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illuminati official recruiting website?

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posted on Jul, 4 2002 @ 06:09 PM
Hey, I was looking up some info on the Illuminati and I stumbled onto this website:
It says how to join and all that. Why would such a secret society be so open to the public like that? Are they even worth joining?

(edit all caps title)

[edit on 4-12-2005 by pantha]

posted on Jul, 4 2002 @ 08:23 PM
It's a hoax.

Whether or not you believe in the Illuminati (I don't), this website is just an impressive looking bit of smoke and mirrors designed to get your money.

A *REAL* organization would have swiped the name back from Steve Jackson games a long time ago. It would have shut down Taylor Trump's business board/business website (called "" and it has nothing to do with conspiracies and isn't funded by any sort of huge super organization.) A real organization with power and money that was recruting would own their own servers, their own DNS, and their own ISP.

Heck, Steve Jackson does, and he's just the one who made the Illuminati game. So why can't a world-dominating organization do as well as a small gaming company?

answer: because it's bogus.

(and it's fooled a lot of other folks... don't feel too disturbed. You were right to be a bit skeptical.)

posted on Jul, 6 2002 @ 01:43 AM
Heh! They say that they have an "all-encompasing" power-structure already in place to save the world...But look at the staus of the world as it is; Is *this* what they're really doing if that website was telling the truth?


posted on Jul, 6 2002 @ 12:25 PM
Why is it when i see a website or read up on the illuminati, pictures of eyes and pyramids are always there? whats the importance of this exactly?

That one world order website is a prime example, even if it is a fake.

posted on Jul, 6 2002 @ 04:44 PM
The eye alone is a symbol of tthe catholic church.

So what they do is put that eye of the church over a pyramid to mock the church.

They will mock christians anyway they can, and the eye over the pyramid is a satanic symbol, thats
why its on the dollar bill.


posted on Jul, 8 2002 @ 08:31 AM
TRUTH - Could you give me any leads so I can research the symbol of the eye of the pyrimids being satanic? I'll begin on my own; however, I thought if you did the work already...

Money is a great power in this world. Who makes huge decisions about it/controls it? ... Is Al Greenspan a member of the NWO ?

I'm new to all this, so any leads will help .

posted on Jul, 8 2002 @ 12:13 PM
The eye has been used as pagan symbol hence not "Satanic" please understand that satanism and paganism are two different variables.Ever since the egyptian times the eye has been used as a symbol of which I still got to research though but yes, the catholic church is pretty much a cult of it's own morfing from pagan rituals to sanctified priests and godliness.I wouldn't of been surprised if they would've went full speed on the mocking just as they did on the dollar bill, oh well....

posted on Jul, 9 2002 @ 02:54 AM

Originally posted by Byrd
It's a hoax.

Whether or not you believe in the Illuminati (I don't), this website is just an impressive looking bit of smoke and mirrors designed to get your money.

A *REAL* organization would have swiped the name back from Steve Jackson games a long time ago. It would have shut down Taylor Trump's business board/business website (called "" and it has nothing to do with conspiracies and isn't funded by any sort of huge super organization.) A real organization with power and money that was recruting would own their own servers, their own DNS, and their own ISP.

Heck, Steve Jackson does, and he's just the one who made the Illuminati game. So why can't a world-dominating organization do as well as a small gaming company?

answer: because it's bogus.

(and it's fooled a lot of other folks... don't feel too disturbed. You were right to be a bit skeptical.)

Actually there are many, many official websites REPRESENTING the Illuminati Order...The Illuminati simply respects them because the Illuminati is NOT a "secret society"...It is an order of government that is moving into place, its been moving since 1776...

Besides, if an organization such as the Illuminati were as such, and if they took down Steve Jackson's game and they would prove their existance...The Illuminati dunnot deny their existance while they dunnot stand up and shout their existance, but when you start looking around in international corporations and national governments, you start to see references to the Order.

You all must understand that the New World Order has been here since 1776, thats just one great illumination, its already here...The UN is one piece of evidence...Bush wanting to make an international eurodollar currency system is evidence, and there's much more...What hasen't started yet you may ask yourself........................The One World Order. The time when Jesus(antichrist) returns to the Temple of God and claims himself God, setting this international currency and making the economy perfect, and stopping the wars in the mid east and stopping terrorism for 7 years...

posted on Jul, 9 2002 @ 08:47 AM

Would you care to give us some documentation on your points:

  • Illuminati is NOT a "secret society"...It is an order of government that is moving into place, its been moving since 1776...
  • the New World Order has been here since 1776
  • many official websites REPRESENTING the Illuminati Order (would you give us some examples of "Official Websites" that represent the Illuminati? Not the ones like SJG and Taylor Trump, which we know are not associated in any way.

I've seen a number of pages on the Illuminati (some are just outright wild imaginings... particularly the ones that are "divinely inspired"). I haven't seen these particular theories before, so I'm just curious about your references and sources.

posted on Jul, 9 2002 @ 08:57 AM
could you enlighten poor Estragon on what exactly the "international eurodollar currency system" and why and how GWB is promoting it?

posted on Jul, 11 2002 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by Cemi_PREver since the egyptian times the eye has been used as a symbol of which I still got to research though
Start with the Eye of Horus symbol. It represented watchfulness & protection; Pharoahs from the Middle Kingdom afterwards used Horus as a "Guardian Angel" type of deity & incorporated symbols of Horus with statues of royalty. The traditional enemy of Set, who killed his father Osiris; Also, Horus represented righteous vengeance. The Eye of Horus symbol was also incorporated into mathematics, different portions of the cartouche representing different fractional values.

Semuri has been referring mostly to the Bavarian Illuminati, founded by Adam Weshapt; I'd have to look up some historical details before I can get more specific here, but the Bavarian Illuminati was merely the first *known* secret society to actually use "Illuminati" in the group's name. Secret societies have actually been around since the height of Mesopotamia (if not earlier). A couple of the Barvarian Illuminati's targets for infiltration & subornation included the Catholic Church & the Freemasons...

posted on Jul, 17 2002 @ 01:17 AM
every thing that has to do with the catholic
church has to do with paganism by protestant interpretation.

one of the symbols of the catholic church is a triangle with
an eye inside of it with rays surrounding the triangle.

Its an eye in a equilateral triangle ; a six pointed star, termed
the creators star, the hebrew letters for the word jehovah (god), inside
a triangle, and surrounded by rays. the hebrew yod inside a triangle, or two
yods within rays of glory.

The triangle represents the trinity. not some egyptian pyramid connection as protestants think.

but the satanic symbol on the dollar is not the same as the catholic
churches at all.

They have they triangle "under" the eye instead of in it, and its
not even a triangle but its a "pyramid" when the catholic churches symbol
is only a triangle with the eye in the triangle.

it is used to mock the church.


posted on Jul, 17 2002 @ 08:19 AM
Would you please supply some Catholic church references showing that this is one of their offical symbols?

I have a number of Catholic friends and they all say this is the first THEY have heard of this.

posted on Jul, 17 2002 @ 09:38 PM
byrd, i have got this info right out of the catholic catechism.

They mock the church by putting the eye over the satanic

it is a symbol of the church, just the eye not the pyramid.


posted on Jul, 19 2002 @ 01:58 AM
I am not catholic, but I went to a catholic school for 8 years and never once saw that symbol associated with catholicism. Or Christianity in general.

In all the things I've read on "conspiracies" not once have I heard this?

The Illuminati is very much a secret society, it is NOT the one-world-order movement. It encourages its' movement though.

Regarding your theories, sources, please.

posted on Jul, 19 2002 @ 08:11 AM
And I'd like to know what makes a pyramid satanic and what makes it not-satanic. It's just a geometric shape... heck, you can find it in some naturally-occuring crystals.

And who's mocking what church by "putting the eye over the satanic

I'm not trying to be aggressively confrontational -- this is stuff that I've NEVER encountered anywhere else, and like everyone else I really would like to know your sources for this.

posted on Jul, 19 2002 @ 09:10 AM
With the state the world's in now, the
Illuminati are either completely distracted
by their hosed Enron and Worldcom investments, or
they're waiting for things to get a little
bit worse before stepping in and imposing
martial law on most of the globe, or they
really aren't too amazing after all.....

But forget the New World Order....just
concentrate on The Next World Order.

posted on Jul, 19 2002 @ 09:18 AM
The deal with Pyramids is that, like crystals,
they are what are called "power channelers"
or "energy funnelers" in that they supposedly
channel beneficial energies in your direction.

I really don't know how a geometric block can do much with
anybody's energies...what I do know is that
you alone can concentrate your energy either
for Good or for Evil.

The pyramid is actually more a symbol than a tool, and means that
if you can concentrate and direct your personal and/or spiritual energy, you can
achieve quite impressive results....

posted on Jul, 20 2002 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by TruthThey mock the church by putting the eye over the satanic pyramid.
Exactly what is it about the pyramid, in & of itself, that makes it satanic? Pyramids have appeared on nearly every continent in a wide variety of cultures. Is it satanic simply because pyramids were invented *before* Christianity? Also, Cemi is right...Paganism is actually a "style" of religion (which covers a variety of specific belief-structures from different cultures but they're based on nature-worship of one kind or another), but satanism is an entirely different religion. Paganism is *older* than Christanity (and older than satanism too, because satanism is about as old as Christianity).

Originally posted by sassure
The deal with Pyramids is that, like crystals, they are what are called "power channelers" or "energy funnelers" in that they supposedly channel beneficial energies in your direction.
There have been some experiments concerning the channeling of energy with a pyramid-shape, but nothing very conclusive or actually *usable*. If it takes a month for a pyramid to sharpen a razor blade, I can do the same thing with 2 minutes & a whetstone...

posted on Jul, 21 2002 @ 07:27 AM
Jesus is the capstone or whatever type of stone. So Satan replaces it with his little eye symbol.....he loves to be the substitute of God, for example the golden calf, the Hindu belief that a cow is a sacred animal, etc. The pyramid with 13 levels as you can see on the back of the dollar bill is a symbol of freemasonry and each level represents different things. The lidless eye is Satan's symbol. If you didn't know Satan was Lucifer a very beautiful, smart, and powerful angel, the 2nd in command of heaven. He was/ is a cherub which (to my knowledge) is an angel that looks basicaly like a centaur of mythology with the body of a cow, kind of, and the upper half human in form maybe with wings...... That's why you have the whole cow being sacred thing......he loves to steal God's limelight if you will...... He also hates the fact that we are the only ones created in His image............ Aaaaaaaah what 99% of freemasons don't know.....................

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