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posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 03:13 PM
Please note this is posted by Djarums, ATS Member, NOT Djarums ATS SuperModerator. I'm posting my personal views and a question from ME.
As a longtime member of ATS and someone who has always been interested in alternative topics and discussions I have seen dozens of threads posted
claiming to show video of "so and so" morphing into a reptilian etc.
Now, for full disclosure, while I do enjoy discussing alternative topics I have always found this topic to be a little bit "out there". That said,
I've always respected other people's opinions. My opinion is that these claims are a bit outrageous. But hey, that's just me.
My question about these threads is actually a really simple one. Please bear with me for a moment and consider the following points.
You'll notice that these threads are always about famous people. Whether it's a prominent politicians, a news reporter, a celebrity, or whoever,
it's always someone who would be considered "famous" or "influential" which I'm sure feeds the theory that there is something sinister about
them. We never really see videos titled "random person in the street turns into lizard" or anything like that. It's always someone well known,
which brings me to my next point.
Anyone who is familiar with today's popular culture, especially in the United States and England, is quite familiar with the fact that most
celebrities are having photographs and videos taken of them nearly 24/7, which brings me to my next point.
All of the video of these people is archived these days. Every newscast, every soundbite, every blurb having anything to do with these
"newsmakers" is archived by various sources. This brings me to my actual question...
Why is it that every single time someone presents a thread about "so and so" being a reptilian is the evidence some third rate, horrible quality,
knock off, faded out, pixellated, blurry, boxy, horrendous YouTube Video?
Do you mean to tell me that no better quality is available? Baloney! If I was watching CNN (for example) and I noticed Anderson Cooper's nose
change shape you can be pretty darn sure that I'd hit the DVR up real quickly, or better yet, order a copy of the program from the network. YES, did
you know that you can almost always request a copy of a television program from the network? Did you know that the networks keep ALL of their
programs on tape? Yes, every one of them. Now, you may reply to me by saying "well, they charge 20 dollars for it", but come on now... if I had
seen something that would change everyone's perception of reality I'd surely pay the 20 dollars for it. Wouldn't you?
But no... instead all we get is the youtube garbage quality that I described earlier with too many adjectives to repeat. So what happens with the
youtube videos? What's wrong with the youtube videos? Well, what happens is that because they are of such pathetic quality, the immediate arguments
presented are related to that very video's quality. Digital noise, garbling, warped pixels, etc. It is impossible to refute those arguments because
they're RIGHT!!! The videos suck! Show me the Queen of England or The President "shapeshifting" in full screen 1080p quality and then we'll have
something to talk about. Video hosting? Hell, if you find someone morphing into a lizard on REAL quality video, the offers to host it will come from
everywhere. I'll pay for the damn thing to be hosted.
In this day and age of video being everywhere and everything being saved I can NOT understand this bizarre phenomenon of people uploading their
supposed evidence of something potentially earth shattering in horrendous quality. Why do this? If you're trying to PROVE something or to EXPOSE
something or to REVEAL something, then put in the effort and do the job. By simply pasting artifact riddled videoclips that are worse than a 10
dollar cellular phone's camera you are contributing nothing to what you're claiming to be your cause. Unless that's not the motivation at all...
I'd appreciate any input people have on this, perhaps unusually long post for me, but something that had been bugging me for a while. Any comments
will be appreciated, and again I certainly don't mean to insult or pick on anyone this is something that I personally want to ask.