posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 06:03 PM
After my delightful tussle with moon hoaxers (Check the savaging of the light shadow, perspective sad argument ) I enjoyed ripping into that argument
despite my spelling mistakes and all
ive felt obliged to release an image of a large (clear) enormous structure in king crater located on the moon.
Image Collection: 70mm Hasselblad
Mission: 10
Magazine: 30
Magazine Letter: Q
Latitude / Longitude: 5° N / 119° E
Film Type: 3400
Film Width: 70 mm
Film Color: black & white
Feature(s): KING
The vastness of it still takes my breath away. Ive managed to get my hands on the Hires versions of these images as NASA's servers have very very bad
(deliberately) toned down versions. Wonder why?
Here is the full hires
image link version kindly supplied from There are soooo many structures its painful to think how this secret can be kept up ..
Here is the NASA official version (spot the difference!)
image link
Over the last few months ive found myself pouring over the blurred sometimes , very difficult to see, images of what could be structures and realized
we need clearer evidence. Better images. Being creatures of pattern recognition I know this whole subject can be a bit of a Pandora's box , thats
why im going to submit a few images over the next few months that are relatively clear and invite others to submit (non ambiguous) images here too!
I want this thread to convince members of the public that there maybe something up there. Engineers will look in and scratch their heads. Teachers,
students skeptics etc. will soon begin to see what what some of us already know. There is no point showing the shape of a swan in some rock formation
or other out there images, as the public (understandably) will shun these. I see all kinds of shapes in clouds as im sure you do so no silly
submissions please.
There is no point in naval gazing and talking ,arguing among ourselves and not including the wider public in this debate so clear concise arguments
are needed. There has to be a purpose to all this and we need to hammer this out now.
[edit on 9-12-2007 by harry20007]
[edit on 9-12-2007 by harry20007]