reply to post by Pilgrum
The earths axis of rotation flipping in an instant is not going to happen, the amount of energy required to tip the axis, would be planet ending. It
would be a collision on the scale of the one that formed the moon, the reason our axis is tilted and processes.
Now a polarity reversal in the earths magnetic field is a fairly common thing, geologicaly speaking, it happens with reasonable regularity.
There is a new theory, that acurately predicts and cause and effects of magnetic feild polarity shift.
Follow along closely, the earths core is not one structure but two.
The outer core is an alloy of iron/nickel/silicon in a fluid state. It has a rotation anc convective currents that are driven by the heat from the
inner core.
The inner core is not iron but is actually uranium. The heat of decay from the uranium keeps the outer core molten and circulating in an opposite
direction as itself.
The uranuim core is an excellent solution to the fact that there is not enough "tidal" energy being put into the earth from the moon or any other
celestial object to keep the core molten.
As the planets formed the heavier elements setttled farther into the gravity well, uranium is the heaviest naturally occurring element, it settled to
the bottom of each individual gravity well of the inner planets.
Mars being farther out had less uranium to collect at its core, thusly it cooled and its core solidified and stopped rotating. Consequently it has
almost no magnetic field.
Earth and venus collect copius ammounts of uranuim and it settled into the cores and keeps them hot. Earth and venus still have volcanoes mars does
Now we are talking about magneto-hydro dynamics, or how molten metal moving generate electrical fields.
As the inner and outer core rotate in opposite directions they generate electrical fields, as the outer convects it generates electrical fields, and
electrical fields create magnetic fields, and you have our magnetic field.
Now, uranuim has an affinity for silicon, and at high temperatures if forms a compound called uranium silicide. The uranium silicide forms a shell at
the boundry of the of the inner and outer cores. It doesnt form it uniformly but kind haphazzardly, in varying thicknesses. It is also a wonderful
insulator of heat and is non-magnetic.
So as this "shell" builds around the inner core it insulates the heat from the inner core away from the outer core. With out heat to drive the
convection currents and keep the outer core rotating if will slowly come to a stop. Once it stops the, electrical fields die and so does the magnetic
This isulative layer of uranium silicide is also non-magnetic, so as it builds in thickness it interupts the formation of magnetic fields.
So basicly in review, what youve got is a 5 mile dia. ball of uranium taht is cooking away. It keeps the iron/nickel/silicon outer core molten and
rotating. This circulation of molten metal generates electrical fields, these electrical fields give rise to the magnetic fields that protect our
Over time uranium silicide builds up in the boudry layer, as a solid, in an un-even distribution. as this shell build in thickness it insulates heat
from the inner core reaching the outer core, there by weaking the electrical fields and thusly the magnetic field.
As the shell builds around the inner core 2 things happen, 1) the outer core slowly comes to a stop, the point of minimum electrical fields and
magnetic fields. At the same time inside the shell the teperature and pressure rise, because of the insulation effect of the shell. When the temp and
pressure reach high enough levels the uranium silicide sublimates back into its constitent elements., and the outer core starts rotating again
, IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION. Re-establishing the electrical fields and magnetic fields, in a reversed state of polarity.
For a period of time the polarity will not be stable nor will its orientation, the magnetic poles will flip wildy and there will be mutiple N/S pole
pairs, some times over the course of days or weeks.
The whole event takes place on the scale of centuries.
When the theory is modeled it matches very closely with actual observational data.
We are in the midst of polarity reversal right now, its not going to happen tomorrow or the day after, but it will happen. There are places around
the globe where the polarity has already shifted or the field is unstable, and flipps temporarily.
As far as life goes I dont think anything that doesnt know that it is happening will know that it is happening, other than some oddly placed
atmospheric displays. It has happend many times in the past and here we are.
Now that is not to sasy there wouldnt be some sort of siesmic event related to the dissolution of the uranium silicide shell.
I would tend to think that with the release of so much built up energy that there would be tremendous earth quakes, and vulcanism around the
At the point of weak and unstable or no magnetic field that there should be some sort of electronic disturbance.