As the thread title suggests, I am for a one world government. Why, because I see the big picture.
Question: If this world was invaded by Aliens, do you think they would give a hoot and holler about our artificially created borders. "We've come
to your planet to kill Americans only, the rest of you are free to live and prosper."
Come on! Americans are just as tasty as Canadians and any other human.
Seriously though. A one world government is coming... In order for us to move beyond this planet it must exist. Period!
So the question becomes what kind of world government do you want? American style (I raise my hand), or Chinese style? (I raise my gun!)
It cannot be avoided. With today’s technology the world is two dang small. We have Islamic radicals blowing stuff up, and killing innocent people
to achieve their one world government. And we have others who have plenty of money, so by proxy plenty of power. That some of you think are hell bent
on taking over the world. Then there is the rest of us...
We are all humans, and not to push this to hard, if we were created by a god, it was one god, who doesn't care how we pray too or what name we call
him... That’s a human hang up. However, to move beyond religion and all its problems... We humans are the root of all problems humanity faces,
because it is human activities at the root of all good and bad things happening on this planet to each and every human.
So in order to fight back this supposedly diabolical scheme to take over the planet... We first must accept it is unavoidable, period! So now, we
the people, those with the real power, must decide which style of world government we want. Then work towards that goal.
The only way we as a people, as a race, (there is only one race btw), the human race, we must put aside our petty beliefs in borders, because in
nature they don’t exist. All mountains, deserts, streams, rivers and oceans can be climbed over, walked across, sailed through, or flown around.
Each country has its territory by human to human agreement. But once again those are human hang-ups that, soon, will have no place on this planet.
Perhaps not in my life time, but sooner rather then never… it is coming.
So here's the deal... What kind of world government will you accept? Each of you must know it will be created in blood, period! America could, if
it wanted, it could take over the entire world. America has the finest weapons ever seen before in known recorded history, even our allies don't
measure up to our power. Yet most of our allies would not be a problem in creating this American/democratic style of world government. All of you
know the countries that would resist. Each of them would need to be defeated, soundly defeated! Then America would need to do what it always does,
build those countries back up and bring them hope!
I guarantee you, there are others out in the world right now trying to figure out how they can take over the world. I can tell you whatever the
terrorists have planned next, the world will go to war. There next attack must be bigger and deadlier then 9/11 or there movement dies.
So once again, we cannot prevent a world government we can only delay it. I say embrace it, but only a world government that believes in the people.
That each human being has a god given right to LIFE, LIBERTY and the pursuit of HAPPINESS! (notice that said pursuit of, not right too, sadly that
concept of pursuing your own happiness is lost in large circles in America, instead they demand it without working for it... but I digress). That is
the only world government I would support and fight for... All others I will fight against.
So there it is... Live in fear or fight for and plan for the world government you want your children and grandchildren to invest in. (I shall stop
Until Next Time...
Charles Marcello
[edit on 27-12-2007 by litlbunny]
[edit: title - All Caps]
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[edit on 27-12-2007 by 12m8keall2c]