeting's,One doctrine that I learned about long ago is Called the Doctrine of the Serpent Seed just google that and one of first you will will have the name off William M.Branham who taught doctrine from the the Bible from the 1930's untill he died in 1965 ,to tens of thousands of people world wide,I think you might get different slant to all this.Best to All

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by Incarnated
People only see what they are willing to see. I can not prove it to you, if you don't want to see it, and if you didn't not want to see it you'd just have to check the historic documents yourself.

The Bible, many lost scrolls, the sumarians, and every fricken culture that were worlds appart back in the ancient historic days all have documentation.

Personally my favorte account is the one contained in the Urantia Book. Though they don't use the term "reptilies" they do indicated that the class of beings that came down and breeded with mankind because of their fall from grace were also the same group that caused the default of adam and eve.


But if you want to percieve that 1+1=pizza, that is what you can do.

Yes indeed people only see what they want to see... just like you want to see lizards in everything that appears the slightest bit odd.

I couldn't have said that better than you at all.

And by the way... do yourself a favor and learn which man wrote the Urantia book and why.

I'm tellin you... My granny is a wolf!!!!

[edit on 3-1-2008 by Quazga]

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by enigmania

Hellooo! McFly????

Why does everyone who looks at Sumerian Literature through the eyes of a person from the 21st century see aliens and ufos and genetic mutations?

Yes there is a story where the gods take lesser beings and work with them to attempt to create a hybrid... but look at the other literature as well. My thesis here is that people from such an agrarian culture as Sumeria, where hybridizing plants was a way of life, are obviously going to see their own creation myth through this lense. Look at their love poetry which refers to the male as "Vigorusly sprouting" as he "waters the lettuce".

Come on people... THINK!!!!!! Don't just assume and interpret meaning where there is none... has Douglas Hofstadter taught you people nothing?

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by Quazga
Yes indeed people only see what they want to see... just like you want to see lizards in everything that appears the slightest bit odd.

No, not quite as I am one of those people that were saying the reptilian parranoid is a bunch of hogwash, but you might have noted that if you actually read what I was saying instead of seeing what you wanted to see.

When you realize people have the tendency to "see what it is they want to see", and if it is your will to "see the truth" you then counteract the personal tendancy to self biased perceptions through a check and ballance system. I'd tell you more, but you most likely haven't even understood what it is I was actually saying because you mostlikely assume you're correct.

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by Quazga
reply to post by enigmania

Hellooo! McFly????

Why does everyone who looks at Sumerian Literature through the eyes of a person from the 21st century see aliens and ufos and genetic mutations?

Yes there is a story where the gods take lesser beings and work with them to attempt to create a hybrid... but look at the other literature as well. My thesis here is that people from such an agrarian culture as Sumeria, where hybridizing plants was a way of life, are obviously going to see their own creation myth through this lense. Look at their love poetry which refers to the male as "Vigorusly sprouting" as he "waters the lettuce".

Come on people... THINK!!!!!! Don't just assume and interpret meaning where there is none... has Douglas Hofstadter taught you people nothing?

So you respond to my post with sarcastic remarks, act like people don't think for themselves, and then come up with your own theory, wich is just as unproven as any other, and expect people to take you seriously?

If you put all the peices together and see the big picture, there is a very good reason to believe that mankind has been in contact with alien life for a long time and that our evolution has been tampered with. It's not the little pieces of evidence themselves that convinced me, it's the bigger picture.

[edit on 3/1/08 by enigmania]

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by enigmania

It's clear to me, and I'm sure it will be clear to you, that person has a preassumed agenda of "learning" and "truthful knowledge" that they assume is correct.

It's clear to see for me as they oviously didn't actually read what we were discussing and only assumed us to be an antiaspectual understanding to what they assume is "reality"

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by Doug Weller
And where in the Bible are the Nephilim described as reptilian?

The Term Nephilim has a multleveled understanding depneding upon context of use.

The lost or overlooked use of Nephilim means in translation "those that came down". And the overassumed use of the term "Nephilim" assumed to mean "Giants" actually was in addressing the children of "those that came down"

It is easier in other lost scriptual texts to gain understanding that the "those that came down" nephilim were the reptilians, and also was talking about the spawn of the reptilians. It is also seen in cross context understanding in the bible, especially when you understand that the "snake" in the garden of edan was one of the "nephilim"

So to sum up, "Nephilim" can mean "those that came down" the "snake gods" and/or the children of the snake gods that were also assumed to be giants.

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 11:39 PM
Thank you for giving me a chance to respond to you list of complaints about the nature and quality of video's. I personally have 104 videos about aliens on youtube and in four months i have had over 80,000 hits. Let me make myself exceedingly clear, i am sitting in a room full of aliens at this moment and they will be with me forever. Any day, any time, i can produce photos and videos of them. I am not a talker, i am a show=er. Any liar can claim anything and promise the proof later. I am on ATS for one reason only, to spread this information because it affect every person on the planet. Forget grey aliens, reptilians and all the other manufactured alien entities. The are created things whose purpose is to distract attentions away from the true masters of the Universe. They "true" alien " is not really an alien in the extraterrestrial sense of the word, they are just so totally different from what we expect. People in times past knew of these beings and even kept records of them. In Genesis it is recorded that the Creator blew the "breath of life" into Adam and he became a living soul. That is what the true aliens are like, a breath. Take your camera and exhale, photograph it, then produce it as evidence that everyone can see. I have done this and i will continue doing it until i can no longer do it. It is a difficult task because of the tremendous size differential, The images i show are projected images (from them) depicting their concepts of themselves in forms we can see and understand. .They are cooperative with one another and their arrangement is nearly the same as the smiley faces on the right of this webpage. Humans need a focal point to aim their heads at and bring their senses to bear on. These aliens have to create that physical form for you in an area comparable (in scale) as us creating an image that stretches to to moon and behaves in such a way as to convince another species that it is indeed a living creature. Next, their time is a lot faster than ours so what we see as a brief flash encompasses months or even years of "their" time. They watch what i do on the computer to reveal their created images in a format and color that the human i can see. They have kept records since the creation of this planet and most of it is still there waiting to be discovered but no one believes and refuses to look. Argur for your ignorance and you will be allowed to keep it.

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 12:12 AM
Although I have never even heard of this 'morphing effect of individuals' until just now, nor do I find any of it believable at least in my world, not to say it can't happen, I just don't have anything to go on.

One thing I have noticed though is the way certain politicians look, I find it disturbing and perhaps its just me, but what I see in all the following people, George W Bush, Hillery Clinton, Rudy Giuliani, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfield, Richard Chaney these people all look very evil too me, is it just me or does anyone else see this too? there is something that I can't quite get my finger around, but it's as if I am looking at the devil himself when ever I see anyone of these people.

I don't actually like any of them and therefor it could simply mean I am being bias about this strange idea.

reply to post by Djarums

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by matt2112

I know exactly what you mean, I'm not talking about the alleged shapeshifting, it's just, when I hear and see those people talk, I get the feeling they're not quite human. There is just something wrong with them.

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by debris765nju

What is the matter with you dude? How could you put out stuff like that to further cause suffering to the Ramsey family, and the families of Nicole Brown Simpson, and Ron Goldman? I hope they never see what you have done!

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 02:23 AM
reply to post by debris765nju

Well I for one would like to see what you have to show.


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