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2012 A Spiritual Transformation This Is The Time Now

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posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by cometa
Greetings Cometa,

The Children now the Indigo Star Children at birth and into there teen years will remember and see many things that maybe there parents cannot because they are in a mental state constantly within a 3 d confine of this existance.

Your DNA is already activated from what you have shared with me .

This will continue and not slow down .

As this happens you will also vibrate into a higher frequency the Christ Frequency this is the level that all of the Cosmic people operate at always.

There is nothing to fear this is a natural transition of the Mind Body and Soul.

In Meditations you can ask for those within the Christed levels to assit .

I would also use higher dimensional music Aeoliah ,Michael Hammers ,Micheal Sterns Space Music all will help .

Blessings In The Light of The Most Radiant One Always,

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 03:43 PM
Maybe you didn't see my posts. So here they are again. If you would be so loving to reply, and maybe if you will respond in an uncondescending way you will have people understanding the message you are trying to put across. People that actually youse objective thinking to make their own decisions. If not, once again someone with a good message will be labeled nothing more than a kook.

"I don't think your messages of love are being questioned. In fact, personally, I appreciate them no matter how you try and convey them. BUT and there is a big BUT here... lets pretend for a second you are who you say you are, and you have the technology you say you posess. I would have to argue that ,you, being a higher level of consciousness that you are, or at least being in contact with a higher level of consciousness (Jesus Christ...which proved to me instantly that this was an unfactual message) are doing the immoral and un "Jesus Christ" thing by just being here. Answer this. Is it more important to be spreading this message over a conspiracy website to people who can afford a computer and the subscription based internet (in other words those who are fortunate), or simply knowing who you are and helping the humans, with your massively superior technology, that are not as fortunate? For example: in Africa where humans can not even have access to clean water. Surely you could provide a cheap or even free technology to help these poor, suffering people with this basic need. And in doing so gain a much more wide spread understanding of your message and at the same time making a positive influence in a truly effective way on mother earth. If you can answer this question and act in some way along these lines then I am sure you will never need to express your message through a website like this one and have a much more profound impact on this world. What say you? "

you said:

"Greetings Abelievingskeptic,

Its not the technology thats important its the Spiritual Cosmic understanding.

When you look beyond do they have advanced technology to the Awakening process within the soul level thats the key.

Not if there Spaceships travel here or there and how do they operate what do they use to come to Earth?

Its the Consciousness that is most important once this has awakened and the DNA activated then you will travel without technology.

Blessings In The Light of The Most Radiant One Always,

my reply to you

"fully agreed. But If you are who you say you are then it becomes relevant of how you portray yourself and convey your message. No? And you either completely missed my point or decided to ignore it. Why don't you use your advanced intellect and higher consciousness to help the less fortunate in the world, in turn making a much more profound impact with your message? Are these people not as important than the people here on ats?"

and again:

"Also, you said you are available to have telepathic abilities at anytime. I believe these types of communication are possible. And I am willing to open myself to communication if your willing."

so are you willing to respond to my posts or will you ignore it?

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 04:14 PM
Holy CRAP Cmdraleon, fix your avatar!

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 04:17 PM
I have a feeling that Cmdr's advice is going to be Eat his apple sauce and Drink his KoolAid, and come to his compound.

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by dorgan

Do what applys to the spirit within your (own being) and you will be fine.

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 04:50 PM
Hello Cmdraleon !!!!

Who would you say are the beings that visit me in my dreams sometimes?
They have light blue skin and do not reveal their faces to me. I only see this area as blank or featureless.
I am taken to places with them but I am dumbed down in a way that I don't fully realise all that is happening. Maybe this is so as to not overwelm me or something.
What are your thoughts?

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 04:57 PM
Cmdraleon, This has been bugging me in all of your posts:

Their and There (ref:

–pronoun 1. a form of the possessive case of they used as an attributive adjective, before a noun: their home; their rights as citizens; their departure for Rome.
2. (used after an indefinite singular antecedent in place of the definite masculine form his or the definite feminine form her): Someone left their book on the table. Did everyone bring their lunch?

–adverb 1. in or at that place (opposed to here): She is there now.
2. at that point in an action, speech, etc.: He stopped there for applause.
3. in that matter, particular, or respect: His anger was justified there.
4. into or to that place; thither: We went there last year.

Being spiritual and all I suppose when communicating via telepathic ways there is no need to have the English language down pat. If you are in fact a 'special' being then you should have the capacity to speak any language, not just bad English.

Also could you stay consistent with you periods(.) Some are spaced one space and some are not. Is this a spiritual code? I left my spiritual decoding ring on the kitchen table next to my frosted flakes . Really. I did . Maybe your alien fingers are too long for the keyboard you're using and long-finger it . Possible I suppose.

The more I read your responses the more it sounds like religion meets science fiction. Just as the bible and most religions have been in the past, great points - peace, love and happiness is a great thing and we all need to work towards that goal as a whole and unified group. Point made, accepted, however - the whole alien spaceships, mars civilization underground, blah blah blah it’s a bit farfetched.

I am not trying to derail the thread or be 'close-minded'. I am on this website to be open-minded and learn new things on a daily basis. I must say however your posts sound more and more scientologist or droning religious banter that puts me asleep at a traditional church. You’ve managed to spice it up with other worldly beings and spaceships, added Jesus to the mix and you have a nice soup of modified religion.
IMO - there are no starships guarding us, the world is not going to 'change' for the better or worse come 2012 and WW3 is anyone's guess.

We have been around the galaxy 13 times – a whole 13 times! We are but a blink of an eye in the great cosmos and no calendar date of man is going to be of any great significance. We're going to be traveling through the Milky Way soon, there may be some changes for us there - however many years into the future, and that has nothing to do with ‘entering a new spiritual realm’. The sun’s poles will be shifting, which it has does on a regular basis every 9-12 years and guess what - we're all still here. There will continue to be great solar flares, but they’re not sent to change our DNA or enlighten us. Our current technology may be affected more than that of 50 years ago, but we have more of it now. Most of our electronics today are shielded to block outside interferences. Much of the military is gold plated and or shielded heavily to prevent EMP attacks, including solar flares. Our own pole shift I agree could bring some potentially cataclysmic changes, however it's happened before and we're still humming right along.

All of this is interesting and it why I frequent this site, to learn more, to absorb more and make my own conclusions. All above is my opinion, just fix the grammar and I'll be happy to continue reading your posts.


[edit on 20-12-2007 by justkillin_time]

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 05:25 PM
Cmdr thank you for your response. May I suggest that you resize the image you used for your avatar? It is making the forums difficult to read.

have seen UFOs and been contacted (maybe abducted) but I would like to hear your answers to help me draw my own conclusions.

-How many Alien species visit this planet?
-How many are friendly and how many hostile?
-What is the purpose of their visit?
-What are they waiting for?

[edit on 20-12-2007 by TheOracle]

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 05:40 PM
I've got this really funny visual of a highly spiritual "being" sitting behind a computer struggling with photoshop trying to get his/her avatar to work.

I imagine it would be hard to see what you were doing with your aura gleaming off your screen.

Does anyone else find that strange. Think about it for a second. A mystical all knowing "being" hunched over a HP notebook!!

Would a supreme being have a PC or a Mac? I'm hoping a Mac. That would make more sense wouldn't it. Tell me you have a Mac, please!

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 05:49 PM
I've encountered "people" like Cmdraleon before on other message boards and chats. Let's just say they aren't fooling me. One of Dawn's misfits.

[edit on 20-12-2007 by ReginaAdonnaAaron]

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by cometa

Cometa i respect you. You are wiser than me with your age and experiance.

Please take care before you dive into this one head first!

We are on the same path you and I and other's.

Do not be guided off your path by almost realistic and almost accurate temptation.

Lets just see what unfolds as reality show's it's self my friend.

Thank you.


P.S I am keeping my feet on the ground and there are no atheists when the bullet crack's above your head at the speed of sound.

P.P.S Sorry if i am going on !

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 06:53 PM

First let me thank you for your honesty, thoroughness, and love. I listened to some Aeoliah,(for the first time actually), and found myself unable to do anything else but simply listen. My body literally froze while it played, and I did nothing else.

Second, I have feelings and thoughts, and I think that I am infact linked to you, right now, and if not with you, into something else. This being said, I thank you in advance for the answer that you will give me to my question about my concerns. I hope that you recieve it in a timely manner, and answer it accordingly. Feel free to u2u me, as well as post your reply. Thank you again for the love.



posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 07:01 PM

got this really funny visual of a highly spiritual "being" sitting behind a computer struggling with photoshop trying to get his/her avatar to work.
Does anyone else find that strange.

Personally I think it's hilarious.

Of course, I imagine that any sort of communication between vastly different intelligences would be difficult. I mean, imagine trying to teach ants algebra using little spray bottles of "taste" chemicals.

And here we are berating him for mixing up "their" "they're" and "there."

Can you imagine the poor ants?

Skeptic Ant: "Dude...this guy is a complete idiot. He has us going around in circles."

Believer Ant: "No! He is showing us the way! All life revolves in cycles! The circle is merely symbolic! Don't you get it?!?!"

Human: "! Go back over there! That's a ONE! Right...YES You're close! Ok, now...just go right, right...there...follow the scent...good, good...NO!!! That's not it. Ok, back to ONE..."


Ahh, but all good humor aside, I do await a response to my last post from our friendly Martian. Just because someone from mars would likely have difficulty communicating with us doesn't mean that everyone who has difficulty communicating is from Mars.

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 07:10 PM

highly spiritual "being"

Actually...come to think of it, I don't think he ever claimed to be particularly spiritually evolved. Didn't he just say he was from Mars? Why would a Martian have any particular insight into our problems? I mean, if I went to Mars and starting trying to talk over their telepathic network there, what possible insight would I be able to offer them in their evolution?

Also...taking a more symbolic angle, isn't Mars traditionally supposed to be be masculine and thinking? Why is he saying that logic creates our problems and the solution is love? Wouldn't that angle be more "symbolically" appropriate for someone claiming to be from Venus?

Or is this a human manifestation of the the spiritual gender confusion so prominent these days?

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 07:16 PM
My brain is not yet expanded enough to handle the Avatar. Holy Shnikes.

OK, knowing the depth of intelligence of the members of ATS, I'm going to say this has probably been brought up. I've read 75% of the post, but it's too hard to read right now. Anywho, how is it that back in October, the Cmdr made a post, and he sounds like a normal Hu-Man. He even gets most of his punctuation correct. (please excuse mine.)

His post: Robert Stanley Author UFO Encounters On Capital Hill Guest Sunday Oct.28th On WESU FM's The Cosmic.

Now, in post listed above, he doesn't seem to have the same knowlege as this person of light from Mars. He sounds like an everyday shmoe, pointing out the next disclosure of all ET disclosures.

I'm just say'n... If it ain't already been said of course.

I don't want to throw smack, but most of everything he is saying, I've read plenty of times before.

Edit for spelling

[edit on 20-12-2007 by seawolf197]

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by seawolf197
how is it that back in October, the Cmdr made a post, and he sounds like a normal Hu-Man.
in post listed above, he doesn't seem to have the same knowlege as this person of light from Mars.


Walk-in, demon possession, prankster, stolen account, little brother playing a joke, past lives intruding on present time, recently hired by the CIA, multiple personalities...

Take your pick.

I don't really care who or what he is. Like I said previously, if he has something useful to offer, I'll listen to what he has to say. If he's only going to repeat the same propaganda we've been hearing for decades, it doesn't matter if he's the right hand of God, Himself.

I'm more interested in the message than the messenger. Still waiting to hear the message.

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by justkillin_time

Well said justkillin_time, I was wondering how somebody so enlightened made so many basic spelling and grammar mistakes!

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by LordBucket

Originally posted by seawolf197
how is it that back in October, the Cmdr made a post, and he sounds like a normal Hu-Man.
in post listed above, he doesn't seem to have the same knowlege as this person of light from Mars.


Walk-in, demon possession, prankster, stolen account, little brother playing a joke, past lives intruding on present time, recently hired by the CIA, multiple personalities...

Take your pick.

I don't really care who or what he is. Like I said previously, if he has something useful to offer, I'll listen to what he has to say.

Hi Lord, thanks for the reply. To you I say: Fair enough.

Cmdr, could you please clear this up for me. I'll thank you in advance.

What was the transformation that took place from October, until now? In October, you did not seem to be as enlighted as to these matters. As a matter of fact you created a thread specifically pointing to disclosure. Now, you are the one disclosing.

I think this is a legitimate question, and I do so respectfully.

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 08:14 PM
I was going to post a sarcastic remark involving his radio station, money and getting spiritual points to get onto the astar galactic ship with alien chics on it.

But on second thoughts, if listeners and believers of la-la land want to offload cash and listen to crapola, who am I to poke jabs at them!

so go ahead kiddies give the man your pocket change. plain and simple, innit?

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 09:16 PM
i just have an urge to ask you Aleon....How old are you? I am 18 and I am starting to believe that i fit in the Indigo Children/Star Seed children category...i really get sad when i see humans fight with each other,Poverty etc....ONE DAY THIS WILL BE FIXED I KNOW IT!!!!!!

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