Hello, I will try to help you with your astral quest.
first of all you need to know that there are no universal method to project, it varies with every person. But if you know how it works then it is easy
to find something working best.
First find a comfortable position, away from any possible disturbance. Evenings Nights are not the best times, I found out that you will get better
results during the day or early morning. At night your body is tired and you are more likely to fall asleep. Also make sure you havent eaten heavy
before, avoid milk and too much meat before you want to project.
I do my APs laying on my back, some people do it seated but t makes me want to throw up.
As you lay down, you must empty your thoughts and worries. The idea behind AP is to try and trick the mind into believing the body is dead. You do
that by switching off mentally parts of your body, starting by your feet and going up.
When you are completely relaxed, here comes the bulk of the visualization process. Personally I start by believing that i am rotating in space, when
this is successful then my body really feels like it's spinning. Then I imagine my body heavy like lead then light as a feather with more and more
intensity. There are many other different techniques, the most common is the rope you imagine grabbing and climbing up.
When it reaches its "climax" I feel my fingers and toes starting to "burn" and "itch". It's a strange sensation, it does feel like they are on
fire but it doesn't hurt at all, but at this point i know the AP is imminent. I then picture a target in my head while carrying on the heavy-light
thing (this is important in my eyes), a place or person you wish to visit very badly.
Then I feel sucked out like a vacuum. But it is not always the case, sometimes you will just start to see with your eyes closed and go from there.
Do not attempt an AP if you are not ready to see or hear ...spooky or downright scary. I want to emphasize on this because a few of my motivated
"students" quit after having some frightening encounters in the astral. The astral starts with the sense of hearing, so before you see anything you
may hear activities.
There are no risks of you not coming back to your body or being attacked by astral entities, they may follow you at times but they are harmless. The
few inconveniences are well beaten by a wonderful experience