To balance the relation between human and nature..... all..... living together, in a perfect world we do.... need a ONE WORLD
a universal code that will target freedom for everyone. Universal codes like ......we all are human torture etc. To have a
universal balance civilisation.............
but be carful.....the world that we are live in and the one that is planed for humanity with the soon NEW WORLD ORDER..............! is only once more
a big.............EMPIRE with elites on power.........and no real power at all for the rest of the civilisations...............!
***** NO MORE..... EMPIRES.................EVER.............! *****
History is the roots of a perfect world, that maybe we will never reach, but that we all working to get...........! we all have to look at the pasted
human’s errors if we want the human been to evoluate to a world that is no longer rule by the law of the jungle..............!
The new system that i have in mind a NEW ''universal wealth '' World order that could be base on CREDITS POINTS..............! I worked hard and i
was lucky so i don’t need to work anymore....i still do because i have a company and i love and need achieving goals, it makes me feel alive... but
those goals never been for i wouldn’t care..... giving up all the luxury that i have to live in a peacefully world and that for me and
my children and all future generations...........................!
Everything would cost 1 or 2 or 3 credit to buy or to rent that’s it and that’s all........!
A. 1 credit for regular essential product
B. 2 credit for product not essential but important for everyday life’s happiness..
C. 3 credit for distraction item or activities or luxurius thing or imported items
we would ALL... have, let see.....1300 credits ( 13 is my lucky ) per month, that we can use like we want.
No more mortgage, we all, can have for free a similar .,.,,square feet house but with different style...... we would be all equal.........!
No more essential thing like electricity or water to pay it would be all pay by the system.............!
we would have all the same pay cheque....1300 choose the job that you want, if you want to change career no problem..... ask for it
and as soon as there is a place for voila.....!you got a new career....but with the same pay cheque......1300 credit per month that you are
free to spend like you want.......! more of this....... on a month will mean less of this...... on this month that’s it. You a free to manage you
credit point like you want in any possibilities...........!
You are free to have more of that in one month more of this in another month but at the end of the year if you didn’t use all your credit point you
lost them......WHY.........SO THAT WAY NOBODY WILL GAIN, power is only base on economy.......who control the economy control the world
but on a credit point system nobody will have power except on their own life’s.......NO POWERFUL POSITION JOBS.... like president or director or
manger can be fulfilled for more them 1 year......... ONLY THE SYSTEM WILL HAVE THE POWER so that way nobody would be able to control anybody’s
lifes we would be all equal in the world so no more pain...... no more conflict.........! no more wars.......!
ALL....... CAN BE FREE..........!
I think that the system is great ** but ** it can be even better if we ALL work together to improve one will be ready
to be use and install as a........... NEW ‘’ universal wealth ‘’ WORLD ORDER.....and *** NOT *** a NEW ‘’ capitalist Elites ‘’
Please feel free to REPLY AND EXPOSE your...... way of creating that system......what are YOUR......ideas........the revolution start by everyone
getting involve........!
How can YOU.......... improve the WORLD.............!