posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 01:44 AM
reply to post by raven bombshell
Personal opinion here, I am far from an expert...
It sounds to me like you *could* be in the early stages of AP or an OBE. But it mainly sounds like you are in Sleep Paralasys. If that is a state
that you can duplicate or practice, it could be beneficial. You just need to be aware of it and expect it before you go to sleep. When it hits, try
not to panic and try to make your escape...
It isn't as easy as it sounds. It can be scary with the noises that you will hear, or the things you will see. It is also difficult to juggle your
awareness.. You need to be aware of the situation, but not so aware that you wake up. I have raised my "astral" arms before to try the rope
technique, only to have my real arms raise. It is a weird sensation, because you still feel detached from your body. It is like you are moving
someone elses arms, but are aware of it... on the outside looking in if you will. But it was so distracting that it woke me up and I was unable to
get back to that state.
I have been having a hard time dreaming lately as well. I work nights and have to flip between days and nights twice a week. It kills my natural
rhythms and makes it next to impossible to remember my dreams. For me, good dream recall is essential for any of this to happen. Mainly because I
got started in all of this by Lucid Dreaming.
Anyways, good luck with the sleep. Start a dream journal if you begin to remember your dreams again.