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Muslim helps Jews attacked on New York subway

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posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 01:55 PM
We all know that the headline
Guy helps guy on Subway

doesn't sell as many papers as

Muslim helps Jews attacked on New York subway

Anyone who lives in the US should know, especially in NYC, that there are good people out there who will help others in need, despite either party's religious background. It may not be common, but I don't think it's uncommon enough to be surprised by it.

Remember that guy who rescued the film student from the train when he fell on the tracks? There was no "Black man rescues White student" headline.

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 01:55 PM
I think we can all agree that one of the most amazing things about the human experience is that for every generation there are a lot of dumb people. The ignorant, scared and moronic abound and somedays it feels like you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a stupid person.

But of course these dumb people serve a purpose if only to let us whisper unto ourselves...there but for the grace of god(allah, buddha etc.) goes I/us/we/not them.

I think we can also agree that while this of course is a topic that will push many hot buttons we can all discuss it in a relatively civil manner simply for the fact that none of us are they...them....those know what I'm saying.

This of course is just a general post and not aimed at any specific member.

Happy whatever,


[edit on 12/14/2007 by Spiderj]

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 01:59 PM
I am civil. Intollerance is exactly what is being discussed here. Putting ALL people of any group, and saying they have X attributes, is intollerance. If it was wrong for these punks on the train, then it's wrong wherever it happens. That includes this forum.

As a civilized people it is our duty to confront such things when and where they happen.

Enough said. Each of us will judge for ourselves where the line is drawn. I stand for equality regardless of race, sex, gender or preferences, and age. I find it insulting to "slam" someone on that basis.

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 02:04 PM
They are dieing for the same belief based on a different fact.

Facts are something that can be written into history by the dominant forces.

Well I am sure if all of us wrote ourselves into history we would leave the sacrifices behind because then it would make us look very humble.

'We all sacrifice to live and we all sacrifice to die'. The death of the ego will come.

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by NGC2736

having experienced this first hand on ATS, being in the minority (the couple of muslims here,) there will always be people that generalize a group of people over the actions of a few and those will always be ignorant,

best thing to do is rise above that and show you have standerds and that you wont be taken down to that level,


posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 02:08 PM
I feel that Rasobasi makes a fine point, one seemingly echoed by NGC... Had it not been for Headlines, we may have most likely never been aware that such an instance occurred in the first place. A shame, that.

... though, it wouldn't seem a surprise to many upon consideration and personal reflection... least for me. (?)


posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by bodrul

having experienced this first hand on ATS, being in the minority (the couple of muslims here,) there will always be people that generalize a group of people over the actions of a few and those will always be ignorant,

You know... I keep hearing this. All I can say is that it's so easy to say, "Well, a TRUE blank would never do that." Well, my only question to such an argument is, "Why don't the TRUE blanks make a concerted effort to stop those who misrepresent them?"

[edit on 14-12-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

[edit on 14-12-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by SpeakerofTruth

They do. We just don't hear about it on the news. There are plenty of instances where peaceful blanks hold rallies and protests against violence, but you wouldn't know it from MSN, CNN or Fox.

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by SpeakerofTruth

maybe those blanks have a life
if you live in the UK it cost a fortune to live and survive
those that make the most racket are those that have time on their hands,

you try balancing work with family or
work with education and see how much spare time you have.

the Blanks that dont protest want to get on with their lives
and generaly have more important things with to deal with then making another group happy

just to add what brings in more ratings?

[edit on 14-12-2007 by bodrul]

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 02:22 PM
OK folks. The topic please.

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 02:31 PM
My bad, I shouldn't have continued the tangent, but it's such a bad argument that every time I hear it I have to cringe.

I would like to see a host of Christians protesting the violence their kinsmen showed on this train though. Why aren't there marches on the street? Why aren't there Christian leaders calling for their deaths? They must be in complete approval of their actions right?

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
What I thought was stupid is that one of the "christians" said, "Hannukah, oh, that's the day the Jews killed Jesus." What? You have got to be freaking kidding me!! Like I always say, "Christians" have a tendency of blowing off at the mouth about belief systems they know absolutely nothing about...
If one is that freaking stupid, just keep your trap shut!!!

I can't help but think that these people would have acted the way they did regardless of what religion they were.

Its not like Jesus suggested anyone lay the smack down on anyone.

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by C.C.Benjamin

Not to offend my Christian friends here, if there were Christians on the train, didn't they do the right Christian thing by remaining passive and not causing or defending against violence?

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by DJMessiah
reply to post by C.C.Benjamin

Not to offend my Christian friends here, if there were Christians on the train, didn't they do the right Christian thing by remaining passive and not causing or defending against violence?

Absolutely nothing wrong with passiveness. The Quakers, who are spiritual geniuses, are passive..

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by DJMessiah
reply to post by C.C.Benjamin

Not to offend my Christian friends here, if there were Christians on the train, didn't they do the right Christian thing by remaining passive and not causing or defending against violence?

Absolutely nothing wrong with passiveness. The Quakers, who are spiritual geniuses, are passive..

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 05:08 PM
I have nothing against blanks, but everytime a blank blanks me for being blank I can only blankly stare at him.

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by NGC2736

You have your opinions and I have mine, I respect yours and I will leave it at that.
Happy Holidays to you!

[edit on 14-12-2007 by kdial1]

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by kdial1

And a Happy Yule time to you and yours!

Peace and good will for all mankind.

posted on Dec, 14 2007 @ 09:27 PM
More to the Story

Well, I now think that it is getting a little over-exposed.


posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
Well, my only question to such an argument is, "Why don't the TRUE blanks make a concerted effort to stop those who misrepresent them?"

Well, I don't know about you, but that's generally what the Muslims on ATS in general seem to me to be doing.

Note that there's a difference between taking a stand against extremists and kissing American bootie too

But of the Muslims I've talked to on ATS there does seem to me to be exactly that: "a concerted effort to stop those who misrepresent them"


And all in good fun.

[edit on 12/15/07 by xmotex]

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