reply to post by jinj
Hey there jinj,
I'm a past-life regression therapist ... have been for over 10yrs ... love my job coz I get to travel the world without leaving the comfort of my
office ... and never get jet-lag either.
Note to the poster who wondered what phenomenol amounts we get paid ...
1/ Well I can only speak for myself of course but my listed price is £35 (one and a half hour session + transcript). and that is flexible if someone
wants to be regressed but can't afford that much then I accept whatever they can afford to pay.
2/ Throughout the hundreds of people that I've regressed I've never had a Cleopatra ... Napoleon ... King Solomon or anyone else famous on my couch
but I suppose even famous historical figures can come back as just a regular joe at some point ... so not impossible.
3/ I've never ever come across a regression therapist who TELLS their client who they were in a past-life ... although I have heard of it and I would
think it very suspect. A bit like getting paid to tell someone a bedtime story ... and I bet they'd charge a damnsite more than I do ! The memories
must come from the clients subconscious mind so that they get the benefit of understanding what makes them tick in this life.
I became a regression therapist after experiencing 'spontaneous' past-life memory back in 1992 (no therapy involved). I recalled a lifetime at
Millcombe, in North Cornwall (between Tintagel and Boscastle), during the 17th century. I wrote all my flashbacks down and made them into a book.
Being a natural sceptic I wanted to know if the people/places etc. that I'd recalled had actually existed ... or had I just lost the plot. The last
four chapters of my book cover the authenticating evidence that I'd discovered during my research.
I know the sceptics out there will probably say, 'how do we know that you didn't do the research then write the story'?
Well of course I can't prove that and if no-one believes me I couldn't really give a s*** ... because I only needed to convince me that my sanity
was still in tact ... although there are some who know me that might dispute that last comment
I developed a technique that doesn't use hypnoisis. This has many benefits namely ... it reduces the anxiety factor in first time clients ... the
client is aware of everything they have said throughout the session ... the memory is less likely to be tainted by suggestion from the therapist
(intentional or accidental) ... the recall is as close to spontaneous memory as it's possible to get.
The benefits of regression are numerous;
1/ improves (if not eliminates), stress related pain/emotional problems/phobias.
2/ Helps you to understand why you react to certain people/situations the way that you do in your current life.
3/ Makes you feel more complete
I could go on but you'll soon know for yourself. Enjoy it and let us know how it goes and who/where/when you were. It changed my life forever and for
the better. If you have any specific questions ask away.