posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 10:58 PM
You guys misunderstand.
worldwatcher, jesus teaches that you will pay for every sin you commit even if you repent. This is what our church teaches, the true meaning of
suffering and paying for sin in this world so we will not have to do so
in the next.
also i noticed something. You said or someoe said that what seems evil to some may not to others. So how can former rapest and murderers be evil when
in their own minds its not when commited? Every penny of sin will be payed in full. I have commited alot of sin myself and I wll
pay every ounce of sin I comited.
But after this due is payed and the sinner does not sin after their former crimes, then he will enter the kingdom cleansed by suffering, from his own
sins, but he will surely pay.
Cats do have feelings and emotions, its great how God made them, but they are ceature without (reasson). They eat on instinct, wherefore we could go
days and days of fasting without eating baised on our ability to choose. If a cat is hungry it will eat. If a man is hungry he may not eat and want
to fast. cats
do not know what fasting is.
You see they do not know sin, they cannot commit evil, they cannot curse at each other, they cannot feel (hate), they feel love because Love is apart
of God and hate is not, this is why they cannot hate, they can defend against predators, but not hate like we can because hating is a choice that is
not of God that comes from free will.
see what im trying to say?
" No sense in arguing "
exactly, it will get us no where, ive learned this plenty of times in my life.