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If Aliens Attacked Earth It Could Be A Good Thing

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posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 05:02 PM
Assuming that we can distinguish between reality and TV shows or fantasy...

There are three basic modes of contact. A technological and morally superior alien race could choose to wage war, wage peace, or set up trade.

Would they sterilize the indigent life? Try to dominate them? Or would they try to do something to promote calm, and peace, and then trade that for goods, land and services.

A benign alien civ might say 'here's technology for unlimited, but safe power', solving the world's problem of cheap energy, '...and in exchange, let us have a base here on that uninhabited island so we can continue to trade.

However should our world be innately hostile to them, either ecologically, or morally, then they'd just sterilze the planet of all incompatible biology.

Or they might be so advanced beyone us that they could just ignore us - like humans to ants.

As you see in Command & Conquer games, they'd just send down modules for cities, power grids and transport and plunk them right down on top of the existing topology.

The modules would simultaneously shield, and sterilize above and below, and form a safe boundary layer. Existing structures would just be disintegrated, or used as raw material for matter converters.

They wouldn't really even need to bother with the existing lifeforms except as they decided to amuse themselves.

Any scenario where they 'kind of' attack and lose, and we draw together and improve has got to be an extremely unlikely possibility among the many that could occur. IOW, wishful thinking.

[edit on 24-12-2007 by Badge01]

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 05:12 PM
What makes everyone think that we are not now, currently being invaded by an alien ET species, here on earth and in the fight for our very existence?
What if there is another ET species on its way to conquer the earth based ET species, which has cut a deal with certain factions of treasonous humans on earth?
And what if this earth based ET species very survival against the attacking ET species depends solely on the control of, and very enslavement of humanity in order to use us as a weapon against the opposing species.
And as far as the human species vs. a superior ET race is concerned, why do most people automatically assume humanity hasn’t a chance? As I understand it the human species is far superior then most could ever imagine. Modern science is just now finding out exactly how extraordinary the human factor is. Who knows, we very well could be extremely valuable, and the most sought after “genetic cash crop” within the galactic community. This could explain why there are so many different species here studying our genetics.
One of many extraordinary attributes of humanity, possibly one of the strongest and most unique feature, is the ability to adapt mentally, physically, and spiritually in astonishing ways, no matter what. The old saying “That which does not kill us, makes us stronger!” is an understatement.
Another unique ability inherent in humans is the ability to intelligently draw upon a multitude of energy sources both internal, external, as well as inter dimensionally. In essence, we are a highly evolved, intelligent quantum energy converter with the ability to channel, convert, create, concentrate, manipulate, and direct just about every form of energy there is. The problem is the bulk of the population hasn’t a clue as to their true abilities, and there are those who would like to keep it this way, any way they can.
This brings me to another post on here suggesting that we need to redesign the human species to filter out aggression and violence. I believe “Human’s Version 2.0”, was suggested. This would be disastrous since it’s the aggressive and violent nature of humans that is one of the major components involved with our very survival. Without this attribute we would of died off long ago as it drives us to persevere against harsh, sometimes seemingly impossible odds. Its intellect and ability to control the energies within, is what is suppose to balance everything out. Unfortunately, like any computer-controlled device we sometimes can be influenced by external manipulation.
As I mentioned in the last paragraph the human species is in fact “Human’s Version”, and not the original version 1. Actually, humans are version 2.0xxxx where as “X” is the number of generations since 2.0 because we alter, and for the most part, improve our design every time we reproduce, accounting for genetic adaptation based on both internal and external influences such as heredity and environment.
I believe, as there is mounding evidence suggesting, that we are the product of genetic creation, eons ago. It’s also suggested that the human element has been dumbed down genetically as well as socially and environmentally to prevent humans from realizing it’s fullest potential.
One of the ways we have been dumbed down was by inducing crippler code into our design, in order to retard humanities superior abilities. In much the same way a software company writes cripplers into the code of a full blown killer application, in order to retard the full function of the software, making it shareware, I believe humans have had crippler code entered into our genetics either by our creators or other species or both, in order to cripple our full abilities. Like shareware we carry the complete program code but can only access code not crippled, thus retarding our true abilities.

Anyway just a few thoughts after reading through this forum
Text Green

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 06:17 PM
I am so sorry to intrude on this conversation (albeit I might get back here) can someone tell me why I can POST a Reply on every thread but the Anti Mason thread ...HELP! Is it me or the machine?

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 06:28 PM
i knw this has nuting to do with the subject but hay can anybody tell me how to post a video it says to put the youtube vid number but i dont knw how to get that number i cant find it............somebody help me

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 06:53 PM
An alien race coming to this world would be much like humans going the African grasslands full of all kinds of wonderful beasts. To them we are lowly creatures to exploit. They don't want to rule us, they do that all ready. They don't want to invade us, they already did for the most part. But like most animals that want out of their cage, we humans made a disturbing discovery, we discovered anti-gravity and with that interstellar space travel. Dr. Thomas T. Brown and the "Winterhaven project" (check it out). Unfortunately, we made two other discoveries, the nuclear weapon and electricity. So now we can build weapons to destroy the "cage", and newer "deathray" weapons to resist the keepers of the cage. So now we will try to throw off the shackles, but we are dealing with an intelligence that has existed for billions of years with the backing and power of the "serpent"

We will have war here on the Earth. We will see it going on in the heavens first. There will be a three way fight here between the Serpent, the Christ, and the people of the Earth.

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by PHXWATCHER
i knw this has nuting to do with the subject but hay can anybody tell me how to post a video it says to put the youtube vid number but i dont knw how to get that number i cant find it............somebody help me

I believe it's the collection of numbers and letters at the end of the URL after the = sign.

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 07:45 PM
That's the only purpose of the NWO really, to create a global government. Anyway, no, a real alien attack wouldn't be a good thing. That's like saying 9/11 was a good thing because all Americans united. The deaths of thousands(alien invasion would be millions) are unjustifiable.

If an invasion does happen, it most likely won't be a real one. Not only that, but they might try to present a savior race(who really are anything BUT saviors).

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by GeeGee

you are partially right,GEE GEE; to create a one world government,radically reduce the population by 80%, and maintain an iron grip on the ones left; not really a pleasant thought,is it?

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 08:14 PM
I have come to understand that the only way for a world to be united in a single government is to have everyone in the same society, language, basic beliefs, etc.
Assimilation of other groups into the dominant/becoming dominant group is the only way for humanity to become united.
If a war was fought between humans and ETs, then the group of humans surviving with the most people would begin to assimilate or conquer the other groups while improving tech and maybe/obviously start up expansion into other parts of space.
Or else the remains of humanity would be so scattered with the population down to a few million or hundreds of thousands, and everything would revert to more of a second dark age era and civilization would (hopefully) get back to eventually what we are currently and then some.

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by Fromabove

I disagree. Just because another species are millions or even billions of years older does not place the human species in the same classification as animal to human, but more like teenager to a middle aged adult. True in some cases they may have an edge, especially technologically, however I see the youth of humans giving us an edge in itself. But I believe its the human species special genetic design is what truly makes us a force to be reckoned with.

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 09:24 PM
It upsets me that people respond to such rhetoric rather than something more worth thinking about.

And its disappointing to see that so many people are really this.......naive.

I used to hold ATS at a higher standard but lately I've been seeing more and more of these simpleminded thoughts.

It seems deficiency in knowledge is spreading like wildfire here.

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by Sentinel 1

I believe the aliens have already taken over the Earth without a single shot being fired. Just like many politicians, many humans on Earth can be bought for the right price. Will aliens come with lazers and partical beams blazing? I do not think so I believe they have given technology by proxy to lure us in just like they did our government. We humans enjoy our technology it keeps us from being restless.

You are thinking the governments of the world will never let it happen, again our government let it happen to themselves and was tricked and lied to particularly on the number of abductions for the exchange of technology. You never know how many side deals the aliens have cut with other countries and it will keep governments guessing and unsettled on what secret deals are cut without them knowing.

Again governments and people can be bought and governments can create pretend wars with aliens, remember the cold war. If a war with aliens starts it will not be with humans on Earth it will be with other aliens on who gets the biggest share of the pie and controls things in our Solar System.

As I have said, the way I read things that certain aliens are here and have already taken over the Earth, but we citizens have no clue that we have been taken over and sold out by these very secretive groups of human beings on Earth. So if we do not know we have been taken over by aliens how can the human race ever unite and work together to defeat them? We deem the aliens no threat because most do not believe they exist. We see the threat as humans against each other. Yes the masses do not know about the particular alien factions or even how to get to them especially when they are shielded by our betrayors. Rik Riley

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by Badge01
Or they might be so advanced beyone us that they could just ignore us - like humans to ants.

Badge01 you getz teh star! oh boyyyee

I think you hit the nail on the head there, and brought up a really good point.

I think this is the most likely scenario for todays world .. yeah we see an odd UFO here or there, or weird "wormy things" flying in space on photograph and video, but overall .. we never get any contact nor anything substantial.

Yet the weird stuff to see is still there, being seen.

Something is going on here dummies!
(directed to the human race)

They're probably so beyond us that we might even be dealing with beings that don't even have a set form like we do, they could be beings of energy, beings of light, what you'd call spirits or ghosts or angels, beings that aren't even really there, and can pass through solid objects?

Yeeeeaaaahh .. Mankind is like, connecting to the network on secure port #12, thinking he is alone on the network and port #12 is the only way to get on it. All the while, little does this user named "Mankind" know that there are actually thousands of other users, or races / beings / etc, connecting on different ports, having a heck of a time on the chat service joking about how stupid we are .. which is my metaphor for existing on a different level or dimension or .. 3D to 4D to 5D etc, or .. Ethereal / Spirit form?

[edit on 12/25/2007 by runetang]

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 01:08 AM
Well the thread headed in a different direction but IMO I think ASTRONOMY and SCIENCE is going to be the KEY for Uniting the world not a WAR.
If you look at the last 70 years the leap in progress we made on both fields we have come a long way from ignorance and a single minded metality BUT slowly we are lerning our role in the Universe and understanding more of it.
I also think the time will come when we make 1st contact and then that day will be the 1st leap in Humanity working together instead of killing each other over oil and land.
I hate to say this but I'm really hoping CHINA and JAPAN keep pushing forth on their quest for space because that will force us to keep up and stay ahead and help each other out.
Having the Russian to compete with forced us to try to do things that were impossible and from all those sattelites and man/unmaned mission ASTRONOMY and SCIENCE has brought the world to the actual 21 century.
Just imagine if Astronomy and science was still 30 years behind were would we be now? and now Imagine what would it be like 30 years from now?
STAR TREK gives us that glipse and who knows we might have the beguining of a FEDERATION made up of EARTH not of countries.

Just my $ 0.02

[edit on 25-12-2007 by magestyk7]

[edit on 25-12-2007 by magestyk7]

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 03:18 AM
Just in case any of you actually believe that an Alien Invasion is on the way, we at AstralBurton are offering the latest model ' Galactic Blaster V9.2 ' Ray Gun at an introductory price of $500 a piece, this includes charger and 6 months warranty on a back to base basis.

This is your chance to get back at those evil Invaders.

Hurry while stocks last folks !..

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 06:25 AM
Here are my views

If they wanted to invade or eliminate us they would have done it a long time

If they are planning to do so there is certainly nothing we could do about this, we know next to nothing about them and their technology.

There are so many ways of killing us, just by turning off the electricity, engineering a virus or simply stand back and watch us autodestroy anyways.

My belief is that with technological advancement comes responsibility and wisdom. Such advanced species would probably know that life is important and found better solutions than annihilation.

I know they will protect the planet but without eradicating the human race.

Finally who would you side with in case of an"invasion"? The neocons or far more advanced creatures who may well be our own creators.

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by TheOracle
Here are my views

If they wanted to invade or eliminate us they would have done it a long time

If they are planning to do so there is certainly nothing we could do about this, we know next to nothing about them and their technology.

There are so many ways of killing us, just by turning off the electricity, engineering a virus or simply stand back and watch us autodestroy anyways.

My belief is that with technological advancement comes responsibility and wisdom. Such advanced species would probably know that life is important and found better solutions than annihilation.

I know they will protect the planet but without eradicating the human race.

Finally who would you side with in case of an"invasion"? The neocons or far more advanced creatures who may well be our own creators.

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by rikriley
reply to post by Sentinel 1

I believe the aliens have already taken over the Earth without a single shot being fired. Just like many politicians, many humans on Earth can be bought for the right price.

Rik imho this is a very true ststement; there are far too many people with this same information that the skeptics just blow off because it does not agree with their ego-based assumptions that we are it and that's that.

You are thinking the governments of the world will never let it happen, again our government let it happen to themselves and was tricked and lied to particularly on the number of abductions for the exchange of technology.

again,too much info showing that in the interests of national security that the gov did just that.

Again governments and people can be bought and governments can create pretend wars with aliens, remember the cold war. If a war with aliens starts it will not be with humans on Earth it will be with other aliens on who gets the biggest share of the pie and controls things in our Solar System.

or to end the evil empire of those that have already enslaved other worlds and races throughout the cosmos....

As I have said, the way I read things that certain aliens are here and have already taken over the Earth, Yes the masses do not know about the particular alien factions or even how to get to them especially when they are shielded by our betrayors. Rik Riley

Again,the skeppies would say that this is impossible,that this could not be kept out of the public view; considering what we allowed to see on tv and in the papers is tightly controlled and managed,now how can anyone say that nothing can be kept out of the public eye??

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 09:22 AM
The last thing aliens [good aliens] want is an united Earth against a common alien enemy. Not because of the human threat, but because of the lack of cultural evolution this event would cause to humanity.

This would basically take the savage human in space politics. This will never happen, man will never "do" space politics as long as he is a "savage".

If "aliens" attack us, be sure they are not "alien", but humans. It is so fullish to think aliens with light speed technology would attack in the classical way Earth. If they want to govern us [bad aliens], well, some say they already do it. They don't even need to show their face to be our masters. When you work with dimensions, mind over matter consciously, well there is no need for force only persuasion.

We will rather have World War 3 than an alien invasion. Aliens are the last thing we should fear. Even aliens are scared of our destructive nature. We will never "conquer" space with this mentality.

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by Sentinel 1
Any how I heard an interesting take the other day that I actually agreed with although it is a bit scary but it may be the only way for world peace if an outside force (ET's) attacked us it would force every country to unite and fight together to keep from being taken over or destroyed...I know with all the siteings and such it is a nightmare scenario....But if you think it would solve a lot of problems we have now....

What do mean with "unite"?
Huddled up in a corner of the dark cellar we live in? Looking scared en staring frightened to the other dark corner where we see little lights twirl?

Waving our knives and spears and filling our blowpipes with poisened arrows?

We are like a tribe living in the Amazones that have never seen other peoples living outside the forest. We hear sounds, we see stuff flying in the sky. And now we are going to rally all the other indians and some animals to fight this fight against the big unknown?

Sorry, but I find no reason in the OP. Ronald Reagan did, but well, that sums it up, doesn't it? He did not strike me as a big thinker. On the other hand, his remark could show that he thought he knew what he was up against.

We, earthlings, do NOT agree about anything. We lie, cheat, kill, and then say it is for a good cause. We live in a predatory universe and we are not able to see the the other universe different.

So in this respect we are lost. We could shoot angels out of the sky without knowing it.

In my opinion war is the path downwards in personal evolution. It will not help anything or anyone in any respect. War is for profit mongrels.

Then there is a reason why this according to "UFO-experts" will not happen. According to a lot of UFO/ET-sources on the internet (Greer and others) freedom is an important factor. It seems that the people on earth have to show (in one way or another) to be ready for contact and choose to make it out of freedom.
A war from ET's against us would violate the "first principle (yes , the Star Trek one)". A principle that is violated since te 4-ties off course.

I do not know what is true off course. But I must say that if it would come to this: "a war from et's against earthlings", I would throw in the towel once and for all. I would not care to live in a universe with this B-movie scenario. I would not fight "united" against the unknown. I would retreat to a special place in nature and not look back.

I do agree with you Pericle, you get my star!

[edit on 25-12-2007 by Pjotr]

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