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NWO is responsible for concert pitch A-440hz

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posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by Maya432

Which is why the best of music is suppressed. Everything vibrates, all of life. There is power in the voice at varying degrees. Coltrane was one of the first (I think) to recognize this. There are others. The problem is that over time most people have succumbed to jibberish sound (for lack of a better term) and have been conditioned and or programmed to "bad" sound. "Bad input, bad output".

There is an old saying "music soothes the savage beast", and I will add when beast music is played the beast is awakened.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 07:53 PM
I tried converting some songs which were set to 44100hz to 43200hz using Audicity, but when I change it and export as an .mp3 file, the mp3 file stays at 441.

Can anyone with experience with this program help?

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 03:10 PM
31680 is the magic number for the Beginning of Music of the Spheres
(The spheres are the Earth Moon combination)

Divide 31680 by the 72 gods and you get 440.
Search next links for 72.
Scottish Rite use also "The GREAT PYTHAGOREAN TRIANGLE"

Even when getting the phone from the hook, I hear 440

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by hawk123
31680 is the magic number for the Beginning of Music of the Spheres
(The spheres are the Earth Moon combination)

Divide 31680 by the 72 gods and you get 440.
Search next links for 72.
Scottish Rite use also "The GREAT PYTHAGOREAN TRIANGLE"
Even when getting the phone from the hook, I hear 440

The ratio between moon and earth is 3 versus 11, which gives 33.
Below are the 33 Sacred Geometry Oracle (Greer) Tarot cards.
Now we find the DaVinci code.

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by Pilgrum
Wouldn't that go (If you mean they're all A that is):
there not in much of an order
I was only spitting out a bunch of them for an example.

But yes for the doubling of the 432 resonant you are right.
you can see that its always multiples of 3,6 and 9.

Divide any of thes numbers by 9 and you see that the
results are always multiples of 3 , 6 and 9 within the doubling system.
so it is a trinary system and not a binary one

This knew math uses only perfect whole numbers to
and its mirror inversions to create its results.
pi cannot be used to propery equate the circle.
it does not supply an actual answer...its always off by just a little.

Off by just a little????? a little is really not good enough
for what seems like it should be a simple equation.
Rodin says that pi is actually a whole number.

Not sure what it is yet but hope to find out.

[edit on 19-1-2008 by Maya432]

[edit on 19-1-2008 by Maya432]

[edit on 19-1-2008 by Maya432]

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by Hyzera
I tried converting some songs which were set to 44100hz to 43200hz using Audicity, but when I change it and export as an .mp3 file, the mp3 file stays at 441.

Can anyone with experience with this program help?

I haven`t tried that yet myself,
but will look into it for sure.
441 mirror/inverted 144...not sure about this but
44.1 might be ok to use but I`m not betting on it yet.
i`ll try the audio apps I have here.

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 09:35 AM
Radius Moon + Earth = 1080 + 3960 = 5040
1x2x3x4x5x6x7 = 5040 = 7x8x9x10
The circle of Moon + Earth = 2 * pi * 5040 = 31680

This is called the marriage of earth and heaven (moon).
31680 divided by the 72 gods = 440 Hertz.

It is clear that we listen to real Pagan music. Later reintroduced by NWO.

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 03:38 PM

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 08:06 PM
Sorry, but just don't buy it.
Sure, if you only heard 440hz all the time, but really-----music is made from numerous notes, harmonics, chords, bends and hammers---you name it. Maybe a piano or guitar is tuned to a 440hz standard, but a french horn? cymbal?
Seriously, there are way too many dynamics involved
to enforce a constant A=440
buzzing in my head.
There is too much buzzing in there already.

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 06:52 AM
[removed quote of entire previous post]

I carefully check now each product on 440 Hz and avoid to buy it.
However, you find this sound everywhere.
During shopping, in restaurants or pubs, on the street and highways, starting a phone call, on the beach, etc.
How can you ever avoid this 440 Hertz, of the NWO ?
Is there any anti-sound for it maybe ?

Mod Edit: Quoting – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 20-1-2008 by sanctum]

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 04:17 AM
reply to post by gotrox

It does not matter if its a 50 piece orchestra and the
notes are flying all over the place, they are all still resonating with
the over all resonant frequency.
the over all wave signature will be in that specific resonance
regardless of the amount of instuments or notes being played.

and what about cymbals? even though you are hearing multiple
frequencies at once to produce the cymbal sound , again it still has an over all note. so do drums and any other percusion instrument.

it does not matter how much vibrato or bending is going on , because it all
is vibrated and bent to be one with the over all resonance .

and French Horn.... well of cousre its tuned to 440.. its the Global Standard tuning.
there are rare cases of some orchestras using other resonant frequencies/pitch tuning.

and drums have the very noticable BEAT thing going on which is
just another example of frequency.

I tune to 432 and then use tempos that will also be in harmonic
relation creating even smoother balance.

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 04:46 AM
heres a list that i`ve started that shows the number sequence
in relation to the natual doubling sequence of nature.
ps. Mod 9 math will help confirm these numbers.

the results are always 9, multiples of nine and divisions of 9.
the 3, 6, 9 result of the trinity.

1) 1 = 1
2) 2 = 2
3) 4 = 4
4) 8 = 8
5) 16 = 7 ...................... 1+6 = 7 16-7 = 9
6) 32 = 5 ................... 3+2 = 5 32-5 = 27 /3 = 9
7) 64 = 1 ......6+4 = 10-1 = 9 64-1=63 = its always 9 or multiples of.
8) 128 = 2 ........................ 1+2+8= 11 11-2 = 9
9) 256 = 4 ............ 2+5+6=13 13-4 = 9
10) 512 = 8 ............... 5+1+2 = 8 512-8=504= 56x9
11) 1024 = 7
12) 2048 = 5
13) 4096 = 1
14) 8192 = 2
15) 16348 = 4
16) 32768 = 8
17) 65536 = 7
18) 131072 = 5
19) 262144 = 1
20) 524288 = 2
21) 1048576 = 4
22) 2097152 = 8
23) 4194304 = 7
24) 8388608 = 5
25) 16777216 = 1
26) 33554432 = 2
27) 67108864 = 4
28) 134217728 = 8
29) 268435456 = 7
30) 536870912 = 5
31) 1073741824 = 1
32) 2147483648 = 2
33) 4292967296 = 4
34) 8589934592 = 8
35) 17179869184 = 7
36) 34359738368 = 5
37) 68719476736 = 1
38) 137438953472 = 2
39) 274877906944 = 4
40) 549755813888 = 8
41) 1099511627776 = 7
42) 2199023255552 = 5
43) 4398046511104 = 1
44) 8796093022208 = 2
45) 17592186044416 = 4
46) 35184372088832 = 8
47) 70368744177664 = 7
48) 140737488355328 = 5

can you see the total relation between sequence and numbers?

[edit on 22-1-2008 by Maya432]

[edit on 22-1-2008 by Maya432]

[edit on 22-1-2008 by Maya432]

[edit on 22-1-2008 by Maya432]

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 05:06 AM
WOW AMAzing thread, Einstein did alot of work in this area. His studies of the wave progressions through space were strange but coincided with fibonacci in many ways. These I belive were studies to understand light, Another thing that always caught my eye is this light is made of particles traveling in waves sharing the same frequency or believe it wa speed, one of the two, as Electricity. some formulas for figuring electronic frequency are computed with fibonacci's numbers. Very intresting as Enstein seemed to believe if particles travel at this speed maybe the wave theory was what enabled this. the basis of time travel, UFOS. I can't pretend to know but I promise to read more.

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by hawk123
How can you ever avoid this 440 Hertz, of the NWO ?
Is there any anti-sound for it maybe ?

Well in my crazy head i`ve been thinking about
a device that would balance the waves in any given area.

I`ve read some quantum physics guys say that once
the right wave signature is achieved it can penetrate anything.
and cannot be penetrated by any other waves.
these guys also said that "Music was the single most important
thing in our existance and could possibly save the world."

It makes you think about what this new/old/ancient science is really all about.

I`m mostly hoping that more educated people than myself will
try these theories and make them work.

I enjoy spreading news like this even if it only has a chance at being something really cool.

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by azblack
Very intresting as Enstein seemed to believe if particles travel at this speed maybe the wave theory was what enabled this. the basis of time travel, UFOS. I can't pretend to know but I promise to read more.

yes ...exactly.. Once zero point is accessed, well then the the universe is the

the wave/our universe/reality/consciousness
expands and accelerates at proportional rates.

relativity and the unified field are all wave activity
and its resulting matter.

[edit on 22-1-2008 by Maya432]

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by Maya432

Good work Bobby,
Your same numbers can be found on:
See the left part of the Pythagoras Tetractys
On the right part you find the reference to the moon.

The Tetractys starting with the number 37 is for the Sun.
You also find the number 432 in it, but no 440.

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 10:30 AM
I'm working a personal research inthe Einstein theories and quatum mechanics expressed as a result of those studies.but

Even more interesting to me. My dad turned me on to some investment secrets of his in those he handed me a book called

The Wave Principle of Human Social Behavior and the New Science of Socionomics

Author Robert R. Prechter jr.

Now these monetary studies may seem irrelevant at the surface but in reading the book this guy goes off talking about how these same principles of waves affect everything in nature, for example the predictions of where a tree will grow a new branch in the future, how humans react to social trends for subsequent market effects, and you guessed it the obvious expression of it in music.

He goes on to say that the wave travel of music somehow can alter moods,obvious, but importantly can also alter social trends. WOW You guys are on to something factualy.

These assertions are all based on Fibonacci numbers used to calculate them.

Also this book has an incredible prequel by another author he gives much kudos to his name and book. circa 1938!!!!!!!!!!!

Ralph Nelson Elliot
The Wave Principle

Also the Author (Prechter) claims to be authoring a book demonstrating the musical effects in detail but have not been able to find it. Maybe one of you hippie musicians can help me it should be published by now.JK. No really help me find it!
Thanks for the motivation!

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 11:21 AM
I bought Bobby's album on itunes, I don't know if any others here have or not. I think it's a great set of songs. The guitar work is amazing, you are truely talented. I just don't know about the "feelings" part of it. I didn't really notice an enlightenment or anything like that.

What's it supposed to do for me , now? Thanks!

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by azblack

So my prediction is that with 432 Hz, the stock market goes down and with 440 Hertz the stock market goes up. It is the same way as shopping halls using the 440 Hertz music on the background, to influence the people to buy their products.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by hawk123

Yeah, read these books and this theory is no longer that, it's proven Congratulations.

I'm gonna keep looking on this thread to see if anyone finds the other books pertaining to music. maybe they are buried..

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