posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 11:00 PM
A bug has been fixed that caused the same result to get sent to multiple hosts. The next version of SAH will have a new graphical feature where when
viewing in a window, you can now use the mouse to rotate and zoom 3-D objects.
Some recent checkins:
- added a mechanism to handle situations where an app
appears to have exited successfully, but in fact didn't call boinc_finish() or exit(0).
This apparently can happen on various platforms.
The new mechanism:
boinc_finish() writes a file "boinc_finish_called" in the slot directory.
When an app appears to have exited successfully,the core client checks for the existence of this file. If it's not there, the result is placed "in
limbo":it takes up a slot, but the app isn't restarted. If the core client is restarted, the app is restarted.
NOTE: when a core client with this feature releases, it's critical that all users reset the project, and that updated versions of all apps are
released. Might be a good time for a major release increment.
- synchronize access to shared-mem work array by scheduler processes, with the goal of NEVER sending the same result to different hosts.
- Instead of a single bool present flag, there are now 3 states for an element in the array: absent, present, and "checked out" (being considered
for sending)
- There's now a semaphore that a scheduler process must acquire before examining the state field of an array entry (note: the feeder creates this
semaphore,but doesn't have to acquire it because of the producer/consumer situation).
- split out the work-sending part of handle_request.C to a new file (sched_send.C,h) because it was getting kinda big