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Ex-Italian President 9/11 An Inside Job

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posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by rizla
or you're refusing to see the obvious because it's counter to your preconception.

what is there to see? what am I refusing to see?

It's called nothing.

I'm not a fantasists, I have no desire to twist words and look for meanings in a statement that does not exist. One man's opinion does not suddenly bring truth and existence to a conspiracy theory.

If you wanna believe it, fine, be my guest. But don't criticise others for not believing your hype.

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by infinite

I am not attacking you. I am questioning your motive to ignore the obvious meaning of the quote. It's Occam's Razor. Why look for a complicated interpretation when a simple one is apparent. Are you being pedantic or are you arguing against the obvious interpretation because it runs counter to your personal opinion?

Perhaps you would you like to post something other than solely your opinion of the context of the quote. Convince me you're right and and I'll accept it...

But lets look at the facts. There is some debate over his exact meaning and there seems to be no better translation available. But--

1. He clearly states it is the widely held opinion of intelligence groups in the USA and Europe that 9/11 was an inside job.
2. In 2001 he said of 9/11 that

it could not be accomplished without infiltrations in the radar and flight security personnel.

He's saying it was an inside job. This is coming from a man who has been heavily involved with False-Flag Operations.

I think that's enough to wrap it up. But I kept looking. In search of a better translation, I found this long thread:

The best information is a quote from 'a couple of Italians'. It sounds legit and I didn't search the source of the quote. Feel free to do so. The Italian source is ultimately certain Cossiga beileves 9/11 was an inside job. The comment is long and worth reading, but I'll just post their conclusion:

That said, I am also sure that Cossiga used those words because in actuality he knows those things to be true; he knows that 9/11 was planned by the CIA and Mossad. He knows very well of the inside job; He knows that this is common knowledge in certain circles; he knows that speaking out, although in convoluted manner, he's disappointing a lot of people. Chiesa rightfully says that Cossiga likes to play the "village idiot", the fool that can speak the truth when nobody can.

posted on Dec, 30 2007 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by infinite
I'm not a fantasists, I have no desire to twist words and look for meanings in a statement that does not exist.

That is exactly what you are doing. If you have nothing more to say on the subject, I'll assume you accept my point.

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 12:52 AM
Is this argument really still going on? All I keep reading is, "Well it's not like that's proof of the conspiracy".

No one said that. This is just one example of evidence. I guess I need clarification to all of those who choose to keep derailing this thread:

Are you saying his comments are not proof or are not evidence? I ask because I can respond easily to either answer.

"It's not proof". Good. No one said his comments alone are proof that 9/11 was a giant conspiracy.

"It's not evidence". Please discredit him then.

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 05:28 AM

Originally posted by rizla
That is exactly what you are doing. If you have nothing more to say on the subject, I'll assume you accept my point.

Seeing I was applauded for comments in this thread, I disagree with those who think I'm refusing to see the truth (which isn't there)

As the former President of Italy, son of the Italian centre left, he felt the need to point out that not everyone supported the opinion of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. He was not speaking for himself.

(My apologies to the moderators, But I have to mention being applauded in order to defend myself in this thread)

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by rizla
1. He clearly states it is the widely held opinion of intelligence groups in the USA and Europe that 9/11 was an inside job.
2. In 2001 he said of 9/11 that

You could add:
3. He is a professional liar.

All his career he has been a secret service or an Italian politician: he has made a living out of duplicity and now you just believe anything he comes out with, despite him offering no evidence to support his position?!?

He's saying it was an inside job. This is coming from a man who has been heavily involved with False-Flag Operations.

Read that back to yourself a couple of times. Now how can you possibly say that his calling 9/11 an inside job isn't a "false-flag" operation in itself?

The man is a player of games, a creator of conspiracies - I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him. Why do you?

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by FatherLukeDuke

They say keep your enemies close, Duke. Are you saying that because he was in the business intelligence operations that he is not to be trusted at all? That his word is no good?

Would you say the same about members of our intelligence programs? I'm failing to see any real discrediting aspect in what you posted. You basically took his credentials, and then tried to use them to discredit him. Not a great plan.

Here's an example of what you just did:

Lets just say Dr. Ray is a Civil Engineer that designed a bridge that collapsed. He was looking at the design of another bridge and noticed a lot of the same flaws.

"Why would we believe Dr. Ray. Not only is he a civil engineer, who has spent his life building bridges, but he built a similar bridge that collapsed. What would he know? His design was a failure!"

No one is saying take him for his word 100%. That's where you fail to see the point, sir. Again, people are just saying this is one more piece of evidence. Someone who would be in the position to know and who doesn't have to worry about a media smear campaign has come foward with information.

Do you have anything positive or new to add? Or will you just keep saying the same stuff everyone else says?

[edit on 31-12-2007 by Sublime620]

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by Sublime620
"It's not evidence". Please discredit him then.

You champion Cossiga for "outing" Gladio when in fact he only talked about it after another politician mentioned it and his involvement in it. Hardly a whistleblower IMO. When pressed from more info on Gladio, Cossiga resigned his Presidency early rather than face impeachment and/or give more details on his involvement in Gladio.

[url=][/ url]

Only former Prime Minister Francesco Cossiga (DC) confirmed Andreotti's revelations, explaining that he was even "proud and happy" for his part in setting up Gladio as junior Defence Minister of the Christian Democratic Party. This lit up a political storm, requests were made for Cossiga's (Italian President since 1985) resignation or impeachment for high treason. He refused to testify to the investigating Senate committee. Cossiga narrowly escaped his impeachment by stepping down on April 1992, three months before his term expired.[28]

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