posted on Dec, 4 2005 @ 03:33 AM
Semuri, I know what you mean about the Illuminati being around & not being a "Secret Society", per se...but they've been around a lot longer than
since 1776. They've been running things from behind the scenes for many thousands of years, just under that name, & under many different groups &
The Illuminati, the Masons, the Freemasons, the Hilderberger Group, the World Trade Organization, Skull & Bones, the Knights Templar, & many many
other groups, have all basically been different groups, of the same people, intermixing into each other, & fighting with each other, killing off other
people inside & outside of their groups. Basically, like a bunch of young teenage Frat boys.
I've been reading up on these people for most of My life, & it's all basically a bunch of rich & powerful people, influencing, pushing, pulling, &
directing the whole World towards whatever goal they have for that day, that week, that year, or that decade, or century.
They're directing us towards what, you might ask...? Towards a New World Order. So what, you say...? Well, here's the thing that's wrong with it.
It isn't just about getting all the money, & all the land, & all the power, it's about stealing your free will, the right to make your decisions.
The reason for this, is so they will have an easier to control population, of mindless zombies. People who won't question authority, who won't try
to fight for their freedoms, their rights, & their differences.
Do you know how they're doing it? By getting stupid & naive people to only see the things they want them to see. Things like OnStar, for global
tracking that they make look cute & cuddly, by having little kids promote it on TV, by saying "my mommy locked her keys in the car, & we didn't know
what to do..." & Sirius & XM Radio, where you can get music 24/7 without commericals. These are things that track you, wherever you go. You ask "so
what man, what's your point...?". See, these things have really good ways of helping us in society, but each & everything has a dual purpose in
life. You can use a knife, to save a persons life as a surgeon, or you can use it to take a life, like Charles Manson.
It all depends on who's wielding the knife, & what the intention or motive is that makes it's definition. Can you honestly tell Me, that you trust
some corporate company with your personal information? To not turn around & tell the Federal Government your details? Nope, I ain't that naive &
stupid. Sorry to tell you, but when a Federal entity like the FCC can control all of what's on the radio, FEMA gets total control of the Nation is a
National Crisis (say a hurricane, or earthquake, or flood...I know that doesn't give them control of the whole nation, but just think how powerful
that does make them, in selected areas & what if it was something much bigger, like a Nuclear Weapon going off)you have to ask, who's going to
control the controllers. It won't be us, that's for sure. That's when they will have total control, & they only have to give it up when they want
I think that they will protect us in those events is a good thing, but what if their overall intention is to herd us into corals, like sheep being led
to the slaughter? Remember, Hitler had "the best of intentions" for his people, & look where that ended up going. The road to Hell was paved with
good intentions. Some of you on here, may or may not know, but after WWII, the US Government took in German scientists in Operation Paperclip, but did
you know that the CIA took Nazi SS War Criminals into their fold? That after WWII, the OSS (Office of Strategic Services, the CIA, just before
WWII)started down it's turn into the sinister path of becoming the Evil entity the CIA is today. I'm not making this up, it's not My opinion, it
was on the History Channel, under the "History of the CIA". Go on, look it up for yourself.
These are just a few examples of the Illuminati, & other major players in taking control from us. I know I may have gotten off topic a bit, but
there's so much more to these things than most people have a tendency to think about. Wake up people, before it's too late.
[edit on 4-12-2005 by SpartanKingLeonidas]
[edit on 4-12-2005 by SpartanKingLeonidas]