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FLIGHT 93 - The Biggest 911 Smoking Gun!

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posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 11:51 AM
One thing that is taboo on internet forums is Flight 93 and the lack of material and intelligence to prove a plane crashed in Shanksville.

Forum member will try and derail or try to debunk any claims.

There was no plane in shanksville or evidence of a plane crash.

Here is the video, I will warn you there is Shill-bait in there and it is only used to identify the morons. It is a slight error but a minor one.


There is a large disinformation program in progress that has infiltrated the internet, i will like to coin the phrase ....

THE 911 DISINFORMATION MOVEMENT comprised of internet trolls and money hungry fat low lives who love cigars and dont give a cac about anything else outside there short lives.

These people dont want you to find out who was behind 9/11. Instead they will try to trap you in sensless banter to irritate the reader and the replier.

So with that said, FLIGHT 93 is a major fraud and if you want to have a smoking gun , fFLIGHT 93 is it, i dont care what people say, you cannot prove it, not even with a picture of a backhoe and an engine or a pic of scraps in the forrest just doesnt convince anyone with an i.q over 76.

Mod edit: Fixed video link.

[edit on 10/29/2008 by Hal9000]

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 11:56 AM
Upon researching the USGS scar claim. It seems that the scar is not the exact crash location but the exact location can still be seen as a light scar just north east of the scar.

Also if the scar that can be seen on 911 is real then how can all the peices disappear and how does the trajectory of the impact does not line up with the 12 or so trees that were slightly burnt.

Then you have Rumsfeld saying it was shot down, obvious disinformation plant.

Disinformation sites start pushing the passengers and lets roll thing, missile shoot down.

Funny is the argument that the flight crashed so hard that the plane vapourized.

Here is the TRUTH.

Thanx for comming out.

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 12:05 PM
OPERATION NORTHWOODS mentions this perfectly. Reasearch it

"*"Hijacking attempts against civil air and surface craft could appear to continue as harassing measures condoned by the Government of Cuba."

a. An aircraft at Eglin AFB would be painted and
numbered as an exact duplicate for a civil registered
aircraft belonging to a CIA proprietary organization in the
Miami area. At a designated time the duplicate would be
subsituted for the actual civil aircraft and would be
loaded with the selected passengers, all boarded under
carefully prepared aliases. The actual registered
aircraft would be converted to a drone.

b. Take off times of the drone aircraft and the actual
aircraft will be scheduled to allow a rendezvous south of
Florida. From the rendezvous point the passenger-carrying
aircraft will descend to minimum altitude and go directly
into an auxiliary field at Eglin AFB where arrangements will
have been made to evacuate the passengers and return the
aircraft to its original status. The drone aircraft
meanwhile will continue to fly the filed flight plan. When
over Cuba the drone will being transmitting on the inter-
national distress frequency a "MAY DAY" message stating he
is under attack by Cuban MIG aircraft. The transmission
will be interrupted by the destruction of aircraft which will
be triggered by radio signal. This will allow IACO radio

c. At precisely the same time that the aircraft was
presumably shot down a submarine or small surface craft
would disburse F-101 parts, parachute, etc., at approximately
15 to 20 miles off the Cuban coast and depart. The pilots
retuning to Homestead would have a true story as far as
they knew. Search ships and aircraft could be dispatched
and parts of aircraft found.


(C) fits flight 93 tale.

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by IvanZana

Here's the list from the flight manifest of flight 93. Surely the victims' families would have spoke up, or the person themself, if they had not died. The list mentions the names and hometown of all the deceased. Out of this list of 45 people, have any been shown to be false? The story that the passengers didn't exist falls apart when you track down the people in the real world. Where did these 45 people go?

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 08:46 PM
Except for the facts that plenty of aircraft wreckage was found, not to mention personal effects of the passengers and crew, and oh yes, the remains of said crew and passengers.........your theory might make sense.

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 08:59 PM
Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999

Except for the facts that plenty of aircraft wreckage was found, not to mention personal effects of the passengers and crew, and oh yes, the remains of said crew and passengers.........your theory might make sense.

Thanks for the post Swampfox46_1999. I know of no wreckage that was found the parts of which were matched with any maintenance records.

Yes there was an Arab bandana found in perfect condition. As were 4 or 5 other items of planted evidence.

There were no remains of anybody found on the day of the crash according to the Coronor that day. Since that date the Coronor has changed his story, probably under threat as many others have.

In fact there was no crash. In fact the crash site video was not released until 5pm about 6 hours after the alleged crash and that was because they had to have time to fake the crash site.

But thanks for your post as uninformed as it was.

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 09:05 PM

Thanks for the post Swampfox46_1999. I know of no wreckage that was found the parts of which were matched with any maintenance records.

Do some more research then. Because the data recorders, engine and several other items did match the maintenance records for that airframe.

There were no remains of anybody found on the day of the crash according to the Coronor that day.

Um, no, that is not what he said, but thanks for perpetuating that myth.

In fact there was no crash. In fact the crash site video was not released until 5pm about 6 hours after the alleged crash and that was because they had to have time to fake the crash site.

So how did my friends in Pennsylvania record it on the NOON news? Footage from the crash site?

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 09:08 PM
Originally posted by dbates

Surely the victims' families would have spoke up, or the person themself, if they had not died. The list mentions the names and hometown of all the deceased. Out of this list of 45 people, have any been shown to be false? The story that the passengers didn't exist falls apart when you track down the people in the real world. Where did these 45 people go?

Thanks for the post dbates. As usual your speculation is uninformed and without foundation.

There are many contradictions in who was aboard not to mention if there was any flight at all which has not been proven.

Yes, the missing passengers is the most perplexing of all the mysteries that surround 911. The passengers of Flight 93 were thought to have deplaned at Cleveland and up until a couple of years ago there was evidence that those passengers were deplaned at the NASA hangar there in Cleveland. That video evidence seems to have disappeared from the web for some reason.

The fact that you have a list with names and hometowns of those allegedly onboard Flight 93 proves nothing.

I am sure that whatever happened to the passengers that the families were well taken care of because I know of no insurance claims that have been filed against any of the airlines.

But thanks for your post.

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 09:12 PM

The passengers of Flight 93 were thought to have deplaned at Cleveland and up until a couple of years ago there was evidence that those passengers were deplaned at the NASA hangar there in Cleveland.

And that story was demolished many years ago. The only plane that deplaned passengers at the NASA facility that day was a KC-135 Vomit Comet.

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 09:58 PM
Missing without a trace passengers, unable to provide positive ID by DNA, is indeed quite perplexing. When considering that was not the case with a few names but every name on every one of 4 alleged flights. Not even body parts to DNA ID. Just lists of names of people never proved to actually exist. Rarely, if ever, are the planes and the majority, if not, all bodies and body parts not located at some point in time, somewhere in the area planes are reported to crash.

On 9/11, they couldn't even find the correct plane parts to match the models of planes they allege were used. Alleged Flight 77 is a prime example of that.

Another suspicious oddity - the lion's share of the names of what was stated to be Flight 77 are reported to have worked for the Pentagon and DOD. Some other passengers were very much a part of the Bush administration inner circle, i.e. Barbara Olson, wife of US Solicitor General Ted Olson.

Yet - another suspicious oddity -The US bureaucracy did pay at least $1M apiece to the families of those alleged to have been victims of 9/11 as long as they signed a gag order on the settlement, plus, did not demand investigation into 9/11. The only people demanding the truth about an investigation into 9/11, while refusing to accept settlement with gag order, are some number of surviving family members of those lost in the WTC buildings.

Human nature being what it is, and provided there actually were live bodies aboard 4 commercial aircraft, what would have most people declared dead but still alive do under such circumstances as 9/11?

Would they refuse to be gagged, refuse at least $1M, and publicly demand to tell the public what they witnessed occurred on 9/11?

Would they agree to be gagged, take at leat $1M, and start new life elsewhere our of harm's way, possibly under new US bureacracy arranged new life histories and paper IDs, complete with surgically altered features?

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 10:12 PM
Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999

And that story was demolished many years ago. The only plane that deplaned passengers at the NASA facility that day was a KC-135 Vomit Comet.

Thanks for the post Swampfox46_1999. Yes, thats what I am trying to tell you. The real story of the passengers of Flight 93 deplaning at the NAZA hangar has been lost through the efforts of those trying to rewrite history.

You are correct. The real story was demolished.

I find it very intersting that "the only plane that deplaned passengers at the NAZA facility that day was a KC-135 Vomit Comet." You kinda figure that the NAZA Nazi's would have been very deep into 911 seeing as they would have been involved in the initial launching of the Direct Energy Weapon spacecraft that destroyed the World Trade Center.

But thanks for the post.

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 10:39 PM
Thanks for your bit there about how no one died there on the plane, next time i see my friend, who lost her father, I'll be sure to tell her, hey, don't worry, he's still alive.

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 10:59 PM
Originally posted by RuneSpider

Thanks for your bit there about how no one died there on the plane, next time i see my friend, who lost her father, I'll be sure to tell her, hey, don't worry, he's still alive.

Thanks for the post RuneSpider. I am not sure whether or not you were referring to my post but if your were I would like to say that nowhere did I claim all the passengers were alive.

What I did claim is that no passenger died in any crash on 911.

Now they may have died elsewhere. But not in any alleged plane crash.

You see, that is the mystery of 911: What happened to the passengers?

Many of the passengers were government employees. Too many, in my opinion, for them not to have been placed there deliberately. Wherever they were deplaned, I believe, at least those government employees, survived. I have no idea or, for that matter, any speculation on what happened to the others.

Sorry for the confusion and thanks for the post.

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by RuneSpider
Thanks for your bit there about how no one died there on the plane, next time i see my friend, who lost her father, I'll be sure to tell her, hey, don't worry, he's still alive.

I am sincerely sorry for your friend's loss.

However, with no intended disrepect to your friend and her father or you, what proof does your friend have her father is dead? What proof does your friend have her father boarded any plane?

If I were in your friend's place, I would be demanding a full independent investigation into 9/11. I would want definitive proof my father boarded a plane alleged to have crashed on 9/11. I would settle for nothing less than positive proof.

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 11:30 PM
I heard somehwere that the planes were actually sparsely loaded with passengers compared with the number of people the airlines like to pack into a plane to make a profit above the fuel cost. Any thoughts?

Excellent link by the way!

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 11:55 PM
Then there are these strange reports:

Trivia question: What mayor of a major west coast city claimed just hours after 9-11 that he'd been warned not to fly the week of 9-11 by what he described as his 'airport security.' None other than Willie Brown!

If the above is true, what made Willie Brown so special and no one else, including those alleged Pentagon and DOD employees alleged to be on Flight 77?

From the San Franciso Chronicle:

For Mayor Willie Brown, the first signs that something was amiss came late Monday when he got a call from what he described as his airport security - - a full eight hours before yesterday's string of terrorist attacks -- advising him that Americans should be cautious about their air travel.

Willie Brown publicly admitted he was warned on 9/10. Why wasn't the general public also alerted by special media announcement on 9/10 as well? Why weren't flights grounded since Willie Brown admits he was alerted on 9/10?

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 12:01 AM

Thanks for the post Swampfox46_1999. Yes, thats what I am trying to tell you. The real story of the passengers of Flight 93 deplaning at the NAZA hangar has been lost through the efforts of those trying to rewrite history

No, its because Flight 93 never landed in Cleveland.

I heard somehwere that the planes were actually sparsely loaded with passengers compared with the number of people the airlines like to pack into a plane to make a profit above the fuel cost. Any thoughts?

Sure, that rumor has been around forever. But do some research....the flights were flying with about the average number of passengers for a Tuesday.

Missing without a trace passengers, unable to provide positive ID by DNA, is indeed quite perplexing

Excuse me?

The coroner's assessment came yesterday as he confirmed that the Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory has used DNA samples to match recovered remains with the last of 40 crew members and passengers aboard the hijacked jetliner 14 weeks ago when it slammed into a recovered strip mine at around 500 mph.

Many of the passengers were government employees.

No, they werent.

On 9/11, they couldn't even find the correct plane parts to match the models of planes they allege were used. Alleged Flight 77 is a prime example of that.

Umm..yes they did find the "correct" parts...

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by johnlear
Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999

Except for the facts that plenty of aircraft wreckage was found, not to mention personal effects of the passengers and crew, and oh yes, the remains of said crew and passengers.........your theory might make sense.

Thanks for the post Swampfox46_1999. I know of no wreckage that was found the parts of which were matched with any maintenance records.

Yes there was an Arab bandana found in perfect condition. As were 4 or 5 other items of planted evidence.

There were no remains of anybody found on the day of the crash according to the Coronor that day. Since that date the Coronor has changed his story, probably under threat as many others have.

In fact there was no crash. In fact the crash site video was not released until 5pm about 6 hours after the alleged crash and that was because they had to have time to fake the crash site.

But thanks for your post as uninformed as it was.

Shame on you Mr. Lear. You bring dishonor on the families and victims that endured 9-11.

I'm not sure if this is a game for you, this DISINFO campaign that you continuously embark on, but it brings a pain in the pit of my stomach.

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by StonyJ

I think the dishonor is on "others unknown." We are being lied to, I think the mountains of unanswered questions prove that. I want to know exactly what happened and why.

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by johnlear
Originally posted by RuneSpider

Thanks for your bit there about how no one died there on the plane, next time i see my friend, who lost her father, I'll be sure to tell her, hey, don't worry, he's still alive.

Thanks for the post RuneSpider. I am not sure whether or not you were referring to my post but if your were I would like to say that nowhere did I claim all the passengers were alive.

What I did claim is that no passenger died in any crash on 911.

Now they may have died elsewhere. But not in any alleged plane crash.

You see, that is the mystery of 911: What happened to the passengers?

Many of the passengers were government employees. Too many, in my opinion, for them not to have been placed there deliberately. Wherever they were deplaned, I believe, at least those government employees, survived. I have no idea or, for that matter, any speculation on what happened to the others.

Sorry for the confusion and thanks for the post.

Oh dear.. this is entirely so disrespectful to the families of the missing/dead from that day.

I know I know, "could've", "maybe", "chances" etc .. but we do not know. We do know something blew up at the Trade Centers, making them fall down, killing people. So it is a fact many, thousands, died.

Now, with that said, it isn't a stretch to say 45 more died on a botched plane. And I recall the events of the day, when the first plane "hit the 1st tower", they were getting varied reports of the number of hijacked planes. Some were saying 5 or 6 planes. Then as the 2nd tower was "hit" , they had the exact number of planes, and it was being discussed that one was still currently in the air, this being Flight 93. The Media wasn't like "Flight 93 is flying erratically over PA", but did say "Reports are coming in that a 4th plane is still in the air and hijacked." The story immediately followed that, then there was an update some time later showing a hole in the ground.

Now i know the crash site was odd, so was the Pentagon crash site, but .. you just cant disrespect these families who've lost their loved ones. If your WIFE died in a Plane crash, and I said, "Nope, John, your loved one is still alive! That plane didnt exist brother.. she is locked up in a secret U.S. prison camp deep underground base to never be seen again", If I said something so retarded, you'd be insulted, and you'd be like, "How the heck do you know?" You'd also probably tell me to have some respect. And all im saying is the same. These people are real people, and whether or not we knew any personally doesnt mean its okay to deny their deaths.

The most likely situation was a missile strike which blew 93 out of the sky, this was why they needed to doctor the "crash site" and plant evidence, supposedly. Because it was destroyed at such a high altitude, killing all abord instantly, spreading their charred remains over miles and miles of wooded area, never to be seen again.

Years after the New York 9/11 Clean up they STILL found human bones on some city building tops, in some odd locations, etc.

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