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Vast structure just found in king crater on the moon!

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posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by harry20007
I enjoyed ripping into that argument spelling mistakes and all

have you looked at the typos in your post at all?

As to anomlies in Moon pictures you might want to do a little checking around here first. This is 'Anomaly Central'

So what's all this I hear about If that's true you won't find many friends here

Originally posted by senshido
Have they simply not yet photographed the right areas on the moon?

No they simply have not photographed the Moon yet

And the Chinese are playing games... (or were double crossed not sure yet)

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by harry20007

Besides that King's Crater area has already been covered by several members here.. but I won't post until we get to the bottom of this

From the other thread...

Originally posted by harry20007
Hi, Ive just been yold about the offending post in On behalf of iiR we apologies over this annoying problem and have started banning and removing offending content...

We apologies for the upset!
let me know about any other problems
PMS me cheers

"annoying problem"

[edit on 9-12-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 07:57 PM
I was jesting at my typos... I spell badly and I hate editing my words as It captures the moment.. I have taken my eye off the ball for a while and found these ILLEGAL posts in our system. I lost my child recently and ive just not been as focused as I should have. I found the post that`caused the problems and removed it. Ive alertedthe rest of the guys too look closely at this problem. Im sure ATS has had its moments with copyright issues.

Yes I agree King crater has been written about but the image Ive pointed out maybe something that we should look at? I put a question mark in the image as to what it is, Im not calling it anything until it can be understood.

[edit on 9-12-2007 by harry20007]

[edit on 9-12-2007 by harry20007]

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by harry20007

This photo proves that life exists on the Moon. Moonbies, Moon beings, are throughout the photo as well as statues. If you scan this photo with a fine tooth comb you will see plenty. Suggestion to see anomalies and Moonbies turn down your contrast and brightness and view from a dark room. Use a high quality glass magnifier tilt the magnifier to stretch the image you are visually scanning this will help you find things easier. With the other hand cup your hand like looking thru a telescope and leave an opening about half the size of a dime. Looking thru the magnifier with your other cupped hand in front of the magnifier you will start to see things that you thought impossible to see. Make sure the magnifier after you stretch or bend the object your looking at is now parallel to the monitor. Happy scanning Rik Riley

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by harry20007

That is what i am talking about. Good job, Harry.

9 times out of 10 i think one may not mean to offend, but we get so caught up on being right that we fail to do the right thing and correct ourselves.

Welcome to ATS.

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
reply to post by harry20007

That is what i am talking about. Good job, Harry.

9 times out of 10 i think one may not mean to offend, but we get so caught up on being right that we fail to do the right thing and correct ourselves.

Welcome to ATS.

Thanks .. Wise words.
I bring with me an army of robots that make no judgment on what they see. They are our eyes and ears. They will or already have made first contact.

This is an important site . It reflects the diversity of the human condition. One day when the truth finally comes out we can all wear that smug smile (for a millisecond).. Now how about giving king crater and others the once over and lets find ET or whatever is out there

[edit on 9-12-2007 by harry20007]

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by harry20007

When viewing or what I call scanning this particular moon photo take your time and scan apprx. 1 inch at a time like a grid or mattrix and scan horizontal or vertical to more organize your scan. This is much better then viewing at random and provides better results for your anomoly finds.

Here is the obvious that many do not think about is to look for 2 eyes you will be surprised what you will find. Some faces will have multiply faces and some will be in the form of totums stacked on top of one another. Remember these Moonbies and anomolies blend in and are camouflaged look for outlines and geometrical shapes some very very tiny some very large and some humanoid some not. Rik Riley

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by rikriley
reply to post by harry20007

When viewing or what I call scanning this particular moon photo take your time and scan apprx. 1 inch at a time like a grid or mattrix and scan horizontal or vertical to more organize your scan. This is much better then viewing at random and provides better results for your anomoly finds.

Here is the obvious that many do not think about is to look for 2 eyes you will be surprised what you will find. Some faces will have multiply faces and some will be in the form of totums stacked on top of one another. Remember these Moonbies and anomolies blend in and are camouflaged look for outlines and geometrical shapes some very very tiny some very large and some humanoid some not. Rik Riley

Ive seen these objects but cant put into words what they are. Ive seen similar structures in mud wasps nests and the multiple eyes??... I just cant understand weather these are large unusual volcanic geographical features created in low gravity or something more disturbing. I know or feel i know what they are but really wont say until Im sure as the observations of others may bring the answer home.

[edit on 9-12-2007 by harry20007]

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by harry20007

Originally posted by rikriley
reply to post by harry20007

When viewing or what I call scanning this particular moon photo take your time and scan apprx. 1 inch at a time like a grid or mattrix and scan horizontal or vertical to more organize your scan. This is much better then viewing at random and provides better results for your anomoly finds.

Here is the obvious that many do not think about is to look for 2 eyes you will be surprised what you will find. Some faces will have multiply faces and some will be in the form of totums stacked on top of one another. Remember these Moonbies and anomolies blend in and are camouflaged look for outlines and geometrical shapes some very very tiny some very large and some humanoid some not. Rik Riley

Ive seen these objects but cant put into words what they are. Ive seen similar structures in mud wasps nests and the multiple eyes??... I just cant understand weather these are large unusual volcanic geographical features created in low gravity or something more disturbing. I know or feel i know what they are but really wont say until Im sure as the observations of others may bring the answer home.

[edit on 9-12-2007 by harry20007]

Harry, this may help you when using preferably a German made optical glass magnifier, make sure it has a secondary optic the size of a round penny embeded at the side of the rectangular shaped magnifier. This will help you pin point and even enlarge you seeing your anomoly finds.

In this photo of the Moon you presented you will find a structure with vertical and horizontal lines it is camoulflaged but you will eventually find the structure. Of course you enlarge the photo before you scan. You will come across some beautiful as well as very scarry and weird looking criters. Rik Riley

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by harry20007
Yes I agree King crater has been written about but the image Ive pointed out maybe something that we should look at? I put a question mark in the image as to what it is, Im not calling it anything until it can be understood.

Okay I am sure others will handle the copy right issues, though I see a lot of material at that site with no citation as to source... and to dismiss open plagiarism as an "annoying problem" is just wrong

That said I will address King Crater

"The Valley of Secrets"

This is the original image from NASA

The object in the peaks is interesting but both photos are full of interesting things... Lots left to find and catalog...

There are many interesting things in this image especially in the lower right corner and in the central peak area... You will notice the black arrow that NASA has added to the image pointing to what John Lear and Robert Churilla describe as "Vegetation"

There is another image that shows the same area, but further out with more light...

A little color to enhance the Vegetation...

Here is a closeup of the thing in the central peak area

There are lots of areas that show lines of dots and "tubes" through the 'vegetation...

Also in image AS16-4998-P originally presented by LOOOFO you can see another angle of the object. This is one of the few images we have more than one view of an anomaly

There is still another view AS10-30-4354

And once again we see the object...

So here we have a unique case where three different NASA images show the same anomaly from three vantage points...

Now lets find all the rest... we have neglected this one for too long

[edit on 9-12-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 01:34 AM
You are really missing the most important piece of this picture. You are looking in the wrong area. Look just to the right of the object in question and you will notice a rectangular object partially buried. This is the object to be seen it is without a doubt Noah's Ark!!!!!

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 02:35 AM
Oh my God, there is a giant black arrow on the moon. Obviously proof of a former Pleadin civilization frolicking in the lush jungles of the moon. I'm pretty sure with a good quality 8 inch you could spot this arrow if you lived outside of city lights, remember full moon is too bright for the kind of details NASA doesn't want you to tune your trackers onto.

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 05:24 AM
Usually I struggle to see these structures on the moon. However if you look to the bottom left of the image, you will see this:

this to me looks like a tower like object casting a shadow on the surface. I have not adjusted the image except for the resize on the right.


[edit on 10-12-2007 by olegkvasha]

[edit on 10-12-2007 by olegkvasha]

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 07:00 AM
reply to post by zorgon

Off topic moment!
Annoying for us is just that. We provide a free site with no banners or google ads (bar one 1 from the robot shop). We expect all contributors to respect that . In return we give them space to place relevant content without identity. I take offense to the fact that You accuse us of OPEN Plagiarism . We monitor content for Porn and other undesirable content and it would be maybe wise to sometimes questioon where it has come from or at least have the apropriate credits. I admit we need to (FROM NOW ON) include a disclaimer about content submitted with compulsory field for source. This is being looked at. Running sites like ours leaves us open to abuse however unintentional but i do believe this will soon come into line as respecting submitted content is key for good honest networking.

Back to topic

As for your findings so far... GREAT! Multiple shots for the same location is a key feature of these images and i Luv the alias VALLEY of SECRETS!
Good Job

photobug: There is no right way in looking at this. Thats why i submitted it here. There is a l;ot to look at and I feel we need the expert enthusiasts to pour over every inch of this crater and more.

I do think that NASAs arrow is a clue. It caught their eyes and caught mine too.

In a couple of days im submitting another image that should be fantastic . Im just checking how I feel about this image before unloading it to u guys.

[edit on 10-12-2007 by harry20007]

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by zorgon

Hi Zorgon,
Quick question!
Who the heck is this guy??

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 07:53 AM
Havalon, i've resized the area in question:

Bicubic resample

Pixel resize (this keeps the actual shape which has been caught by the camera)

we should find another pic which shows the same thing, IMHO

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by internos

Thank's Internos, you are the best!
Now! if you 'squint' at the pixalated version.... oh heck ! I don't know!
I am going hunting!
Thanks again Internos,

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by olegkvasha
Usually I struggle to see these structures on the moon. However if you look to the bottom left of the image, you will see this:

this to me looks like a tower like object casting a shadow on the surface. I have not adjusted the image except for the resize on the right.


Rich, I think that's a good find!
But heck, some would say that it could be just Moon rocks! I've enlarged the image and and this is what it looks like, at least to me!

And this is what emerges...


posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by photobug

photobug, you say you are seeing Noah's Ark on the Moon? Are you saying Noah's Ark was a spaceship? Since you spotted Noah's Ark on the Moon and made it public to the whole world would you please for everyones sake start a thread and entitle it Noah's Ark found on the Moon. Thanks Rik Riley

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by internos

They can run, but they can't hide!

Most 'umbely yours,

(or am I 'cloud bustin')

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