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Those that will be saved

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posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 07:48 AM
People that are turning Christian because they think they Jesus is coming back again are the ones which shall not be saved. People who worship religion are doing so because of the devil. THe people that shall be saved are the ones that "sit on the fence" or have an open mind and are willing to prepare for different events. This mad panic some people are having, these people will not be saved.

When i say saved im not sure myself what i mean.

Recently i too have had a strong urge religiously, not to start worshipping God, but to find out more about religion and so on.

If Jesus does come back to earth it will not be with "little green men"

I highly doubt also that God would bother to bring back Jesus to "us" in our lifetimes.

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 08:01 AM
religion, in my eyes, is a falcity. (spelled wrong?!?!) and i must say, i know alot of people that are doing the whole "I LOVE JESUS!" thing ......'just in case'. truly, most people get a religion because they are scared as # that the religion is right and if they dont do it they wont be "saved." now, i personally love studying and observing different religions, recently ive delved into the hirrfying world of communtiy churches....yes the ones who spend thousands of dollars on visual equipment to shine the lyrics of their badly-arranged christian rock songs (with horrible, if any, bass line....bastards...) yet all they can say is "if you acccept jesus as your savior, you will be saved." you have no idea how many times i have heard this. that phrase explains about 75% of attendees of those churches, sadly. i hope im pissing someone off, because theyll probably attack me back and i can sit back and laugh at the mass produced, run of the mill crap youll throw at me. ive heard it al before, people have turned away from me for not believing the same thing they do and the fact that i dont want to, they are shocked and leave me because ill "corrupt" them or somthing. oh, and also, if that god is so loving and values human life. then how would they harden someones heart against another human for that? and also, say someone is the most helpful, virtuous, good-doer on the planet, yet they dont accept jesus as their savior? throw them in the flames? sorry, i dont value people by what they let swallow them whole.

those will be "saved" are in more # than we thought

and no, im not sure what that means either

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 08:10 AM
get ready for a lonnnnnng dirt nap 'cause thats all youre gettin'. !!!!!!!
Paradise and heaven my ass
go to sleep and dont wake up just like every ant and spider you ever snuffed out without a thought.
There is no scientific evidence that heaven exists.
forget about the glory
cause its all a story

The biggest conspiracy to ever hit the human race. Bought by millions, Propagated by billions thru hope and fear

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 08:21 AM
It's called FAITH...

Something that is obviously lacking from this thread.

[Edited on 6-2-2004 by Dr. Know]

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 08:22 AM
Jesus will be with Christ

Every age Christ comes THROUGH a perfected human.


Master Jesus was God (as we all are)and perfected human.
We are entering the Age of Aquarius, and Christ will be back.
Us "New Agers" are aware of this fact.

Christ is Coming, just Love him when he does.
Jesus will be with him, so will alot of Masters.
Some are already here............. Ascended Masters

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by Dr. Know
It's called FAITH...

Something that is obviously lacking from this thread.

[Edited on 6-2-2004 by Dr. Know]

Faith in what or who? Its more belivable to have faith in my pencil at least I can see it.

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by Tesla
Jesus will be with Christ

Every age Christ comes THROUGH a perfected human.


Master Jesus was God (as we all are)and perfected human.
We are entering the Age of Aquarius, and Christ will be back.
Us "New Agers" are aware of this fact.

Christ is Coming, just Love him when he does.
Jesus will be with him, so will alot of Masters.
Some are already here............. Ascended Masters

We are not entering Aquarius, but the Age of the Great Eagle. It can be likened with a man who throws a key into a lake, a fish who eats the key, and a great Eagle who catch the fish with the key and brings it up to Heaven to God, to a hidden place. Fire, rebirth, judgement, penance, quantum leaps, perfection, desert astronomical constructions, machines, angelic mastery in science, time etc., an age of great change and final judgement, slaying of the Great Red Dragon, galactic awareness, reunion with God. Aquarius is merely a Babylo-Roman name for the beginning of this age.


posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 11:18 AM
what are we being saved from?

saved from eternal hell?

hell is what your mind perceives hell to be. Hell can be right here on earth in your everyday lives. Does being saved, mean just dying and moving to the next level? or is it specifically related to going to "heaven"

I guess this is not a question that relates to people who do not believe in the bible and traditional I perhaps shouldn't have even commented on this topic.

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 11:31 AM
God is spirit

God is ominipresent by definition

Omnipresent is definited as "everywhere."

God is with us

God is in each of us

We only need the effort to seek and find God in ourselves and others.

All that apocolypse stuff, gehenna the fuming hellish garbage dump and so forth, is to scare people into doing what they otherwise would do in truth and love.

Remember how the disciples argued among themselves who would be "first in the Kingdom?" Remember how Jesus replied "be a servant?"

Can you really have an enemy when you envision with the spirit of God that lives in you, in fact in all persons on this earth and in the heavens? The fact that it seems not to be the case that your "enemy," is lacking in what you have in relation to God, and there seems evidence, is only ignorance. Otherwise why would Jesus say "love your enemies, do good to those who persecute you?"

Selective blindness as evident from discussions in the Gospels, still exists and creates needless and heedless conflicts all too easily dismissed with even a mustard seed of change to the better.

[Edited on 6-2-2004 by SkipShipman]

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 12:07 PM
Mr know congradulations.

" Its called faith, something lacking fro this thread "

Exactly, and faith causes miracle before proof is given I believe and when I recieved miracles in my life it was because of my faith in him.

"" Love Jesus ""

How do you know people think they are right? This is not a gambling game where we place 50 chance of us being right. Dont you have a clue that some of us have seen stuff that only faith can do and did not grow up in a certain religion?

The saying goes, by their stripes you shall know them, and by their sincerity in speech you shall also know them. Im not judging you guys but I have seen little sincerity in these forums. people cannot believe that some people believe 100% because of stuff they have seen and think believers are one big joke.

I believe in Jesus because of miracles hes shown me andhow I converted to christianity, aand im the crazy clueless soul, But you guys who have inner (truth) all believe something different, never created mirales, search without really searching, and you are the ons who are sane and the true ones.

Do we really want a kingdom where men hate each other? Or a kingdom where everybody believes in something different when God is only one? If heaven is filled ith people who make fun of other people how some of you make fun of me then I fear for this place and actually would not want to be there.

worldwatcher, imagine all the people who have every hated, who spit on you, who hate you, and who could care less about you, place them in a locked room and this is what hell is. How can God let people in his kingdom who act like little immature kids? Or who curse at you or people who hate him? If God let everybody in heaven then it would be like earth is today and would be destroyed itself for having evil in it.

I consider this earth hell right now, though good people live in it, the powerful rule the earth, and the powerful couldcare less about the true God.


posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by Truth

worldwatcher, imagine all the people who have every hated, who spit on you, who hate you, and who could care less about you, place them in a locked room and this is what hell is. How can God let people in his kingdom who act like little immature kids? Or who curse at you or people who hate him? If God let everybody in heaven then it would be like earth is today and would be destroyed itself for having evil in it.


You don't know my whole beliefs, so let me give you a little more insight. I believe in REINCARNATION. When people die, they have to return to live another pitiful mortal or animal life, until they learn the lessons they failed before being able to become one with God. The actions of this current life, will affect what happens to you in your next life.

I don't know what you consider heaven to be, but heaven in my eyes, is to be one with "GOD" again. To return the part of GOD that is ME back to the "SOURCE". In order to return to that "SOURCE" the human soul/consciousness must live many lives on this or other dimensions making up for sins they commit. "GOD" only allows the pure, enlightened souls who have freed themselves from karma to go into "heaven"

your religion, tries to provide a shortcut to GOD, by claiming if you are saved, you will go to heaven. Your religion claims that any evil person who repents will be forgiven and go to heaven. So in reality, so same bad evil people can be in heaven with you as long as they say they believe in your religion, accept Jesus and repent.

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 12:37 PM
Theres always that possibility that religion is fake and what not. I'm just going to be christian till i die. If heaven is real i'll go there, if it isnt oh well.

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 12:41 PM

Theres always that possibility that religion is fake and what not. I'm just going to be christian till i die. If heaven is real i'll go there, if it isnt oh well.

I dont think fake, just corrupted, decieved, misinterpeted.


posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by thesaneone

Faith in what or who? Its more belivable to have faith in my pencil at least I can see it.

You have faith that the air you breath is real don't you?

You can't see it, but you know it's there.

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 12:53 PM
I think Faith can prevade beyond all logical means.
What is wrong with Faith in a Pencil? I have faith imy self, not Jesus, Esa, Muhhamed.
Faith is a personal perogative, thiers no point in debating the intangible.


posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 01:02 PM
worldwatcher with all due respect, did you even use your conscience on this one?

his is not what our church teaches or God. being evil cannot just go away because you say you believe. How can aan evil man repent out of spite?

Ii go to confession,but if im not sincere and sorry, then its unsincere and my evil remains. people cant just say..

" Ill believe jesus and still commit evil and get to heaven "

this is not how it works, you have to be sincerely sorry for evil you have done, believe in his sacrafice sincerely and ask him to keep you from evil. what you said is far from wat our church teaches and far from biblical. Your saying that I can (lie) my way into heaven because I profess Jesus, but if I profes jesus and remain in evil sin than I really reject him and nomatter how many times I repent my evil remains because it was not sincere.

personally I used to sin unending before I ever heard of Jesus, when I had a (desire) t give up sin the I witnessed miracles of him and repented, and he has guided my every step sine then though its been a hard road.

its all aaout sincerity, somthing that lacks thruhout the world.


I have a cat, and he is not a human, hes just a furry little creature who cannot think or use logic or know God. I love him to death as a kid but it would be silly to think that our God would put all the elements of a human soul and than transfer that into a cat which has no (reason) and cannot think but acts on instinct alone.


posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
What is wrong with Faith in a Pencil?

Faith in an inanimate object?? I don't see the relevance, but ok, it's your soul and eternity were talking about here...

Commandment 1 : Thou shall have no other Gods before me

Commandment 2: Thou shall not make for theyself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I; the LORD your GOD, am a jealous GOD, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

Shall we continue?

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by Dr. Know
Commandment 2: Thou shall not make for theyself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I; the LORD your GOD, am a jealous GOD, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

So all of those people that are obsessed with the show Anerican Idol are going to hell? Well then...perhaps there is some justice in the world.

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by Truth
worldwatcher with all due respect, did you even use your conscience on this one?
his is not what our church teaches or God. being evil cannot just go away because you say you believe. How can aan evil man repent out of spite?
Ii go to confession,but if im not sincere and sorry, then its unsincere and my evil remains. people cant just say..
" Ill believe jesus and still commit evil and get to heaven "
this is not how it works, you have to be sincerely sorry for evil you have done, believe in his sacrafice sincerely and ask him to keep you from evil. what you said is far from wat our church teaches and far from biblical. Your saying that I can (lie) my way into heaven because I profess Jesus, but if I profes jesus and remain in evil sin than I really reject him and nomatter how many times I repent my evil remains because it was not sincere.
personally I used to sin unending before I ever heard of Jesus, when I had a (desire) t give up sin the I witnessed miracles of him and repented, and he has guided my every step sine then though its been a hard road.
its all aaout sincerity, somthing that lacks thruhout the world.
I have a cat, and he is not a human, hes just a furry little creature who cannot think or use logic or know God. I love him to death as a kid but it would be silly to think that our God would put all the elements of a human soul and than transfer that into a cat which has no (reason) and cannot think but acts on instinct alone.

Truth, with all due respect:

I just murdered 2 people (not really) and I truly feel remorse now, I am sincere in my remorse. I accept your Jesus. I get to go to your heaven now do I not?

simply by realizing my guilt, I suddenly absolved of my crimes, in your god's eyes have I not? BUT I am still not a murderer? Did I not end two lives and cause pain to others?

Then Your heaven is full of people like that. Former rapists, murderers, criminals of all sorts. Yes they may have accepted Jesus and have repented but they still commited crimes. In my beliefs, you have to pay for every negative action you cause in this life.

As for your cat being reincarnated....well this is how I look at it. Your cat now is a creature who helpless and totally dependent on you for love, support, food and shelter... in my beliefs your cat in his previous live might have been someone who took those things for granted. Someone who mistreated those who depended on him for the thngs you provide to it now.
It is just a lesson being teached to the soul that is now your cat, about how valuable those things are.... and don't tell me your cat is stupid and only acts on instincts.. I know many cats and they are very smart and have personalities of their own.

The way I believe is that the more worse your crime is now, the lower the life form you become in the next life.

now that I have shared my beliefs with you I am done. There is no need to argue which is right and which is wrong, you will always believe what you believe and I will believe what I believe. I hope you were able to understand my beliefs without judging if they were right or not in your religion's point of view.

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 02:51 PM
How in your right mind can you say that an animal does not think, or have emotion.

EVERY living breathing animate animal, species whatever has the ability to think, react and have emotion.

We do not know of course if they posses higher knowledge of thoughts because we can not communicate with them in a way that would revel it.

Can not a cat "feel and be happy" when it purs, do they not actively track and chase down things. Does your cat not know when you are feeling sad ? Maybe your cats dont. But EVERY single cat I have every had in my life "knew" when I was sad or something was not right. They all of a sudden pay more attention to you, or curl up on your lap or lay on your chest or rub against you in a manner that is not normal for their daily activity.

If an animal can not think or react or have emotion, then why would it continue on living, why would it make choices about what to eat, or where to put its babies, or to show anger towards intruders. Or to look out for preteders ? Why would it not just carry on without any regards to its surroundings and maybe fall of a cliff or not attempt to search for food and starve to death.

Animals have to "think" and they react and they have emotion. And if they have emotion then they must have reason and if they have reason then they must have thought and be able to determine and discover good things and bad things. And then so they must have the ability to "recall" like how your dog can recognise someone he has meet before.

All of GOD's creatures means there really is not a big seperation between animals and humans.

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