posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 05:34 AM
reply to post by jackinthebox
this may be off topic and as such i apologize but i think i need some clarification on something jack posted above.
now, my understanding of "false flag attack" is one where our govt actually pulls the whole operation in order to further their own agendas under
the guise of legitimacy. ie, "they" attack us and blame someone else so we can attack them in retalliation.
so, by suggesting that pearl harbor was a false flag attack, are you then also suggesting that the us govt built a squadron of japanese style aircraft
and had us airmen attacking pearl harbor?
if not, then its not really the classic definition of a falseflag attack then is it?
i only bring this up as with all of the "lingo" thrown around in the conspiracy forums, i think its important that we try to be as articulate as
possible. afterall, if one describes pearl as a ff attack and then suggests that 911 was another ff attack, someoen not familiar with the lingo may
then start to think that you as the poster actually mean something other than what you do, and is that a good thing?