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Muslim helps Jews attacked on New York subway

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posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
What I thought was stupid is that one of the "christians" said, "Hannukah, oh, that's the day the Jews killed Jesus." What? You have got to be freaking kidding me!! Like I always say, "Christians" have a tendency of blowing off at the mouth about belief systems they know absolutely nothing about...
If one is that freaking stupid, just keep your trap shut!!!

so dont bash the muslims, but bash the christians, super logic

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by BitRaiser
Which is why I take pleasure in pointing out that the Christmas Tree is a Pagan tradition. It's even better when those trees are topped with pentacles (5 pointed stars).

Christmas is amusing as it's one time that Christians pay homage to the old Gods.

well not really, they would say it is part of God's design, all of it, hence his Christian message colonised those pagan images

It warms my heart.

Im sure those Christians are just burning their anger at your cleverness

On Topic:
This is a great little story... until you flip it over an look at what really spawned the event. Popular Ignorant Intolerance of Christian Americans. It also points out the ugly indifference that people show one another these days. There were other people on the train... only this one foreigner had the balls and heart to step forward and take a thumping on behalf of an innocent man.

if that is your assessment of the millions of Christian Americans due to a train incident, what is your assessment of Muslims over the bombing of Algeria and the marches calling for a woman to be shot over a teddy bear

Sorry to be a kill-joy.

Happy Yuletide everyone.

[edit on 13-12-2007 by BitRaiser]

merry Christmas

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 04:12 AM
Actually a historical record the Jewish leadership did kill Jesus by getting the Romans involved and they in turn..turned it over to the Jewish leadership who traded him in a death sentance with a convicted person named Barabas.

Nevertheless it was not these Jews on this subway who killed Jesus. Kind of difficult to get to these Jewish leaders some 2000 years later.

I have to agree with some of the posters here...some people are mentally challanged. Or was the term some posters..intelligent.

Well..nevertheless I agree either way.

I dont celebrate Christmas. Gave it up years ago. No intrest in it..but I do agree...some of these people will be spending thier Merry Christmas as guests of this city.

I dont care what holidays or such people celebrate..that is their buisness. I dont take offense at this. I just dont celebrate myself. I have enough civility to mind my own buisness in these things.

I think it is great that a muslim stood up and conducted themselves in the name of civility and decency. My congratulations to Hassan Askari for his deceny and civility.


posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 06:34 AM
Great to hear some positive news amidst all the doom and gloom the media is obsessed with. Kudos to the brave young man who helped out those people in distress

Somewhat off topic, but pertaining to the news -- does any one else find it odd that some news sources are calling the crime 'bias attack' or 'bias crime'? Is that the new, politically correct term for 'hate crime'?

Associated Press
New York Daily News
New York Post

Whitewashing it doesn't change the facts...

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by kdial1
Most people in the US are stuck on this idea that all muslims are extremists and have labeled all of the muslim community as evil. I have noticed this especially in the older generation of folks. Unfortunately this generation is being fed information by the news which they believe everyword of.

I have to call you on the above assertion. This is every bit as much a blanket pronouncement as any made towards a religion. It shows your lack of understanding, and your intolerance towards your elders. To say that we are too stupid, and too much tied to the MSM to understand what an enlightened youngster would, is rubbish.

And while we're on this, it seems the little "haters" who did the attacking were a lot closer to your enlightened generation, than to my own senile one. You need your mind washed out with soap.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by kdial1

I do no believe that all Muslims are extremists.

But I do believe that all Muslims follow the Qran & ultimately, the Surpression of Womens rights.

Telling womn to cover all of their bodies, telling woman they cannot leave the home without a male in their company, Stoning women who have sexual relations out of Wedlock, Marrying off young girls to old men..

The list agains women goes on & on..

This is basically the only thing I really dislike about Islam.

Otherwise, I just wouldn't give a Fook about it.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by orangetom1999

Actually a historical record the Jewish leadership did kill Jesus by getting the Romans involved and they in turn..turned it over to the Jewish leadership who traded him in a death sentance with a convicted person named Barabas.

I heard this Jesus guy was a radical Jewish carpenter, who had notions that
"profiteering from fiduciary ventures" as being against the will of god.

He showed up at the local check cashing place in Jerusalem and started disrupting the local money traders and radicalizing the crowd.

The authorities were called and he was taken away. He was charged with crimes against the state and tried before a group of his peers

of course, I have also heard that the Romans made this whole story up.

During the waining days of their empire in order to convince the populace that the one true god via "Jesus" was in fact Roman Catholic.

This helped insure that the power of the Pope would equal the power of god on earth, just like the Emperors and Pharaohs before him.

All good domination schemes need a good guy(Jesus) and a bad guy(Jews Muslims, heretics)..and plenty of "believers" to help spread the gospel (conquest)

Oddly, Jews and Muslims had lived in peace in Palestine for a thousand years or so. Some thing happened around 1948, and that part of the world has been devolving into turmoil ever since. ???

Social biases have to be established through indoctrination and conditioning

Human beings are naturally loving and caring.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 07:18 AM
Excellent post. Makes ya wonder why we dont hear more positive news like this more frequently instead of the typical doom and gloom news.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by xmotex
It's stories like this that pull me back when I feel like giving up on humanity.

Bravo to Hassan Askari, a man whose courageous action will hopefully inspire some people to take a moment to think.


Poor guy, now he's going to have Fatwas issued by bin-Laden and Zawahiiri like they did to Salman Rushdie sentencing him to death, and hundreds of thousands of crazy extremists will at least say they would kill him / are actively trying to find him.

Pretty sad really.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by orangetom1999

Actually a historical record the Jewish leadership did kill Jesus by getting the Romans involved and they in turn..turned it over to the Jewish leadership who traded him in a death sentance with a convicted person named Barabas.

But it was during passover and NOT hannukah ..

And then I had to add a second line so I didn't get warned by a mod.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by Ironclad

The things you mention have nothing to do with the Qur'an. Please read it, then bother to make comments like that. What you are speaking of happen to be social aspects created by several Islamic communities such as Saudi Arabia. It is why in Europe, many women who are Islamic do not cover up. Not because they have freedom but because it isn't mentioned in the Qur'an. All that is mentioned is modesty.

It is this sort of ignorance that is really harming Western Society.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by kdial1

Originally posted by kdial1
Most people in the US are stuck on this idea that all muslims are extremists and have labeled all of the muslim community as evil. I have noticed this especially in the older generation of folks. Unfortunately this generation is being fed information by the news which they believe everyword of.

And I have noticed that it is the youth of the world causing most of the violence, such as in France and the UK. Unfortunately, this generation is easy to manipulate with slogans which they believe every word of.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 08:48 AM
The reason so many people think Muslims are evil is one simple word PROPAGANDA! Turn off your tv's and you will realize there is an entire world out there that is peaceful and not hell bent on destruction.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 09:09 AM

"A Muslim-American saved us when our own people were on the train and didn't do anything," Adler said.

"Muslim-Americans" saved us while "OUR PEOPLE" did nothing......

Whos "our people" bunch of weak hiding white guys not of American origin?
or... "our people" the uber americans, jews?

or... "our people" the non terrorist looking white americans?

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 09:17 AM
Nice story, nice to know there are good people in the world...

Okay, but what catches my eye most about this story (I know well and true most Muslims are not anti-semitic), is not the Muslim helping Jews part, but the fact that people ATTACKED SOMEONE FOR HAPPY CHANUKAH.

WTF. I'm going to assume the root cause was these people sick of political correctness?!

And in this day and age, who would use the old "JEWS KILLED JESUS" against them? Thats so archaic I rarely even read about anti-Semites using that anymore...son of's just insane...

Anyway, good story on the Muslim part, but still I can't believe they'd attack someone over Happy's unbelievable to me...

[edit on 12/13/2007 by Kacen]

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by blueorder

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
What I thought was stupid is that one of the "christians" said, "Hannukah, oh, that's the day the Jews killed Jesus." What? You have got to be freaking kidding me!! Like I always say, "Christians" have a tendency of blowing off at the mouth about belief systems they know absolutely nothing about...
If one is that freaking stupid, just keep your trap shut!!!

so dont bash the muslims, but bash the christians, super logic

Could not agree more!!, it just outrageous that the same people that slander other members for making generalization about muslims, then come out in force and paint all of us Christians with the same brush.

[edit on 13-12-2007 by Bunch]

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by kdial1

What you've said, I could have said myself. Told the same story. And it's strange, too, because you meet so many cool, interesting, and generous people and yet when you are away from them and among your own family you feel as if you're odd in some way when you really aren't. Your grandparents and parents have that ability to make you feel odd because you think different and live your life different than they have lived theirs. And this is why social progress is very slow with humans, I think. No one can deny the comfort factor that comes when everybody is in agreement. Many folks know better ways of life but they repress those ideas and what they know for the comfort factor. The less friction, the easier it is to survive on the path to success. That's the main reason that folks do not change their ways, I think.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 10:23 AM
Just another prime example of how religion can be used as a tool to manipulate peoples emotions.

Yes a Muslim came to the aid of a Jewish person, but did anyone take a step back and think that it is the religious agenda that establishes boundaries?

I'm Muslim, he's Jewish, she is Catholic, he is Methodist, etc.......pick a team and a side. It's seems that we as humans choose to divide ourselves, but then when we find that common bond everyone wants or deserves a pat on the back.

If there were only one world religion or no religion at all we would be picking on other differences like, physical characteristics or economical status.

Anything to focus attention on others and not ourselves. Has anyone noticed this?

Why can we not just find common bonds instead of divisions?

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 10:24 AM
Folks, I'd like to draw your attention to a photograph of the perps:

I think this speaks for itself. No one should be using this incident to portray any group in a bad light. Look at these people. Having read the Daily News this morning it was revealed that some of them have previous hate crime records.

Their actions and statements don't reflect the beliefs of Christians. Come on now. Their actions and statements prove what their picture portrays. This is a band of good for nothing, brain dead dregs of society.

posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by BitRaiser
I've had Joe "I say I'm Christian even though I never go to church" tell me I'm evil.

Well, being a Christian doesn't necessarily constitute going to Church.. Some of the truest Christians never step foot into a church, which isn't nothing but a social contest to begin with. So, in my opinion, that argument is sort of fallacious.

[edit on 13-12-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

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