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ATS is dead!

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posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 07:39 PM
Ok I am gonna say he is a disgruntled blogger that is upset the Reptillians got moved to "skunk"......Atleast there is one thing we can all agree on about them is they sure are ugly.....

Sorry guys the soup was getting cold and I felt I needed to stir the pot~~!

Have A Happy New Year !!!!

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by aerialview
I believe wanna-believers on ATS are peopel looking for truth. Those that express truth and honesty on this board last. Those that don't fade away.

Wanna-believers do think, they are looking for truth, yes and mental cases do think they are spreading it, but believing everything at random does not make it true.

Look around. I know of at least three currently active people, who believe they are in contact with aliens, and spread "truth", or rather their own telepathically channeled version of it.

Each of them calls all the others fakers, even tho they are basically doing the same thing! And each of them has his own followers. There are even followers, who believe all three of them at the same time, even tho they are mutually exclusive!

I've had personal experience with all of these types of people, and when you see them in RL, you realize, how sad it all actually is.

Such profound delusions usually come from a very traumatic childhood, while the people who believe then also have their own problems, altho usually less serious ones. (usually just with self esteem)

And while i know, what i just wrote is very likely gonna piss some people off, i am in no way trying to be offensive, but rather understanding.

I myself used to be a believer in all sorts of crazy stuff, but once i "fixed" myself and started enjoying life, the need for these beliefs completely vanished.

Now, if anything, i want to know the facts, and can no longer be satisfied with beliefs spread by others. I want to know and understand and am therefore gratefull to all those "narrow minded skeptics" and "debunkers" around here, who in fact are not anti-believers, but simply people who follow logic, regardless of where it leads.

Still, the "war" between wanna believers and logical thinkers will never be won, but that's not the point. Everyone who actually can think for themselves can find the real facts quickly because of the latter.

And those who want to believe, don't care about facts anyway, so in the end, everyone is happy..

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by mrwupy

You gotta shuck allot of oysters to find a decent pearl. Same goes with the truth. Allot of people think they have it, damn few actually do.
Well said Mr.Wupy.I agree with this statement 100%.Its very hard to find any truth in anything nowadays.

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by deezee

Originally posted by aerialview

And those who want to believe, don't care about facts anyway, so in the end, everyone is happy..


More truth in 2008. That's what I want.

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 08:58 PM
Thank you cain-diedhi, for bringing us such classic threads as ATS is dead! and Are you all weak?

Did you get a trolling motor for Christmas or something?

Happy new year.

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by aerialview
More truth in 2008. That's what I want.

That's what we all want, my friend.. That's what we all want.

All i'm trying to say is, that beliefs are blinding, cos they don't allow you, to look at all of the possibilities.

So it's actually quite bizzare, when believers call us narrow minded.

But hey, if narrow minded means, to be able to look at all of the possibilities, before deciding which one is the most likely (logical) explanation, i can live with it..

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 10:01 PM
For me it has nothing to do with wanna be a believer, its about being around others who wanna be. My family members roll their eyes at the conversation that interest me most, or just plain leave the room. For years I have no one to share my thoughts, beliefs or notions to. That is till I found this site. My sanity is safe, I am not the only one who thinks this way. I can now have meaningless conversation now with the non-believer people and not get sick to my stomach for how petty their words are.

This site is my sanctuary to a peaceful existence. Cause I know there is more out there, just wish I knew more about it.

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by cain-diedhi
Happy new year to ATS.

Q: Can ATS survive another year?

NO! It's already dead !

If you have the desire to seek the truth then look in the mirror!

Wake up ! You are alive and you all have the ability to change not only yourselves but the world.

Dis-info agents and the sheep of society live here now and only a small % of threads/posts are about the truth on planet Earth.
Wake up and I'll see you on the other side of human evolution.

I agree totally. Nietzsche said god was dead, then some buthole said Nietzsche was dead, But in my eyes, you're all dead! hahaha, sooner or later, death is unavoidable. Don't spend your time on ego, it's pointless, you waste your time. Stop seeing the world as your own ego, start seeing it as everything and everyone else. Philosophy is only the beginning. Safe journey Alice.

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by cain-diedhi
Dis-info agents and the sheep of society live here now and only a small % of threads/posts are about the truth on planet Earth.

That is very insulting.

I find it amusing that this thread is exactly what you claim the majority of threads to be, rubbish!

Use the complaints button next time...

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Rhain
My family members roll their eyes at the conversation that interest me most, or just plain leave the room. For years I have no one to share my thoughts, beliefs or notions to. That is till I found this site. My sanity is safe, I am not the only one who thinks this way. I can now have meaningless conversation now with the non-believer people and not get sick to my stomach for how petty their words are.

Very nice to hear you don't get sick to the stomach, over the pettyness of our words, anymore..

But you missed the point entirelly. We don't have a problem with what you believe. While many of you, do have a problem with what we don't want to believe (without any proof).

You can believe whatever you want. It's your right. Just call it a belief then, and not a prooven fact, like many of you do and then use it to convert others.

At least you said it is beliefs that you have. At least you're being honest, and i respect you for that.

But you have to respect, that we prefer to follow logic and decide what to believe, based on facts.

The thing that many of you do not understand is, that we do not refuse to believe. We just want actual proof. If the facts should ever lead us to the confirmation of an extraordinary claim, we would actually be most happy to admitt that it is true.

We are just incapable of believing something for no reason whatsoever.
Instead we are driven by a desire to REALLY KNOW. And we believe, that logic is the best way to get there. That's all.

Besides, when we ask for proof, we are not trying to convert you into non-believers, we just want to know if there is anything to it, for ourselves.

Still, for some strange reason, many of you feel hurt or insulted, whenever this happens, or whenever we point out a flaw in your "evidence". Why is that?

Anyway, good luck in what you're doing, oh and happy new year!

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by FredT
reply to post by cain-diedhi

It seems like everyyear we get one or two of these posts.....

For something you claim is on life support, sure seems lively to me:

New content, new topics, I for one cannot wait to see what in store for 2008. Speaking for myself I think its going to be pretty hard to top 2007

Just some of the stuff that new or close to it:


The FOIA Document Archive

The View From Marrs

Tons of new conspiracy masters plus our existing ones. premium content etc.

Like I said, for somthing supposedly on life support its sure looks pretty lively to me

[edit on 12/31/07 by FredT]

The original poster was not referring to "death" in terms of the amount of activity which takes place on this site. I would also suggest that the amount of activity as well as NEW content are hardly an accurate measurement of whether this type of site is achieving its aims or is "dead" - on the contrary i think it is the quality of the content which matters and of course, its accuracy.

What he or she was referring to was the belief that their is a much larger amount of disinfo taking place on this site as well as less accuracy/truth. As for whether that is true i cannot know being relatively new to this place myself......and to be honest i doubt anyone can know for sure as to the likelihood of the numbers of disinfo agents operating here.

I myself just sift through what i consider to be irrelevant - and what is "irrelevant" to some is important to others.

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 10:51 PM
ATS is alive and well

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by deezee

Ya something like that. The pettiness of words is hard e.g. colour of drapes to buy, what shoes go with what, she said he said stuff, that kind of meaningless everyday drab. I truly don't care what you believe either, you business not mine. I all boils down to faith, what you have faith in to believe. This is your choice and mine.

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by deezee
It is true, that ATS is almost predominantly a wanna-believers board, but there are many smart people here, who don't deny logic and facts in order to believe.

Any board dealing with these topics is going to attract many wanna-believers and delusional people. It's just inevitable. They think, they too are in search of truth, but in fact are only searching for more beliefs to add to their list.

On the other hand, this is good, as it presents both sides of an argument, which is necessary for real "science".

Speaking of real science and ATS being dead... the science forum is dead. I posted this thread there:

Wired's Top 10 Scientific Breakthroughs of 2007

Within that thread there is a list of 10 subjects, 7 of which have their own threads (which I have linked to) on ATS. Most of them never made it past page two. In fact as of this posting, that particular thread only has three replies, one of which is my own.

As for ATS being dead -- it's alive and kicking with weird nonsense as it has always been.

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by Rhain
The pettiness of words is hard e.g. colour of drapes to buy, what shoes go with what, she said he said stuff, that kind of meaningless everyday drab.

It seems i misunderstood you before. Because i agree with you on this one.

Originally posted by Rhain
I truly don't care what you believe either, you business not mine. I all boils down to faith, what you have faith in to believe. This is your choice and mine.

Well, as long as you don't start calling people ignorant and narrow minded, just because they prefer rationall thought, you're not really part of the problem. We should be able to get along quite nicely actually.

If only other believers were more like you.

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by deezee

I agree, we can all debate and hug. I sure don't want to be a room with people who think and talk like me, that would suck.(I bore myself)

Diversity is what makes us human.

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by cain-diedhi
This is not like "Hotel California" where you can check out but never leave.

:Here you can check and never come back, that is unless you like haunted houses

As for me I have inteligent friends here so I'll stick around if you don't mind.

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by Beachcoma
Speaking of real science and ATS being dead... the science forum is dead. I posted this thread there:

As for ATS being dead -- it's alive and kicking with weird nonsense as it has always been.

I know what you mean..

Oh, and when i mentioned science, i was thinking of a comparison, where a scientist has to not only support his theory, but also try to disproove it, before deciding it is good.

It's called verification and it is necessary if you ever want to really learn something.

Wannabelievers don't understand this, and are often offended and hurt by what are nothing more and nothing less, then attempts of verification.

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by Rhain
I agree, we can all debate and hug. I sure don't want to be a room with people who think and talk like me, that would suck.(I bore myself)

Diversity is what makes us human.

That's a great POV. Besides, is there any other way to trully learn something?

Like you said, if you sit in a room full of people, who do nothing, but agree with you, your world becomes very small indeed.

You get a star.
And i hope some other believers can perhaps learn something from you.

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by cain-diedhi
Q: Can ATS survive another year?

NO! It's already dead !

Do you know what they say about opinions? They are like (substitute offensive term) internet connections. Everyone got one.

Originally posted by cain-diedhi
If you have the desire to seek the truth then look in the mirror!

What does that tell me except that I forgot to shave?

Originally posted by cain-diedhi
Wake up ! You are alive and you all have the ability to change not only yourselves but the world.

And your part in all of this is to make us aware of this? I'm so glad you are here to tell us these things.

Originally posted by cain-diedhi
Dis-info agents and the sheep of society live here now and only a small % of threads/posts are about the truth on planet Earth.
Wake up and I'll see you on the other side of human evolution.

Just that you refer to everyone as sheep, in my opinion shows what a narrow opinion you have of the world. I will restrain from what I really think about you and just say that I think if you really wanted to help people there are more effective ways than telling everyone they are inferior.

I got news for you. ATS was here long before you found it, and it will be here long after you get bored and move on to somewhere you might get more attention. All I can say is, don't let the door hit you, where the good lord split you.

[edit on 12/31/2007 by Hal9000]

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